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Hope he gets arrested.

I need a quick rundown

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wtf he was based.

Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep

He was pushing the whole "this shooting was the NRA's fault" narrative to try deflect blame from the fact that his department fucked up on every possible level, including ordering officers who were on scene to stand down.

hopefully, he gets hanged next

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>sheriff Israel
KEK what?

If only Congress voted like that for no confidence in (((Israel)))

nice try chiam. Sheriff Israel orchestrated the shooting with Soros sycophants in the FBI and the Soros PMC to try and take muh guns.

>He actually said that.
Holy fucking shit, I thought that user was just making a joke.

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I mean that tweet is about a quick a rundown as youre going to get.

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And just think, those drama club faggots wasted their time in a futile battle against legal gun owners when they legitimately could have gotten this useless kike impeached instead.

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Attached: coward sheriff blocks ambulances, police stand down kills children.jpg (750x797, 392K)

>when yo greif seed get too full

Attached: homura.jpg (480x360, 16K)

>m4 stock on zastava
