They're trying to "deprive us of our new ally" Kanye.
You ShareBlue shills don't understand how people on Jow Forums tend to think. We aren't going to blindly start hating Kanye just because we see "Hehe Kanye is a stupid niggur". We are naturally contrarian, even against other Jow Forumstards. We don't think in hives. If you flood a Kanye thread with comments from 100 different IP addresses, calling him a low-iq leftist, etc. that wont change our mind about him one way or the other. We'll just think the commentors are retards.
We're reaching levels of intersectionality that shouldn't be possible
Brayden Cook
That's fine. They can all come over and see the constant information dumps and fact sheets on the Jews and their presence within American government and industry. Along with all the memo bullshit.
Colton Richardson
Kanye is a stupid nigger he's just doing this to get people's attention before dropping his new album
Oliver Rodriguez
>Hello fellow 4channers. I, an user just like you, have some useful information about the astro turf org. shareblue.
This is embarrassingly transparent shitlib garbage and I can smell your low IQ from here.
i love how they keep trying to prop up the alt-kike strawman over and over! They're absolutely STUPID! Only a someone that utterly stupid would continue doing the exact same thing and expecting a different result! W......E......W
Landon Nelson
Landon Harris
Of all the fucking people, it was Kanye West who finally broke Shartblue..........
>another fake shill campaign >Jow Forums dumb enough to fall for it
Matthew Harris
Call me a shareblue shill all you want Kanye is still a stupid nigger and the only shills here are the retards that keep spamming threads about him
Owen Wright
Haha man I hope this stays bumped so when Yeez drops by, he'll see it and understand again just how right he is for not wanting this kind of fucked up shit in the world.
I mean, why don't they just come right out and say it? NOOO THE BLACKS MUST REMAIN SLAVES FOR US!!
>If you flood a Kanye thread with comments from 100 different IP addresses, calling him a low-iq leftist, etc. that wont change our mind about him one way or the other. We'll just think the commentors are retards.
Also, yes, good job, OP! Please continue to always tell the enemy exactly what they're doing right & wrong so they can exact and perfect their assault. Awesome job, man!
Christian Gomez
>we will >we
Then I suppose it's my duty to tell you to fuck off, I am enjoying this for the shitshow it's causing, but respect you to like it for your own reasons.
Jose Torres
They sound scared
Joshua Gray
Brayden Moore
>shariablue try to get people to post on internet instead of just creating bots
this is why trump only spent like 50million on the campaign and hillary spent 1billion, cause retards like this are put in charge of huge warchests for political parties
>Jow Forums wants to label things they dont like as shilling >but just calling someone a shill doesn't work that way >TIME TO FALSE FLAG AND CREATE FAKE "SHILL" GROUPS AND THEN "LEAK" THEIR PLANS >WHAHAHAHA
Benjamin Campbell
Exactly, shareblue won't change my mind with fake intel. Kanye is a nigger and his opinion is worth nothing, but him coming out as pro-Trump is significant nonetheless.
Luke Clark
hotep =/= kanye
im not alt-right so i guess your ''''''''''logic''''''''' is invalid
Levi Powell
they'd have better luck awakening #teamtay tbdesu their out-of-touch strategy leads me to believe OP
What I don't like about the Kanye shit is how many threads there are about it. It's good that he's become a MAGA puppet but I really don't care about celeb culture and seeing that shit spammed here annoys me ngl
OP here, that post you just made was in the #ressources of the shareblue discord. The burger is a shill, but everyone already knew that its so obvious that you 2 are coordinated
Liam Sanders
>Straight black men are almost a minority in thier own demographic
Gotta love the Left! They may as well call it, 'Operation Poke The Nest' >they should worry less about the phantom Alt-R boogeyman and worry more about "the kind of people" they're attacking >this is a thing of beauty as we watch BLM get RP'd on the JQ ==> followed by the cutting of all ties with the pied-Scheisters and Steinbergs >the commie Left is now in a quandary, because no matter how many Blacks disagree with the King of Wakanda, they will side with him against all comers >say goodbye to funding from Billionaire nation destroyers as no one will show up to an ass-whipping by the Kingdom >Meanwhile, the phantom Alt-R LARP'rs can promote every RP'd Black that wants off the dem plantation >one-wing of the eagle is damaged, and the dichotomy of the two-party system awaits an incoming power party that disagrees with both wings of the two-party system
If the left loses the black vote, they lose all future elections. They already lost the white working class vote, and they are starting to lose the woman vote as well. Democrats have really shot themselves in the foot, much for that "blue wave"
those pics look incredibly fake, but Kanye is still ourguy
Andrew Jackson
>We are naturally contrarian, even against other Jow Forumstards. We don't think in hives. They really still don't get it, do they? We set hives on fire just to watch them burn. I demand more worthy opponents, these deranged leftists are boring me at this point.
these fucking faggots have no idea how ineffective & effete their "tactics" are going to be when they bring that shit here
Ayden Howard >Israel’s Online Shadow Operations >Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
wow, they have no fucking idea what they are doing do they? is that what they actually think we are like here? lol keep tryin sharecucks, you'll get us one of these times
HAHA Shareblue btfo again >trying to form a consensus on Jow Forums meme land
Ryan Bell
of course he's a dumb nigger, but if he is trying to work on himself and is willing to spread right wing populism to millions of normies I DONT FUCKING CARE
Kayden Roberts
false flag but I'm ok with this
Isaiah Powell
in Jow Forums reigns the common sense, anything else is shill bullshit so even if a dindu is a dindu noone here would be against what kanye is doing
Charles Sanders
You realize the trump puppets are playing both sides right? By conjuring up a a boogeyman they can bolster more support for there new agenda, getting Kanye to garner more support for the Republican Party. Take a look at /ptg/ and tell me what you see. They’re nothing more than a collective of cringey mutts, boomer cat ladies, niggers and Jews. They’re all about”BASED” civic nationalism and are all pro Zionist. Any and all criticism towards trump means you’re a shill. These people are fucking cancer and because of this I’m going to vote blue just to spite these cancerous faggots. Good luck in 2020..
Sebastian Gutierrez
Sexual frustration, him being a nigger and his liberal tendencies aren't why I'm suspect of this new angle. It's his recent change in manager to Scooter Braun, the Jew who made Bieber, that has me questioning the sincerity of all this. He was always quietly protrump, but all of a sudden just after he changes manager and comes out of his "sunken place"(aware it's a movie reference). He nutted off at a concert a while back, disappeared from the public eye with rumors circulating about private physicians and inpatient mental healthcare. He suddenly bursts back into ranting on Twitter in a similar fashion, but nothing happens to him. This new manager doesn't stop him. Either it's a new marketing angle, let Kanye kanye and see what new demographics he can pull in with his protrump spiels. Losing a few poor negros to gain many white middle class folks as customers is a pretty solid trade. Or it's something else. It's another controlled figure entering to political landscape of the US from the new position. One with a well placed (((handler))) in the wings to direct the show. It seems the tactic has shifted somewhat. No direct control, allowing a more dynamic and believable interaction through social media. Kanye is a talented artist, but he lacks intellectual fortitude and elegance. Why bother changing that when a similarly endowed individual with a bit of cunning managed to gain the presidency. Or it's both of those at once, wouldn't shock me.
I don't trust this because it feels too good to be true. If the Hollywood establishment starts to shift outwardly towards the right, I'll put money it being in service of (((the powers that be))) and not being an organic shift. Where entertainment is concerned, it's about money and power. I'm glad to see a famous face appear to support different politics than the expected norm. It certainly has it's benefits. But I'm not yet convinced this isn't more Hebe manipulation at work. I want to be wrong.
Are you one of those guys that says a YT video of a congressional meeting is not valid evidence because it's on YT? Because that's how you're sounding.
Aaron Perry
>Take a look at /ptg/ and tell me what you see i never went there more than 1 minute and max 5 times. >They’re nothing more than a collective of cringey mutts, boomer cat ladies, niggers and Jews. They’re all about”BASED” civic nationalism and are all pro Zionist. i didnt know it was that bad. I guess that explain the boom of civnat cucks recently. they probably feel like kanye is a good reason to leave their containment thread >because of this I’m going to vote blue just to spite these cancerous faggots. Good luck in 2020.. i understand the feeling. i dont really want dems to win but if they win, i will enjoy laughing at these magatards. it will be the consolation prize
Lucas Robinson
if you think it is the same, I REALLY think you should consider suicide
Gabriel Sullivan
I want this to be real, I really do. I just don't know if it is.
If we could get absolute proof that this message is being spread on a ShareBlue private chat service, it could cause the greatest political revolution in 4 generations.
Mason Morgan
Chase King
>If we could get absolute proof that this message is being spread on a ShareBlue private chat service, it could cause the greatest political revolution in 4 generations.
Lolwut. Everyone already knows they do shit like this.
Michael Reyes
Knowing and proving are two different things. If there was real proof, something to grab onto that couldn't be denied, it would be spectacular.
> Democratic party caught creating racist propaganda to swing mid-term elections.