Would anyone please explain to me why Emma Gonzales is not as famous as she used to be like a month ago? The topic of gun violence is still just as important and her speech was so good it should be historic.
So what's going on, I rarely even see posts about her on my Facebook feed anymore, a month ago liberals were crazy about her.
Guys, please support this girl. She can't just fade like that. She's too good, her cause is too important. She is better than that.
Who the fuck is Emma Gonzales and who is the man on the picture?
Ethan Reed
Emma Gonzales is the person in the photo, she is a stunning, brave young girl She will go down in history as one of the greats, just listen to her speech and you will know what I'm talking about It needs to be studying on at school, quite frankly
I just want to know why she used to be so much bigger and how we as a board can promote her better
Nathaniel Ortiz
>leftists can stay on task for more than a month LOL
Leo Gonzalez
>who is the man on the picture?
Vin Diesel.
Eli Lewis
Don't make fun of her, she's bae Also a feminist so she's strong and empowered Ahh I love her
I wanna come over to the US and help her take all of your guns away forcefully
Ayden Sullivan
who? i'm not that into telenovelas
Dylan Cook
She fucked up when she admitted bullying the shit out of the shooter and being proud of it. The media support collapsed after that.
Hudson Rogers
> still trying to make emma goblinzalez relevant
Jose Reed
>liberals >supporting gun control Amerimutt politics.
Hudson Wilson
People realized how ugly goblina's are making america and they've stopped paying attention and started prepping.
Parker Murphy
Uhhh didn't Clinton send him back to his family back in Cuba like 20 years ago?
Cooper Bennett
Fuck off, Emma. No one gives a shit.
Jeremiah Smith
I would like you to try, too. Faggot.
Liam Martin
by guns he means semen, be safe user
Grayson Walker
>I wanna come over to the US and help her take all of your guns away forcefully
>tfw your 15 minutes of fame are over but you can't accept it so you get your meme lab to post goblina memes on chinese thatch weaving board in the hopes of trying to become relevant again
>Her cause is too important >Couldn't even get Florida legislators to consider a bill that would ban AR-15s >Had her spotlight taken by the most unlikable face (Hogg) to ever appear on tv.
Noah Smith
Her being an actor is just as an insane of an idea as jews being anything other than completely regular people with less economic power than the average white guy
John Ramirez
No, the media realized that these kids weren't really helping push the cause the way they hoped, so they dropped them. Fuck that, they shit their bed, I say make them lie in it instead of being able to quietly drop it.
>a killer But he hasn't killed before the bullying got too bad. You can't be a killer if you havent killed.
Joseph Gutierrez
He was a future killer, same thing They sensed he could be a killer, so they stayed as far away from him as possible I'd say they did the right thing
Emma Gonzales is flawless. She is also right about Trump, who receives 30 MILLION dollars from the NRA and her smile when she says it is so so so beautiful........
I know she will make a good change in society for women and children
Because you implied that you being a dude qualifies you better to explain to me something which I am studying
And we call BS! I'm listening to it right now, so amazing
Luis Butler
>Because you implied that you being a dude qualifies you better to explain to me something which I am studying I'll take "Shit I Never Said" for 500, Alex >implying "le mansplaining" is anything bit an ad hominem
Okay that was kind of funny but that was NOT what I meant!! They sensed he was a killer and they even reported him to the cops, stop victim blaming please
Hudson Reed
Oh really???
Aiden Price
You're gonna need a gun for that you fucking chump. Neck thyself.
Julian Sullivan
>ad hominem
Like I said though, you dont have anything to explain you just came to attack me and Emma, when you are less qualified to speak on news events than I am
Thomas Green
It was only getting attention because people paid to give it attention. Just another gun grab attempt. Expect them to show up again around the elections I hope. Cause the left seems to be dumb enough to think its a winning issue for them.
Angel Lewis
People aren't that into 14 year old aristocrats talking down to them. What you saw was temporary fake outrage from shills, like long form click bait.
Girl? You sure that's not a man dressing like a girl? "She" doesn't look that much like a girl
Mason Smith
> ...you just came to attack me and Emma...
Implying your not here trying to refill on your gofundme's
Kevin Lee
This board is now one huge slide, to distract from this
Asher Rivera
Sadly, La Goblina and Hoggle found their 15 minutes of fame to be extremely fleeting.
Their career as a meme lasted a little longer than their career as the Face of America's Brave Youth. Their utter inability to string a sentence together which wasn't buzzwords and duck-billed platitudes was their downfall.
La Goblina teaches Gender Studies and Women's Things at a community college.
Hoggle and his husband retired from public life and run an organic, vegan bakery in Sacramento.
Isaac James
>169544908 Feminism empowers women over men and children. Egalitarianism supports the idea that all men and women should be treated equally. Quit using feminism as a positive aspect.
Camden Baker
She used all her political capital up. She will need to wait for the next tragedy to occur. Same with that neet, Hogg.
Evan Long
Nasim shot this news cycle dead. I don't know exactly how a shooting ended a news cycle about shootings but somehow that did happen. Its weird.
Jaxon Williams
rural america has their own views on urban life and as many nice words as you select the rural country people have a hefty decision strength in this nation .
Brody Clark
Because they realized these dumb fucking retarded ass kids are going to make Republicans go out and vote
Wyatt Baker
Thomas Green
(((Bankers))) don't become rich by continuing to dump money into "investments" with a poor ROI.
Angel Williams
>her speech You actually think those were her words? These kids are nothing but puppets and people are starting to realise it.
Isaac Lewis
She was killed by her own gun!
Colton Brooks
The hijacking of a school shooting for self promotion purposes by these two clowns was self defeating.
The Marchapoolza featuring Demi Lovato, Arianna Granda, and teen heatthrob George "Facts of Life" Clooney in retrospect funeral.