Got a new game for you /POL

This is the 'Cry Closet' at the University of Utah (pic related)

> little sissybitch snowflake faggots made this for art project
> other faggots go inside to cry for 10 minutes if they need to
> must be destroyed

Here's where Utah Jow Forumsocks come in...

1000 Kekistani Shekels to the first user to go into the SJW cry space and cut a huge dump in there and post proof. That's it.

Go to UOU. Locate crybaby bullshit room. Turn it into porta-sitter.

You have your orders men. Grab a burrito and move out.

Attached: FB_IMG_1524781458124.jpg (720x960, 38K)

You know what goes in all fields.

>ib4 Pajeet wins

Not a Utahnon, but bumping

Attached: 1524144965008.jpg (502x496, 58K)

>1000 Kekistani Shekels

Attached: nu-pol.jpg (1100x771, 159K)

Elliot Rodger would have loved this thing

This is at pissing UVU? I go to BYU, figures those mormon hating sooks would be a bunch of pansies lmaoooo. I knew to run when I saw their brochures and saw all the claims about vibrant diveristy lmao

Always down for a good lol. Have a bump m8

just replace the plush animals with copies of pic related

Attached: grow-the-fuck-up-a-book-that-teaches-you-how-to-be-an-adult-0.jpg (872x759, 86K)

Unironically, they know not.


expecting new friends to know board culture, how intolerant of you

>Do you know someone that can't seem to manage their money, prepare for a job interview, create a resume and cover letter, or use a credit card? If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then they need to grow the f*ck up.

honestly, don't be a degenerate and don't take a poop in there, just do society a favor for once and replace the toys with books that are red-pilled or are related to maturiy

Then fucking do it yourself you self fudge pushing faggot!
>kekistani sheckels

Dont just pinch a loaf, but jack off in there too.

destroying it is the last thing we should do. Even normies are laughing at this nonsense, and sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Nah just do nothing and wait for some girl to get raped in one by a male feminist

Because I don't live in fucking Utah you fucking botched abortion...

I feel like I don't really need pink eye right now.
Thanks though.

Wow, destruction of private property and freedom of expression. I think it's dumb too, but if you don't care about it, fuck off. It's not yours, "Kekistani" shill.

Sounds like onions


Attached: 1524279839432s.jpg (118x125, 3K)

Soooo, nobody has jerked off in there yet?

Didn't stop 'Capture the Flag' a while back...

This is a better plan, instead of destroying public property and giving them the victim card just replace their toys with red pill material or just stuff telling them that this isn't good for them.

Your lack of aggression frankly concerns me. You really think placing redpill materials in there would elicit any different reaction than cutting chud in there? Plus it would be far less funny.

You leave any literature in there more right-wing than "Das Kapital" and the whole campus will be clamoring for a new mandatory sensitivity class...

> Just take a shit in there and watch the nation erupt over one of your turds, knowing that your deuce had national importance

Drill a hole in the side.