Is it degenerate to pee sitting down?

Is it degenerate to pee sitting down?

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No it's redpilled

No one sees you when you when you're in the bathroom, so who cares as long as it stays in the bathroom.

is it ok to be transgender in the bathroom

This. If it's your or a friends home, and you don't want to make a mess, then it's ok.
If you are in a public restroom then it's degenerate

>is y degenerate
is not a clever way to disguise
>is x redpilled

It is ok if you are drunk.

Yes, it is degenerate.

only if you have to pee from your butt too

All muslims pee sitting down

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yeah i always piss while standing so the piss doesn't bounce up to my penis and touch it
not my piss i'm worried about it's that disgusting water in the toilet that will get you sick or worse
if you piss while on the toilet then your dick is faced down and only a few inches away from the splash

A thread was slid for this

How drunk were you?

Trips of truth. I literally pee all over the tank and floor in public restrooms.


My evil schemes are foiled again!!!

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Do you have a legit reason?

Slide thread

because if you pee standing up then the pee might bounce off of the toilet and onto your pants

The alternative (standing) is it bounces out on your pants and feet, with greater force.
While sitting you can at least control the flow.

You are my hero.

Even women won't sit down to pee sometimes in public restrooms.

It freaks guys out, but yes women can be sorta standing up without making a mess.

Just.. kinda gotta... you know.... pinch your.. vagina....

If you're fucking 1 meter tall maybe.

I only stand to pee when I’m drunk. Otherwise I sit.
Piss goes everywhere, it’s disgusting. I just don’t care when I’m drunk

Outs a great way to avoid peeing on the floor when you're half asleep. I have carpet in my bedroom bathroom because the previous owner was an idiot.

I usually even pee against the toilet paper if I'm in a public restroom

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>US flag
What gives?

Increase in height = increase in gravitational velocity = more force upon impact = more splashback onto pants.

There is a special place in hell for monster like you.

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Because not everyone uses feet/inches, so it's easier to translate for non-burgers.

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I'm listening to Molyneux blabber right now. This thread is more interesting and more helpful.

What's more redpilled is not giving a fuck what anyone things about your pissing habits.

Get your stupid ass out of here.

Honestly, this. Just go fucking pee, who gives a shit.

Is it degenerate to shit sitting down?

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Nah brother, it's good for your prostate.

You should talk, reddit faggo.


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usually when i do that my foreskin slips forward and i get piss everywhere

nah senpai, that place is reserved for those who:
-shit in the tank
-shit in the urinal
-smear shit on the walls

my first day at my first job at the grocery store, somebody smeared shit all over the bathroom walls. My manager called me over and showed it to me and wanted me to clean it up.
"sure thing, let me just run and get some matches cuz it smells aweful". Dissapear. Manager just cleans it himself.

If you're sitting on a toilet, no. If you're sitting on a urinal, absolutely.

wtf is that pic? Ken doll Chad?

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I usually pee in the tub, and wash with shower head. When I piss in the toilet it splashes every then stinks of piss. If I sit while I piss it splashes on my dick. Just pee into the tub

BTW, as much as I'm enjoying this thread I have to point out how it's not being pruned, while other, very relevant threads get cut with a targeted vengeance.

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Might be because of playing a lot of Minecraft.

>nigger detected

Why must your people ruin everything they touch?

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in your home it really doesnt make sense doing it standing up, unless you like piss smell and a dirty toiled area. just think about it.
In public fuck that im not going to catch a disease its enough already to manage get inside the restrooms without touching anything,

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Does a chad drop his pants to use a urinal?

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I hope you shave or you'll risk rolling hairs in. Very painful.

And you kept that shit? Cuckfaggot thats so fucking disgusting.

You can, if you're a woman, though all women are latent degenerates. Also, if you are a cripple, old, sick and decrepit. Probably if you are drunk, though being drunk to the point where you can't stand is degeneracy. Also, if you're a muslim, muslims are well known degenerates. Or if you're a feminist, male feminists are fully degenerate.
The short answer is yes, urinating while sitting while being a male is degenerate.

Niggers haven't developed the tech to take it to the next level

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pee pee and poo mist carpet lol

I have always sit down to pee, it just feels right to me.

My mom has almost no respect for boundaries so she walks into the bathroom whenever she wants even when I’m on the toilet. She’s seen my dick one to many times by accident that I sit down now whenever I’m in the house. Unfortunately when out I usually can’t piss unless there’s a lock on the door as I’m nervously anticipating someone just walking in. I think she’s fucked me up for life lads. She even made a comment about my dick to my brother of al people because she thinks that’s just casual conversation.

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Leaf, please.

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This is a real problem/benefit of diversity.

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that would be because you are a pussy

even when im shitting i stand up to take a pis

Start doing the same o her, let’s see how she likes that

I'm sorry, Jamal, I don't speak ooga booga.

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No, except ur male

I don't want this thread pruned, but it pisses me off (pun bitch!) when other relevant posts do.

I have, she doesn’t care. What the fuck

It's one of those people.

Tough luck.