To any preppers out there: Buy fish antibiotics

To any preppers out there: Buy fish antibiotics

It's literally just regular antibiotics but cheaper and without a shit ton of regulations

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Oh yes let me just eat fish food

Never thought of this, great point.

>taking antibiotics
fuck off kike

Dog penicillin is also over the counter

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It's not food and actually legit, it's one of the reasons this shit is always sold out too

why is everyone so anti biotic

Is normal human penicillin not available over the counter in burgerland?

It's illegal for civilian use

You need a jew signature to buy it

Because humans are offal people.

Good thread my fish antibiotics are about to expire

Did not know this

You have to get a (((prescription))) to get basically any medication

You can go to jail if you're caught with it illegally kek

Enjoy your superbug dipshit

No we pay ou r insurance copay of $50 And hope we describe symptoms severe enough to get antibiotics. It's about 50% chance if your a man and very sick

How long does it last?

>open bullet wound
>rub moldy bread on it

kept me going for 6 years now

>It's literally just regular antibiotics but cheaper and without a shit ton of regulations
Can confirm. As someone who keeps a variety of reef tanks, it is certainly just "less regulated". However, keep in mind that we are nut-jobs that use pharmaceutical grade artificial dry-salt-water mixes and then berate others who use over the counter pickling lime as an additive because it is not phama-grade.

Most if not all "fish stuff" is made to similar or higher standards, but does not come with a doctors approval for human use....but the way that the big pharma operates currently, there is not any guarantee either way.

People have known for years you can buy everything from antibiotics to scheduled drugs from vets m8

Anybody who ever looked for ketamine, benzos, nitrous, opiates, amps, etc knows this and making it public knowlege and not simply telling people you know face-to-face is why it will eventually be over-regulated and hurt everybody from abusers to those with a legitimate need the way human scrips are.

This is true, I had to dose my cat because he got an abscess, and couldn't afford a vet. Amoxicillin is the same for fish, dog, cat, and man... just need to adjust the amount given.


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Garlic is antibiotic and regrows itself continually.

no useful medicines are available without (((doctor))) approval

it's to keep us reliant and immobile

fish mox will cure STIs

politicians low key use fish mox to treat STIs as well as to treat their playthings (whether consenting or not) as fish mox does not require any sort of health insurance, a paper trail, word of mouth, etc to acquire for use in treatment of STIs

No. The Medical Establishment doesn't get paid unless you go to a doctor. Therefore, antibiotics are controlled and require a prescription.

The Fish Mox is the same capsule as you get from the drugstore with a prescription. However, someone on Fox News blabbed about it last year, and the govt. decided you need a veterinarian prescription for your fish.

I took my fish to the vet and he died from lack of O2 in his water after about an hour out of the tank.

>he doesn't use moldy hamburger buns to treat his infected bullet wounds

No it's because people are fucking retarded especially if they think it can get them high.

Already have it. Solid advice though.

>he boasts among strangers after receiving a (You)

Honestly, antibiotics last far longer than their expiration date. We have pills from the 50s that still work now.

This desu.

Even doctors are too liberal with antibiotics, pajeets and concerned moms demand pills for their sniffles and the doctor gives them a Z pack so they shut up and they end up being incubators for MRSA and super gonorrhea.

This. I rarely go to the doc but i feel like they always think im a junkie when i go it.

Never realized that, what are the dosages? Anytime ive gotten it its like 800mg pills

Youre retardrd

Honestly it isn't that hard to isolate penicillium off of moldy bread. The reason it is easy is exactly how penicillin works. It releases chemicals that are bacteriostatic, preventing other species from growing around the mold. Generally you'll get a blue-green mold with a white ring. Obviously you want things that are prepared professionally first, however, I am talking about long-term sustained production.

I did it myself and transferred it to nutrient agar mediums, but in a shtf scenario one would have to find a way to grow it in quantity.

Drug addicts know what pills get you high and antibiotics aren't one of them. They want you going to the hospital for anything more than the sniffles. This medical center moved in near me, bought up all the local offices and moved them into their facility. Any doctor that didn't was accused of being a oxi pusher and forced out.

>you can buy things that were made to kill other people (weapons
>you cant legally buy things that will help you in times of need (antibiotics)

lol america

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I've known plenty of drug addicts in my time that have no clue what actually gets them high. Antibiotics are prescribed because people are too retarded to select the right ones and take them for a viral infection. Misuse of antibiotics just leads to superbugs so you fuck everyone else over with your own retardation.

>I took my fish to the vet
Fuck off dumb ass. That is the dumbest shit I have ever read. You find a vet that makes house calls IF You need fish penicillin. Your fish did not die JUST from lack of Oxygen. It died from the stress of being ill, coupled with being carted around for hours outside of its protective environment.

Fish are moved from the display tank to a quarantine tank for treatment. Don't be a dumb ass and treat your display tank unless you have to.

I doubt you very much with your gay ass meme flag. Muh goldfish horseshit.

My vet does make housecalls, but admits that he knows NOTHING about aquatics and will take my word IF/when there is an issue. In 2 decades of reef-keeping, I have yet to even get Ich. However, I could call tommorrow and say that I picked up a nasty bacterial infection and he would without an issue make any medication I asked for available.

>you can let jamal fuck your wife
>you cant protect your wife from being gangraped by jamal and his refugees friends
lol europe

>I took my fish to the vet
nigger what?

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Expensive fishes need care too.

And keep taking low dosage of antibiotics and enjoy your superbugs you albino niggers.

What am I supposed to do with this knowledge? Do I soak my house in it? Eat it? Inject it? Place it over an open wound?

you make now sense. you are really bad at baiting. didnt except anything less from an american

Not all people are that retarded, but it is just what the gov. wants everyone to believe.

That way the gov. gets to hire more people to oversee you, treat you like a child, and take away your lunch money to divide among the friends of gov.

Fill the tub and nibble away.

fucking retard

What are you talking about ? You need one here too...infact you now need a prescription for nurofen plus...

Calm down. I don't even own a fish tank.

Dam lol...this whole site is the short bus of the internet. Actually that's an insult to short bus kids , they are way more decent than most of you fucks.

>that's just what your government wants you to believe
Fuck you and your anti-science bullshit, misuse of antibiotics leads to very hard to treat bacteria. It's not the man keeping you down, it's because the general population is stupid as fuck and would screw us over even more.

Not penicillin. You can get prescription Amoxicillin though.

I thought it had to have certain stuff on the label. I looked a little.

How long do they stay effective in a normal fridge any way?

I sometimes go long periods without access to a doctor and it might be useful for some freak infection or something.

Yes but fresh pills will be used first then the expired ones, at least that’s my reasoning

I'd say a lot of them that expire in 1-3 years can go 5+ safely, but I would individually research each drug before administering it years after exp date. The drug itself might not be bad, but some of the buffers can reduce drug effects or be toxic. IIRC tetracycline or doxycycline was one of those, but I think the buffer has been changed since then.

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>when you’re one generation away from extinction

Gonna miss you Hans

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you have to get a prescription and go through the gov protected system where a literal bean counter, paid 150k a year, dispenses your medicine

Mine has an expiration date only, no manufacturing date. Honestly I bought them a long time ago so not sure

>loses 2 wars and destroys europe
>europe recovers finally
>create eu and destroy europe again but forcefully make everyone to take in islamic barbarians that destroy everyones culture along with safety of the country aswell

fuck off cunt

The right dosage is the dosage indicated on the label mexicœ

>inb4 america's fault my country is full of brainwashed cucks

Is it years? Seems like a good thing to have but if it only lasts a year that's a lot of upkeep.

stfu america fucking loser

I’m gonna keep the expired bottle, I mean expiration date doesn’t mean I should throw it out in a SHTF some weak antibiotics is better than none at all

You do realize that people who are too dumb to take antibiotics according to the directions on the prescription are not the same people who know enough to take the whole course of medicine the way it is supposed to be taken.

About 88% of MERSA is contracted inside the hospital where drugs are dispensed responsibly and disinfectants are used extensively

Who is jewing who here.

yeah and thank the rest of the world for creating super diseases that can no longer be treated with antibiotics because you can literally walk to the store to buy a coke and some amoxicillin when you have a hiccup

Dosage here varies depending on several variables. Genuinely curious how your labels list the directions and if those include length of time to take or if people over there just take them until the symptoms go away.

>according to the directions
I'm not saying following directions is hard, people are (generally) too stupid to prescribe themselves the correct antibiotic and would almost certainly take it when they don't need it, such as a viral infection. MRSA is contracted in the hospital because it's the perfect environment; there are a lot of sick people taking many antibiotics in close proximity.
Unless you have penetrating trauma or significant burns, 9/10 you don't need antibiotics.

Ar Are you guys talking about following the dosage on the fish medicine bottle if you're taking it yourself?

>It's literally just regular antibiotics

It's not though, look into it.

Many Medicines Are Potent
Years Past Expiration Dates

you're right, there's more motivation to make it work properly

No, dosage/directions listed on over the counter bottles in Europe. I'm curious as to whether or not Europeans just buy a tylenol like bottle of anti-biotics and take the pills until they don't feel "sick" or if they buy mg pills for different sicknesses and if those directions advise them on how long to keep up treatment so the bacteria completely dies.

The big problem is that without a culture you are sort of pissing in the wind with whether or not penicillin will work. It might be better to stock up on something like doxycycline.

Now that I think about it, if it is for shtf, you'd be far better off getting Augmentin if you can, so you can at least try to go through beta-lactamases.

learn to stitch

The Fish Mox I bought was the exact same capsule as Amoxicillin that I had gotten by prescription. IIRC it was 500mg. The old prescription bottle had directions on how to take it.

I used it for an intestinal inflammation (Diverticulitis), and it worked perfectly.

>be american genelet
>need fish supplement to live

peak bait bread

>Calm down. I don't even own a fish tank.
Then don't make up shit about your fish dying. I do own fish tanks, and have for decades. Reef tanks, not just simple betta bowls. Actual ecosystems that take years to become stable environments.

My current "system" is 4 years old and is maturing nicely. >MRSA is contracted in the hospital because it's the perfect environment
This is the honest to god truth. When everything is sterilized, it makes for bad things to go unchallenged by lesser, but more competitive bacteria. Mold works in this way. You cannot cultivate most mushrooms when mold is present for this very reason. The basic bullshit molds keep the less aggressive mycelium from spreading.

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I know you just read this on some prepper tard forum or something but there is no government oversight regarding the safety, purity or effectiveness of fish antibiotics. lack of FDA scrutiny to that of nutritional supplements: there is no guarantee that the pills contain what the manufacturers say they do, either in amount or purity.

but yeah, eat your fish treats you dumb nigger lol.

No and for a better reason than banning recreationally abused drugs. Antibiotic resistant infections can be a serious problem and people popping them like vitamins is how they evolve.

Sorry. It was a funny scenario that I had imagined when I learned that you could only get Fish Mox with a Vet's prescription.

I imagined carrying a fish to the Vet in order to have him diagnosed and all the logistical problems that would entail.

send some of those pills to these guys

>not taking a penicillin tablet a day every day, progressing to another one every few months, until you go bankrupt in the hopes of creating something so vicious it kills humanity or forces us to get stronger


>Unless you have penetrating trauma or significant burns, 9/10 you don't need antibiotics.
Nigger, antibiotics are the difference between having strep throat for 2 days or 2 fucking weeks. Obviously you don't NEED to use them, and just suffer through, but what's the point of having modern medicine if you have to deal with easily treatable shit?

I'll take the bait. Guns save lives, med-resistant diseases can wipe out a nation you literal retard.

>if the government doesn't certify it, it must be deadly
>if the government approves it, it must be good
Best goy, the government would never lie to you. It's your greatest ally, after all.

I don't think the other poster was saying you never need it, but just far less than is currently used.

Of course you would take it for streptococcus pyogenes infections since you can end up getting scarlet fever or glomerulonephritis as follow-up infections.

Not all people need to be retarded, just a handful of retards incubating a superplague in their body can be literal patient zeros. Yes, people will still find a way to get them but this is a case where prevention by making it a little harder is sort of justified.

A pill head losing their job and family and destroying their own life because they can't maintain is one thing, some dumbass in NYC breeding superflu in his body that spreads and kills thousands is another.

>this is what they teach american kids in school

India seems to be the hotbed for superbugs right now. This is what happens when you have people swimming in waters full of toxic waste, biological material, and dead bodies mixing. They are going to kill us all.

They even have cases of carbapenem resistance, so whoever gets those are 100% fucked.

Yes, misdiagnose yourself and then contribute to the overuse of antibiotics, ushering in the age of superbugs and antibiotic resistance!

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The ones I had came from an FDA approved lab
Worked fine and looked just like the pills from the pharmacy

>I used it for an intestinal inflammation
Swede detected. I recommend syringing a half bottle of KY up your asshole every morning, the RoP'ers don't give courtesy licks Sven.

"I have never seen a vagina before" the post.

>I imagined carrying a fish to the Vet
that is not how it works with aquatic life. Not at all. I don't care if my people know I post here, but here is a picture of one of my late-great pets.

Odontodactylus scyllarus female. She was pretty friendly for the species, but I kept her active and entertained for a few years. She passed away a while ago, and have not had the time or desire to get "another" mantis. I have been looking at other species for their colors or behaviors, but as I found out each has their own character irrelevant of what other keepers say about their behaviors.

This crazy bitch would climb to the highest rock in the tank and watch me playing video games when my tank was beside my computer. It was unnerving at times....I knew she wanted to kill me.

Basically, aquatics in general is much larger then a fish in water. I hate fish. They rarely have a personality worth discussing.

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