Fewer smokers than ever before

>fewer smokers than ever before
>more cancer than ever before
help me crack this puzzle Jow Forums

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You thought smoking was the only way to get cancer?

processed foods and shit with no nutritional value...

cancer causing protean in the vaccines
ISM frequency harmonics

I guess it must be cellphones and all these towers combined with the environment being drenched in plastic shit

Isn't it obvious? Smoking PREVENTS cancer. It also increases testosterone. Stop believing their lies.

>google it

People eat shit. You should be eating raw meat, raw organs and raw eggs and drink raw milk and blood from animals that eat grass and leaves.

You think blowing up hundreds of these in our atmosphere for the fuck of it did anything?

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Food, Water, and Air.

Our struggle is life and death, "To be or not to be"
















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And reindeer spines?

my 58 year old mother who has smoked daily with very few breaks for almost 40 years just got an "all clear" from the doctor. her lungs don't even show signs of being a smoker's, her arteries are all clear. the doctor literally told her he has to tell her to try and quit but really if it hasn't harmed her that much yet why not do what she wants. she's not in great shape or anything, but that's mostly a weight and lifestyle issue. i think the smoking has done the damage all to her skin and hair, she looks 68 to me and has female balding. it's like her body protected its essential organs and let the skin dry out and get old looking.

imo if you smoke for long enough your body either adapts to it or doesn't. our bodies learn things. for example, if you've never ever smoked and suddenly smoke an entire cigarette and finish a pack in a day... you're going to be sick as fuck, because your body has no experience with how to handle it all, but a regular smoker could do it without any issue at all.

this puzzle has more dimensions, you are Canadian SJW, that's the answer.


Unless you are cook your own food using raw materials, then you're eating oversalted oversweetened garbage.

How to prevent cancer
1. Don't live in the city
2. Only drink water. No juice. No soda. No coffee. No tea.
3. Cook your own food so you actually know what goes into your mouth.
4. Junkfood should be cut off entirely

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oh i forgot to add, she drinks black and green tea throughout the day, every single day, often times with a cigarette. i think this has a lot to do with it, tea can be extremely good for you. this is also why japanese people can smoke and get less cancer, they drink green tea like water.


>more cancer
Sauce on higher cancer per capita?

>smoking is the only cause of cancer

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>People living to 80 on a regular basis causes increased rates of cancer

>be LA
>have streets so disease infested people can get aids from laying down on it
>have such poor air quality due to smog/burning trash/lack of basic sanitation that people are still getting lung cancer
>lack of clean water because of terrible maintenance
>lack of reasonable traffic control due to incompetent civil engineers
>throw most water away into ocean during first drought-ending storm
>still "eco-friendly capital of the world"
and that's just LA.

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hormones + sugar + no exercise.

If you're obese, you're going to get cancer. Overmedication including birth control fucking everyone up, plus birth control piss turning frogs gay. Eat onions

>Smoking prevents cancer
smoking is mildly poisonous, cancer needs lots of resources to grow so cancer will suck up a disproportionate amount of poison and die. When people say weed or licorice cures cancer, it is for the same reason. Low dose chemotherapy.

>Increases tesosterone
nicotine is an aromotase inhibitor and suppresses the conversion of tesosterone into estrogen. It doesn't stimulate tesosterone production directly.

iodine deficiency, fluoride, BPA

>shit diet
>poor sleep
>stressful job
>sits around all day

why is my body failing?!


Mr skeleton inside us isn't built to sustain heavy weight for such long period of time

This is true. Dr. Mary's Monkey i think is the book that discusses the cancer causing virus in the resus monkeys that the vaccines were first grown in or whatever. And then they killed the doctor and made it look like some bizarre lesbian sex bondage gone awry. Lol. All the boomers have a cancer causing virus in them, and tthey thought their government loved them. Lmao. Also sugar causes cancer. Just the typical american diet is pure cancer.

another puzzle:

why does it seem like there are hardly any adults with autism, when there are so many kids with it?

>Thinks cancer is instant
We can't fix stupid for you.

We haven't invented the anti-autism vaccine yet.

Autists die sooner I thought. I could be wrong on that, just thought i read that one time. Also, far more vaccines and more shots with combined vaccines nowadays. So more kids with autism. Vaccines seem to fuck up the gut biome, and that somehow leads to autism. If you fix the gut, you can fix the autism. Fix the gut, fix the mutt. Something like that.

Sauce on Confederate tiddy monster

1. longer life span (older you get, the more likely your immune system will slip up)
2. obesity
3. fucked up dietary habits
4. sedentary lifestyles
5. environmental toxins
6. certain cancers are becoming more prevalent in younger people due to hpv infection

Nothing to do with smoking/ not smoking.

anti-smoking movement is just scapegoat to hide the real cause of illnesses. the biggest cause of illness is actually medicine and doctors, western medicine is mere bullshit.

dotflag gets it

The food people eat is equally unhealthy.

lack of vitamin D from not getting the right amount of sunlight. research shows more skin cancers in higher latitudes than at the equator.

feeding shit and antibiotics up the ass to factory farmed animals
loads of plastic and shit in water and other drinks
pill pushing doctors everywhere
take your pick

Best body shape I've ever seen.

Appreciate the anecdotal evidence user. Definitely made me re-evaluate my views on the world.

hearing about someone having cancer in the 70's was very rare. seemed to be more common in the 80's and now it seems like you got a 50/50 shot of getting it. Somethings changed.

salt is good for you though

Yeah, I've listened to every podcast that guys been on at least 3 times. Plus there's that other JFK shit mixed up in it. Perty neato.

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people living longer, cancer and heart disease are ailments of the prosperous

>her lungs don't show signs of being a smoker's

does she cough up the tar and soot then? where does it go?


It's always the Jews user.

Particulate matter in the lungs is meant to be trapped in the mucous and propelled out so that you can spit or swallow per preference.

like moses off the boat

By the time you're hacking and coughing, you've overwhelmed your mucous production and mobility.
