
Were you there that day ?

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Not making this thread every day like you.

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Dragon Ball Z was cancelled on that day. And there was not even a reair of that episode, so we missed a very important episode during the Frieza saga. I hated the USA with a passion since that day.

In the World Trade Center.

No I was 12 and across the county but it to watch the second plane hit -towers collapse live on tv.

Don’t let anyone tell you differently, 9/11 was the start of our crisis in America, Bush the wars, the recession, the new racial divisions, the political upheaval, it all started that morning.

I mean fuck I wish I could explain what it wa alike when the second plane hit, you could just feel a panic spread across the whole country instantly, and then when the towers came down it was like everyone settled into this sollum realization that the world we lived in was over, that we just entered a new age.

I don’t think there will ever be another feeing like it in my life.

>Were you there that day ?

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I was barely even 2 years old, so no idea.

those are quite the digits you got there

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I was on 110 of 1WTC.

I was inside your mother


Did you know that Israel attacked the USA on 9/11? And I have proof: youtu.be/kyLyGXQUIo0?t=3m23s

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>Saudis/Mossad attack the US

Goyim are fucking dumb. That was my conclusion from 9/11. I honestly don't blame Jews for manipulating such a stupid populace. The more you think about it, the more contempt you develop for the American "people."


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Going to England next week. Thought I let you guys know :^)

Sure buddy but who the hell is Wayne ? Care to explain ?

Larry "Fuck I'm Lucky" Larry

laying in bed masturbating to my high school teacher when my mom burst into the room to tell me that a two planes crashed into the twin towers.

I was unironically shredding an electric quitar to tunes of Holdsworth while high on LSD.

In 1st grade about an hour outside NYC got sent home from school not really knowing the severity of what just happened because I was so young.

did you use the trick to jump off a piece of rubble just before it hits the ground?

>start of crisis in America
>new racial divisions

there were not new racial divisions in the US. Islam is not a race.


Same, about 40 mins outside the city, except my school wouldn't let parents pick up their kids.

ive heard so many people describe this feeling and it sounds chilling. I was 3 years old and I can vaguely recall being brought into the room by my nanny becuase my mom was yelling to come look at the TV. I dont remember seeing the planes actually hit but I do remember that was the day it happened and that all the grown ups seemed like they had gone insane. It was a pretty shitty early memory and I can only imagine what it was like for people who could understand what was happening. and yes to credit what you said 9/11 was the final nail in the coffin of the USA. I feel really sad when I think about where we would be today if our Zio controlled government hadnt decided to kill thousands of its own citizens to start wars.

>be me
>be Gulf War vet
>have severe PTSD from an Iraqi Scud landing on the building next to mine and killing dozens of men inside
>spend years suffering from nightmares from it
>suffer multiple relapses after Oklahoma City bombing, couldn't sleep for several weeks
>work at high school as a teacher (now a vice principal)
>school year has just started
>be teaching class
>hear from a student about plane accident in NY
>ignore it
>about an hour later, we all get an announcement that there has been an attack on the World Trade Center and that classes are cancelled for the day
>go to a bar afterward, still in shock
>TV is on
>watch North Tower start to collapse live
>immediately turn my head because I can't stand to watch
>pay my tab and leave without looking at the TV
>come home to my wife and kids watching replays of the towers falling on TV
>immediately lock myself in my room
>request sick leave the next day
>granted, school is closed for the next two days anyway
>go on fishing trip with no radio or TV for the next week because I can't bear to even think about all those people being crushed
>come back a week later when the shock has worn off and everyone's rage is being directed at Osama bin Laden
>just be glad that I didn't have to watch the Towers fall and suffer a PTSD relaspe

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fuckin rad dudeski

this is where i was.


I was so happy cause I thought we will have a WW3 HAPPENING.

look, I saw this happen live on tv.... 9/11 was not that big of a deal. I didn't feel like it was the end of the world. the iraq war was worse, and we're still in afghanistan! crazy. These wars have harmed us so much.

It was a wild ride.

>9/11 was not that big of a deal

fuck you

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In my secret Jewish bunker celebrating another successful operation

>New Yorker detected
Fuck New York. I lived in southern NJ at the time, and literally nobody gave a shit.

training to fly airplanes but i fucked up and had to parachute out over new york
the travel back to iraq was so embarrasing
shit was cash

I was 18 and was getting off my shitty night job stocking the freezer section at Sams Club. There was a shit load of employees just standing around in the electronic section. I went up to see what was going on and got to see the second plane smash into the towers. I literally said “Well there goes my plans” and got some strange looks. I left work and drove home listening to the radio about the events. Look a nap and woke up to a message saying I didn’t have to work for the next three days because traffic was grounded. I called up my friend Shane and went over to a friends house. We were hanging out in the garage talking about the attacks when someone, I can’t recall exactly who, proposed driving out into the country where there was no light pollution and getting on the roof of a barn and looking for ufos. We were young so that sounded good to us so we did. Forty minutes of driving and we got to a barn that had a low slope roof and platform area for standing on. We stayed there until 4:30 am. Just talking and looking at the sky. Within 7 years I’d be the only person who did that that was still alive. Shane did a tour in Afghanistan came home and killed himself in Colorado Springs. Neal died in Iraq. Weese got married and then died of a drug overdose/enlarged heart two years later. I would occasionally drive past the barn, except last year I took my wife up to the roof to watch a meteor shower. I told her about that evening and what it was like.

>I'm form the South
>And I'm really fuckin' stoopid
>I can't read
>I can't rite


Wat ?

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no I was here

Nope, I was shitposting on Jow Forums.

it was like this
except with an airplane and the twin towers
i'm sorry i didn't mean to

I was sitting stoned in home economics class baking pop-overs.

It really wasn't you americans blow jewish false flags out of proportion.

I was in highschool not giving a single shit at the time.

On my way back to school after smoking a joint and getting some McDonalds. Some Mexican lady is on her porch screaming they blew it up. We thought it was funny shit at the time.

I was like 2 years old and found out what it was from south park years later