Bongs, explain yourselves

No seriously, what in bloody hell happened to your country?

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Your country happened


THE modern police officer was actually a great progressive measure that first and outmost eliminated corruption from them by essentially compromising all of their powers by stripping them from more and more affluence, and into self interested enforcers of the law.
This model had a huge civilizing affect anywhere it was tried, continuing on mostly in white countries/1st world

All the competent brits knew how shitty and rotten mainland Britain was so they moved to the different major British colonies during the colonization period to escape and start a new life in the new world.

This s just my shitty theory though.

>Sherlock Holmes
>James Bond
>Inspector Morse
>Austin Powers
>Sgt. Nick Angel
>Johnny English

Are you even trying Amerifats?

You mean, not letting Hitler turn you into a protectorate? Yeah, that was a mistake.

Everyone lost interest

Same thing that happened to all your dicks, we got kiked

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