>Basically, it’s a turducken of toxic masculinity, entitlement, self obsession and rank misogyny.
Other urls found in this thread:
Weak chin is your fault, you are supposed to breath through your nose and only open your mouth to eat or speak. There is a reason teeth meet together perfectly.
>not archiving the link
doesn't matter, wasn't reading it anyway
incels are fags
Go back to lookism you genetic waste
In more barbaric societies disaffected young men, rowdy because of a lack of acquirable mates, were exiled from their tribes. In the wilderness they could only survive by either:
-Learning to get along with people at a new tribe.
-Banding with others who are exiled and starting a new tribe.
Our modern society doesn't have a version of this but our instincts still work the same. Young men become aggressive and resentful when they sense there are no mates for them. Some of them become violent, which ultimetaly improves their breeding value and solves the problem (Nick Cruz is swarmed by groupy letters now).
I dont know what the solution is but just wagging our fingers and trying to shame men into behaving, when shame is motivating their misbehavior, is making things worse.
if you can somehow see the article post screens or copy and paste it
Perfect answer