Why doesn't Jow Forums support basic income?
>inb4 muh communism
It will be inevitable anyway.
Basic income
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Yes, because moms and brown people already get free money from the government. It should be expended to everyone or no one.
Doesn't scale, we don't have the money for it even if we dismantle every other welfare program, causes inflation, causes zero desire to work.
Any other dumb questions?
Do the math retard. It comes out to trillions in NEW spending. The US only has like $3.5T in revenue for all the shit it already does. You'd have to stop spending on everything to fund UBI. UBI is the ultimate expression of liberal naivety when it comes to economics.
>This literal retard took the population and multiplied it by the basic income amount.
Bad burger.
It all depends on the numbers. You can't just say "hurr basic income". We already have basic income in that the parents give free money to their chidlren. The society has become more generous in modern times and its just a question of time before work becomes a voluntary option for everyone.
But in the current day, you cant go full force "free moniez" for everyone, it just doesn't go around just yet. Maybe in 100 years.
>it will be inevitable anyway
Then that's why I don't support it. You can take your totalitarianism back to Israel.
I am in favor of a grand American experiment. Each citizen gets one million a year for 20 years. BUT
Soon you can make 15.00 an hour working at McDonalds basic income is just investing the funny money right back into the system because the people that will get it will just spend it and not save it already they get their money back half of those people will use it to buy medicinal marijuana they will get some money back there etc etc who gives a fuck
>hurr durr you didn't include raising taxes on everyone to 100%
Do it in your own state, faggot. Or, better yet, let's watch how it plays out in already socialist states. Christ, you people are retarded and couldn't run a scientific experiment to save your neck.
money is not a commodity
Because I support technological innovation that further allows a home to support it's own energy generation, food supply and sewerage maintance amongt other things.
>It will be inevitable anyway.
no it won''t
Well memed my friend.
I pay 40K a year in Federal taxes. Sure, I'd take the 1000 a month they are going to give us but it will cost me 2000 a month extra in taxes assuming I'd even get the 1000. Fuck that, I don't work my ass off so lazy roody poos can sit around smoking weed all day on my dime.
>Why shouldn't I blow dudes at truckstops for 5 bucks a pop?
>inb4 because it's gay
That's not how inb4 works faggot, you can't just point out the glaring flaw and go "yeah you can't argue the obvious checkmate" and expect to be taken seriously.
The obvious answer is because it's communism and I like not being dead in a pit full of other bodies burning in a gas fire.
>roody poos
Fucking Boomer.
You could have just said "because communism," it means the same thing.
I'd give it 5 years max before the forced labor camps were open for business.
>ubi is communism
Wrong. UBI is a capitalist invention to placate the masses who will be permanently unemployed in the near future. The real communist solution would be to democratize the means of production, and destroy bourgeois culture
Well there is still the possibility to put citizens into some mindless and useless service occupation, where he earns just enough to survive.
The other option is a gigantic prolocaust, since the ruling class has all of our personal data anyway they could just supress/kill everyone not fit for a high functioning society.
i strongly dislike blacks, hispanics and rednecks. while i deserve basic income, and also think a lot of you deserve it (especially blessed NEETs) i would never want my family paying for subhumans to trad STI’s and watch rick and morty or anime all day
>who will be permanently unemployed in the near future.
no they won't you Luddite
Dude, I don't know why either, fcKING ConservaTARD BIGGOTS!
when i get $1000 i'm gonna contribute to the economy sooo much, isn't that what u want???? capitalism?????? fking returds
>i deserve
Gas yourself
>work becomes a voluntary option for everyone
Work already is a voluntary option fuckwit. Ever see a homeless man before?
All a universal income would do is drive those who produce shit to other countries where they aren't slaves. Automation will destroy hundreds of millions of jobs in a couple decades but to believe "muh free shit then" is pure moralistic fallacy.
"Work sucks, robots taking the jobs is good" is literally propaganda that comes straight from the people who build robots and program AI, you can see them pushing that shit themselves 20 years and more ago on youtube.
Automation taking 99% of jobs doesn't mean nobody has to work, it only means nobody CAN and the only people not working and living well are the people who own robot factories.
Fuck off kike.
I support basic income but our society isn't advanced mentally to support it. Idea is that this would be minimum money one could survive with. Biggest issue to actually habe population enlightens about it's use kike Finland etc. It will work in very specific societies.
Poland is too poor to implement it and there is no need to implement it as unemployment is record low, but it won't last forever.
>Automation taking 99%
That's a bit high
go ahead and implement UBI. just give me enough of a heads up so that I can invest all my money into Indivior and Nike first.
who would take still accept a currency everybody gets for free? no one?
Calhoun's rats
user pls.
I second the "do it in your state" (probably Cali, right?) idea.
I'll put my money in gold chain manufacturers, onions farms, hormone pharma companies, a chain of "sex change" clinics and weed farms (outside Cali, of course) and get stupid rich while that shithole burns itself down.
In a decade or so after it ends I'll be a trillionaire and the economy may recover enough to where that means something, worst case I'd be one of the few not homeless.
>this new
Why are you calling me a luddite? You are the one stuck in the past and still holding on to the idea that human labor will be necessary.
AI is evolving exponentially, and it wont be long until it surpasses humans in pretty much everything. It is already happening in every sector. My point is that mass unemployment due to automation is going to happen. Could be 10 years from now or 200. But it will happen.
You're triggering my autism
because it doesn't work
>the argument is that, if paid universally, basic income would provide a guaranteed safety net. That would help to address insecurities associated with the "gig" economy, where workers do not have staff contracts.
>Supporters say basic income would boost mobility in the labour market as people would still have an income between jobs.
>Finland's two-year pilot scheme started in January 2017, making it the first European country to test an unconditional basic income. The 2,000 participants - all unemployed - were chosen randomly.
>But it will not be extended after this year, as the government is now examining other schemes for reforming the Finnish social security system.
>The study by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development said income tax would have to increase by nearly 30% to fund a basic income. It also argued that basic income would increase income inequality and raise Finland's poverty rate from 11.4% to 14.1%.
>Work already is a voluntary option fuckwit.
Do you seriously believe this? Do you think a working class men/woman "chooses" to work? Shut your bourgeois mouth, you filthy pig.
you are a fool not realizing that Robotics increase productivity like all new machinery and from this the labour is no released and can be put to where it is more profitable which is going to be the service sector
is this an amber lamps reference?
Nobody forces me out of bed in the morning...
That "muh 15 an hour" shit is pushed by the same people supporting the entitlement system. They know damn well it'd be a disaster for the lower classes but don't care because they have their money invested in grape drank companies, marijuana farms, entertainment industry shit, social media and fried chicken companies.
They profit off of giving the stupid people government money and spin it as "the right thing to do senpai" and get their dicks sucked by the media and dumb socialist college kids for "speaking up for the people" if they choose to publicly endorse those suicidal ideologies.
It isn't charity, it's a scam. These "economic models" are well-studied and proven disastrous but the guy converting his USD into foreign currencies and precious metals planning to bail when we crash and burn knows that isn't gonna be his problem.
I never understood why people want this AI thing so bad, why would you willingly get replaced forever by something that you built to be superior to you, just becoming a total waste of resources along with the entire humanity?
incel detected
Because I said nobody forces me to work in the morning? Lolkden
>N-no it isn't communism because I say so
Doesn't work that way champ.
The AI is an intermediator. The AI is the oppressor. The AI is to manage the "useless eaters." The Ruler Class never plays by the rules forced on to the little people.
>And don't give me that communism argument.
If you already know why it doesn't fucking work why kill a thread to ask a stupid fucking question?
Ah yes, the "I don't have a job but the tax payer's money is burning a hole in my wallet" cart.
Why, she's passed out until halfway through the afternoon? Good catch!
Lol ok bud
Because it's not the answer he likes.
There's roughly 250,000,000 adults (18+) in the USA. If we gave every one $1000 a month (to barely bring them to the poverty line) it would cost 3 trillion dollars. Even if we eliminated all other forms of welfare including Social Security and Medicare we'd still be short almost 2 trillion dollars.
>1 post by this ID
OP can't inb4, faggot.
Your biological imperatives do.
Unless you are a bourgeois piece of shit who can leech of dad and mommy, you need to work.
Where in my post did i imply that i am against of automation? Precisely the opposite. I see no reason as to why humans need to expend most of their waking hours working dreadful jobs when robots can do it.
> which is going to be the service sector
You are under the impression that service jobs cannot/wont be automated. You are wrong.
I assume everybody is going to do the minimum to get the income, which is not going to be enough to cover the taxes necessary to keep it running. That leads to people mining coal by hand, someplace unpleasant, by hand, at gun point. Hard pass.
>society isn't advanced mentally
Common misconception.
Human nature is not muteable, it isn't a societal problem at all.
What you're saying is like a dolphin believing "we aren't socially progressed enough to live on dry land yet" or some shit, it isn't a problem of culture or education at all.
>need to work.
Yes, but actually doing so is a choice.
This is not a matter of wants. It will happen whether i like it or not. I just want solutions to the problems it will cause to be implemented as soon as possible
You could just pick up any book about communism.
Oh look, another one
>be dude who runs company
>company produces an "essential" item
>in order to meet demand in target demographic, price item so that 95% of people can afford it on limited income
>One day, gov't gives everybody below a certain income level XX,000 extra dollars per year
>Now my target demographic can afford to buy that item at a much higher price
>not being retarded, I raise the price accordingly
>All my competitors do the same
>All other essential item producers do the same
>now everybody on UBI can buy exactly the same amount of shit that they could before
>But I'm making 2x - 3x the money.
>The price of the Luxury items I buy doesn't change
>the leverage of my money against up-priced essentials only decreases incrementally
>Taxes might have increased to fund the UBI, but my army of kike accountants know how to pump my write-offs
>The UBI's live the same quality of life they had before - dogshit - and I'm living 10x better.
Tl;DR - if you took the money from all the rich people right now, and distributed it to all of the poor, the rich would have all of that money back within days. UBI doesn't solve the problem.
Because people want to work to earn more than basic income, and without having their money being regularly stolen to be given to someone else.
Basic income is only appealing to those who do not want to work or the brainlets that believe that wealth can be created from thin air
If you cant figure out how basic income is a scam then you deserve that money and the poverty it will inflict on you.
There is no saving the working man.
If you "need" to do something it stops being a choice, you fucking retard. Do you even know the meaning of words in your own first (and only) language?
They’ve been brainwashed into thinking communism is some evil dictatorship thing when it’s just everything is distributed equaly.
It doesn’t even stop capitalism, if you want more you can work in th entertainment industry or trade.
Not really but the outcome would be the same.
Anyone with a base understanding of the US economy knows this is bullshit. We don't have the luxury of not needing a massive military to support our communist slacker allies.
Just talk to my little brother senpai, doesn't do shit and has a house a Somali would literally kill for, two kids and a deadbeat wife and he has more disposable income than I do. He sits on his ass playing vidya and getting high while I work 2 jobs and go to college, don't pretend sitting on ass isn't a viable option in modern America.
If I weren't in school headed for 80k$ a year after I graduate I might be tempted to quit a dead-end job and live like he does.
>Not really
You mean really. Or are you making an inflationary point?
I truly believe universal basic income is a totally unworkable solution to automation. But I have a solution.
Idk how much you know about regenerative organic no till farming, but all you have to know is that it's super productive, and very labor intensive. It's the sort of thing it's going to be quite a while to get robots to replace people doing. So I genuinely believe a lot of people are going to have to shift into that labor field. It kills like four birds with one stone, it goes around Monsanto, it provides fresh real food in all local markets, it provides work even in the face of automation, and it solves the critical problem of soil depletion that is going to be a major global problem pretty soon.
Just because we have the internet doesn't mean we can't go back to the tried and tested social structure of most people being involved in agriculture.
Anyone who wants to know why basic income is a bad thing just has to ask the question "what is it a replacement for? What do we lose in return for accepting it?" The answer is not gainful employment.
Explain Detroit to me.
I bet you believe the millions of jobs taken by illegals in the US "didn't cause the unemployment rate to spike" too huh?
>Do you even know the meaning of words in your own first (and only) language?
Im pretty sure it's you who's having language issues. Let me explain.
>need: implies something has to be done to achieve desired result
>have to: implies something has to be done, period
See the difference? You absolutely 100% have a choice. The result of choosing not to work obviously is really shitty, but that's still a possible option. It's a choice you have.
And now you know
I mean how you imagine people staying where they are put is not how it would happen, but they would stay where they are put.
It would make society less productive overall.
The ultimate supercuck.
The sort who will buy a sexbot black bull to fuck their wife while they play MMO's in their cuckshed when Tyrone is busy fucking somebody else's wife.
This. Also
>No taxation = no need for representation
That would be so funny. A big black robo bull cucking everyone and everything while we all look on in despair.
>>inb4 muh communism
literally this you massive fag
>get replaced forever
You aren't around forever so it doesn't matter, cuckboy.
>Why doesn't Jow Forums support basic income?
because I'm not a cocksucking faggot retard
It would only work once robots completely automate every field of work.
But by then the common man would be unnecessary, and Jews would enact the final war against the working man once they were not needed.
>it’s just everything is distributed equaly.
No it's not
>those arbitrary as fuck definitions
My point still stands. Working class people need to work to survive in our society. Unless you are leeching of someone/something
WHen we have AI we wont need shut in incels from mongolia hiding behind meme flags to make shitposts.
>AI will eventually eat nearly every job, skilled or otherwise
Butlerian Jihad when?
Why do you ask these questions when you wont listen to them anyway, frogposrer?
>Working class people need to work to survive in our society
>option to work
>if no, thing A happens
>if yes, thing B happens
You proved my point again
All I have is this one, unfortunately. I must be reading the wrong book if this one is lying to me, got a more definitive source?
All roads lead to communism it seems. If you do implement it it's sort of like communism if you don't implement it the masses of poor people will vote it in.
Where in the communist manifesto does it say that UBI is communism? I might have missed that particular paragraph...
You need minimum 30% of the population becoming useless and then it will be voted in.
>So how do we pay for UBI
>There's no real answer here because
>the world is too diverse
There you go.
"It doesn't specifically mention it by name, checkmate"
Seriously though, is this how your mind works? Always wondered how commie mental gymnastics go in detail.
Fuck, any day now then.
So is that what happened to Canadia?
They play semantic games until they convince themselves they're not retarded
Then how would a UBI be distributed? If you go by households you still only half the amount you have to give out but still needs a half trillion more dollars.
>All a universal income would do is drive those who produce shit to other countries where they aren't slaves
This. I have three passports + savings. They bring in UBI, I am outta here.
Because poors should starve and die. If you don't produce, you shouldn't eat. Here, have a free helicopter ride.