The kid was suspended from school for going to the gun range with his father

>The kid was suspended from school for going to the gun range with his father
>he is now under police investigation
This needs to stop. What could he possibly be under investigation for? The US is devolving into europoor bullshit. This can not possible be legal, can it?

Attached: Ken_Bone1.png (539x776, 549K)

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why the fuck would he be suspended for going to a gun range?

sounds like bullshit made up by some fattie to me

THE Ken Bone?

I wouldn't doubt it. Same shit was going on in 2010.
Hell, I was suspended from highschool for 2 weeks for liking a picture on Facebook.

Its because he is white isnt he.

Attached: 1523869907882.jpg (1024x808, 116K)

I smell a lawsuit

Yes, Mr. J-Law Butthole himself.

similar thing happened to that pro-2A parkland kid

I'd think there'd be some bias between cases, given who Ken Bone is. This Kyle kid sounds like a nobody and his father looks like a muscle man who'd shove his fist up my ass

When I was in primary school two other kids I knew were fighting on their front lawn on a weekend, the Principal drove past and saw them and suspended them when they got to school on Monday.