Shareblue Op Lincoln leaked by Q user

A new Shareblue discord has been infiltrated by /ourguys/ working with Q user. This elite group, hand-picked and trained for infiltration and screen-capping, has found unimpeachable proofs that the anti-Kanye (((Stormfag))) shilling is actually an OP by Hillary shills to hurt Trump. Pic related. Proof that Dems are the real racists.

Attached: Leaked Shill Guide They Are Using To Try To Destroy The God King nad BASED KANYE.png (1452x1692, 1.24M)

Other urls found in this thread:

i'll bump this

thanks randey

Shareblue has never succeeded in anything. I don't care.

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Bump! This is important.

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oh my gaaaawd Q predicted thiiiiis!

Like I told you in another thread, I'm not ready to buy that this is real.

This is more along the lines of confirmation bias tricking you into believing you've got something when it's a plant.

Everyone knows the meme flags and shills on Jow Forums are JEWS. Shareblue hasn't been relevant for a year or more. You kikes literally made a discord channel and wrote that bullshit as a scapegoat.

>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.
>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content
>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

How the hell does this shit keep getting leaked?

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Did you forget user? Weaponized autism.

Because it's not a leak, it's a fucking psy op to try and convince people the shills on this board are shareblue instead of Jews.

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That sounds awfully like something a shill would say...

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Beautiful. Fuck em Ye!

this is a larp and bullshit. don't trust meme flags

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>That sounds awfully like something a shill would say...

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This, internet memetic operations only work if it's actually funny.
Suppporting Kanye and seeing where this goes is funnier than attacking him. This is something the left can't grasp, Jow Forums doesn't necesarrily do what's right or what goes 100% with their ideology, they do what they find to be the most humourous option. Jow Forums has always operated under this prinicble, "do it for the lulz".

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From what Costco did Hillary spear-head this operation?

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It reads like something some Jow Forumstard wrote to try a false flag. Now for me to win I have to keep hearing about Kanye all the time apparently. Yeah cool.

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>Jow Forums
You retards talk as if Jow Forums is 1 person, 1 group or 1 mindset. This is why you kikes always lose. BEcause you're braindead retards.

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Thanks Q. I'd missed that. More proof the left can't meme.

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Is that a fucking joke? Is the left attacking us... by posting race and IQ charts?

I don't believe this is real. If it is, we've reached levels of bizarre that should not even be possible.

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looks like bullshit
> lets make this blue so it is obvious that it is shareblue lolol
> muh q user
source or gtfo

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>democracy matters
>proceeds to act more racist then Jow Forums themselves
I mean, I knew democrats were retarded but this takes it to potato levels


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My sides have been aching lately.

This and checked

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Most won't believe me but yeah it's a joke, I made it today I think about 8 hours ago for a simple shitpost and have been laughing at all the MAGApedes sperging out about it ever since

A leafbro speaks truth

The number one shilling tactic is to call every one else a shill or a jew, to disrupt communication by making everyone distrust each other.
Thankfully we have a good weapon against that: use your fucking common sense to interpret information.
That's why shills aren't really effective here. This place is the opposite of groupthink. It doesn't matter if I call you a shill, it doesn't matter if you call me a shill. Whoever is genuine gets some information here that they wouldn't get anywhere else, regardless of any shilling.

There is a Republican senator in Florida named Marco Rubio- young, photogenic, and conservative. Somehow we need to meme this guy into running for the presidency,

If we can get even half of the black and latino vote, dems will never win an election again. Can you imagine the leftist butthurt when we elect w conservative Latino as president??

If we let these stormfaggots choose the candidate, we are going to wind up with some old white man endorsed by David Duke who calls mexican immigrants rapists.

>based black guy
>Ronald climp is printing at the federal reserve like never seen before
>stacking white house with Jews. Firing all Christians.
>doesn't have the balls to fire sessions and rosenstein and Muller
Give me a break. Jews are making off like bandits in the news media and in the banking sector and in wall street and you guys are praising the fact that one popular black man married to a coal buring white came out in support of Trump? Y'all the niggers

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>I'm retarded

bumping because I didn't even look at the OP but I know when I see this shill faggot posting these shill fake QAnon quote pics, whatever they're trying to get people to not look at must be worth everyone seeing.

Pot calling the kettle black. Guys i think Jow Forums is being raided. Their three step plan is to call real polacks shills. Their three step plan is to say anyone saying anything bad about their token nigger is a shill. Their three step plan is to cause mass confusion by calling everyone a shill and hope nupol adopts their leftist groupthink. Theyre trying to become the alt right. Its The most blatant controlled opposition ever.

What difference at this point does it make?


Chase the dream rhinos have been chasing for decades. Also you will have to water down your message until you are a rhino yourself

Don't get too buttblasted dude.
The amount of times I get the sounds like a shill/Jew for stating an uncomfortable position that conflicts with a groups consensus here is as many times as I post that position.
Mostly faggots from thedonald who waltzed in here back in 2016 who think this board is their personal autistic army.
Say anything that suggests Trump isn't perfectly executing a 6d masterstroke but is just fucking up something and you get called a cuck, kike shill even when you can pull up links verifying your claim.
Their group think is toxic and has shat this board up something fierce.

i don't know man. there has always been a lot of race realists here and we had good discussions. now we are going to be called shareblue for having those discussions?

i'm not opposed to kanye, i really could care less about celebrity opinions but i think 20 threads are plenty.

Once Kanye hears this, and he will, it's really going to trigger him hard, an op by Hillary shills to attack him and any supporters.

You literally are a shill by using fucking buzzwords like "HURR DURR YOURE FROM T_D". If you know someone is from T_D it's because you visit it, do you not understand how stupid that insult is?

These namecalling insults are why you jews keep losing, you're too stupid to shill properly.

This is literally share blue making a q larp insider thread trying to get people to not pay attenti9n to race statistics. It's fucking retarded but some people will fall for it. Share blue only plans one step ahead, never several. They're fucking niggers at infowars

i honestly believe you are jewish, your post reads like straight pilpul. i grew up in brooklyn and know what that attitude is like.

>30 posts by this ID
Calm down you ultra autist, stop solo spamming a thread.

Whoever keeps making these fake screenshots and false flags should kill himself.
I called this shit out during the election when someone took a screenshot of a wordpress blog (literally hosted on wordpress) as proof of a CTR campaign targeting Jow Forums.

Leftard are so pissed one of their slave broke his shackles hahahaha

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100% correct.


Aussiebro speaks truth. Magapedes are so into trump they have lost themselves. They are killing any discussion that isn't 110% pro trump. Calling people shills for simply asking how kanye is going to help us end white displacement/genocide

Why do you keep posting this?

Attached: 57680112.jpg (743x1024, 90K)

Bretty woke bloke right ear.

And it's Trumpian group think that let's the kikes come in here and riddle the place with the "Jow Forums is a singular entity with ideological consensus" slide threads that get interacted with in earnest.
It's a sad state of affairs.

I wish it were true, because if there was solid proof it would cause the biggest political shift since 1968.

But the image isn't there. It doesn't show the web address, or anything else to suggest that it's real.

I'll tell you what would work... record a video of someone going to the web site. Show them talking about this, then show the other messages, especially ones that pre-announce their talking points. Then we would have a way of verifying it.

>It's a sad state of affairs.
For one reason or another, it's always been that way.

The reason libtards can be manipulated is because of their need to be part of a group. They will agree with a percieved majority ever time for saftey in being anonymous in a crowd much like betas joining a violent gang. Very few few feel any need for control over their own lives and only have venom for those who threaten this saftey. I think most of pol is different. They believe what they believe , damn the torpedos.

Literally a /ptg/ discord renamed to pull this stunt.

I kinda don't care

It's literally fake like all the other ones.

this is what a shill looks like

exactly this and checked, this is so obviously fake and several anons have said they were there as it happened

It isn't a leak, thats why. Actual shills have been using this approach for a good while to silence dissent of their narrative.

This is fake and gay but I believe it.

Have you seen a PTG?
I personally observed a shift in 2016 when that shit arrived here.
There's so much more Jow Forums is this or that shit since then. It makes the place vulnerable to kike slides typifying this board as Nazi or Right wing instead of just a board where Nazis and Right wing people happen to reside.
If you can't see that as running along side the persistent Jew run manipulation, then you are a fucking idiot.
And I'm not a fucking shill you utter faggot. You're just proving my point.

>checked & bumped for truth

>fake like all the other ones.
Has anyone fact checked this one?

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They not even trying to hide it


Then you need your perception of reality unfucked.

Reminder that cripple/pol/ mods are freaking out and bumplocking kanye threads because they've always defended Trump and now they are being called liberal shills pretending to be NatSocs.
