So can somebody explain to me why these little poles are nearly $35,000 each?

So can somebody explain to me why these little poles are nearly $35,000 each?

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political scam to enrich their own friends and family

This combined with red tape and shit

Cost of construction consulting,
Cost of zoning, utility inspection
Purchasing land
Cost of concrete removal by construction crews
Cost of buying and painting poles with industrial paint (Paint is usually 250$ for 350-400sqft)

Sorry correction 1 gallon of industrial paint is 350-400 sqft so times that by 5 gallon pails where pails are 250 each.

>Cost of Inspector sleeping in truck

That's government for you.


And you racists didn't believe that diversity creates jobs. Who's laughing now?

The diversity tax

let me sleep, satan

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They probably extend down into the ground a bunch so they'll actually stop a car. But mainly so they can hire 10 guys to stand around and watch the one that is actually working.

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The actual cost of choosing, procuring, installing, and maintaining 3,000 bollards is far greater than the actual cost of each bollard. It's not like you can just buy 3,000 bollards and they suddenly just pop into the ground, ready to go. You have to hire people to manage all this shit. It takes a lot of time to do. Etc.

Fact: Lead was demonized back when the "Lead paint is bad for little kids when they put toys from China in their mouth" because wireless frequencies doesn't go thru lead well.

How can we put lead walls around these?

This exactly.

I work in trades and let me tell you something, theres a new building in my town and the engineer running the job forced every GC to carry one specific companys material costs, control costs, sheet metal, you name it. Damn near half the build all had to come from the same guy, the reason being that he and the engineer are buddies.

So he looks at his material and goes "hmm, I usually sell this for $500, but I don't have to bid against anyone. I guess I'll charge $3000 each".

This is so much more prevalent than people think that its not even funny

This lmao

It says 3,000 "barriers" not "poles." A barrier is made of multiple poles. This is basic reading comprehension. I will now burn a ceremonial bundle of incense in all fields to clear the board of this idiocy.



Are those diversity poles?

What a waste of money. It would be cheaper to put down some of these

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(((urban planners))) have been a front for (((them))) since forever. They like fetishizing Solomon (Shlomo aka the guy with 666 talents of gold) and building the temple

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saying you're saging a thread is against the rules, bub

Are you retarded? Those are expensive

arent they supposed to be yellow or white. why are they black

Because a barrier isn't a single pole

Even still dude, two guys put 10 of those in and paint them in one day easily. Cement and paint are cheap.

I think its worth noting that new york city government's budget rivals the top 10 richest states in the union and is in the direct control of the mayor + the city council, which amounts to fewer than a dozen people.

That's the real problem. NYC needs a house of representatives.

Those would obviously be more expensive as they are far larger and would require a lot more material and effort to construct and emplace

I mean if u consider the time to zone an area to tear apart a street to implement poles probably not, you also could just unload them off a flatbed and be done instead of installing them for days

I'll do it for $32,500 each.

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Isn't it against the rules to call someone out for saying sage?

That seems dumb

Inflation, my dude. This is NYC, where a good latte is 9 $dolla, and a tiny apartment is 5K a month. If you want a quality concrete post, it's 35 grand a pop.

Because government and complacency

It's mostly labour costs. Council takes for fucking ever to get anything done.

More like De Blasio is the cause of all that

Well, unions and underground/subway concerns

lol thats fucking hallarious

That cost does seem excessively high, but I'll explain the bloated system for the NEETs
1. Concept - Planners decide where bollards should go based on traffic, pedestrian and other concerns of the community.
2. Survey - Mapping of areas where bollards where go. Utility locates to make sure nothing is buried.
3. Engineering - Designing the specific bollard pattern, spacing, and where exactly they should be placed
4. Approval of designs, community involvement to see if anyone is butthurt about these going in. These meetings always bring out the retards.
5. Redesign - some cupcake didn't like some detail, so it went back to
6. Re-approval to 100%
7. Construction. A bunch of overpaid city workers and trades man drill out, install bollards. The bollards themselves are procured through some overpriced inside deal.
8. Asbuilts, review and filing for record.

What's the main reason why it's so expensive? We're a litigious society. People will take every opportunity to sue the shit out of the government when given the chance. Someone may not like this diversity bollard in front of their business, claim it blocks something etc, and sue.

Why even fucking do this crap shit i hate the goddamn worthless road construction projects in NYC that do nothing to improve the quality of life.

This idiotic shit is what they are proposing the ***congestion tax*** to fund god fucking damn.

bullshit you could manufacture and place those much faster than placing concrete reinforced pillars

>What is the deep state
>How many trillions of dollars have the tax payers been scammed
>What did Orwell mean by security?
>What is despotism?
>What is the delusion of democracy?
>What is the wageslave/Taxslave

also fpbp of course. the fpbp must be honored for the sake of braaaaaaaaaaapppppppp

seems like a bargain desu

Those remind you of something?

Attached: WomensIdealPenisGuideAuthentic.jpg (800x732, 228K)

Q is here 'pedes!

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Obviously they don't cost that much and can be done with 1/10th of that cost. However, what said. Labor and material cost is only a small fraction of the total. There's money to be made. That's why it seems to take forever for construction projects to get done. If the president is visiting your town for example though: you can bet you're bottom that the road he drives down will be clean and have all the pot holes fixed within the week.

3 bollards
Sawcut concrete. $640
Remove concrete. $200
Auger, offhaul. $600
Bollards. $900
Concrete foot. $300
Paint. $250
Markup. $1000
Bonds, insurance. $1000
Gen conditions $1000
Free market cost $6K
Govt cost $6 gorrilion

I would wager that it's to protect civilians from vans of peace.

Pillars of peace.

Don't forget shitty government contracts.

I wonder who's behind this (((good quality concrete post))).

Why has no one in this thread, up to now, addressed the very root of the problem. Remove the people who are statistically overrepresented as van-in-your-face attackers and eliminate the need for "barriers of diversity".

We dont need protection from vans of peace. The tree of liberty must at times be watered with the blood of joggers and muslims. This shit os a waste of money.

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legalized corruption in the West. In China they'd get the death penalty.

they have to cost each terrorist they let into the country which caused them to have to put them up

Because city workers have to install them. Know the price of a concrete truck?.