Is the deepstate bold enough now to commit another false flag as big as 9/11?
Is the deepstate bold enough now to commit another false flag as big as 9/11?
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Yes, but trying and accomplishing are two different things. Didn't 9/11 take decades to prepare for?
At least since the 80s.
what the actual fuck
yes but way bigger
I'm certain it will happen again, and again. Look at international events leading toward WWIII. If Trump won't go to war, they'll force him by blowing a massive (false flag) powder keg. Think a dirty bomb or some shit like that. It's a matter of "when", not "if".
Theres predictive programming in The Sandlot as well
>leading toward WW3
You're a moron. NK is about to approach peace and unification.
That's a weird way to spell Israel