What the fuck is going on in North Korea? Why has Kim Jong Un become so friendly?

What the fuck is going on in North Korea? Why has Kim Jong Un become so friendly?
Why did he cross into South Korea?

Why the fuck did he, in an unscripted momment, walk hand in hand with the South Korean president across the line and into North Korea?

What the fuck is going on?

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Putin paid off North Korea. It's part of a scheme to make Drumpf more popular before the blue wave comes in November.

IIRC, it was South Korea who reached out to him first.

Trump did this

He literally saved us all

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They were never the evil that you were taught, that’s what.

North Korea has the capability to launch Nukes at the US now so theres no reason for them to play for time. They can just blow smoke up Trumps ass to stroke his ego and get the sanctions eased up.


thank you based putler


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Just in time to ruin everything good happening.

I like how americans insert themselves on anything.

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Because he’s showing up Trump and the west. And the idiot gooks are falling for it. Incoming artillery on Soul!

>>Jow Forumsthread/169586679

I made another thread on the same question

I'm probably fucking up the linking, something I haven't done in the 3 or 4 years I've been here -- someone halp pls I'm special

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What is it about Kim that is so endearing?

you just link your OP from the other thread in this one like you would any other post, you retard

He's like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again.

welp. now that I see how easy that was...
>pic related

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Its so china can get around the tariffs . South Korea is USA trade proxy with Nork and Nork will now become Chinas trade proxy .

China promised lil Kim purview over ALL of Korea. He thinks he is going to win

yfw China executes lil kim after all this and gets United South Korea on its side

This actually makes the most sense so far. Jeez.

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It's always good to keep enemies in disarray. Also this is just him playing all sides; SK, China, and USA. Kim is a smart man.

You jus copy Op original post # and add 2 >> in front. NuFags

Winning. We can't stop.


Ok then mr. Nazfag why dont you give us your opinion on the recent meetings.....
To me it makes complete sense. Kim meets with China a month or so ago, discusses the incoming US tariffs thatc will mostly likely be placed on China, China makes promised with Kim telling him we will provide military support and newer weapons (no nukes/nuke program must stop) Also promises Kim a slight control over trade deals between China, US, and Norks. This appeals to Kim, gives Kim power and finally a position on the Global stage, China makes deal giving Kim a small % or a Tax on goods coming from US through South Korea. All Kim has to do is end Nuke program (for now) and make peace with South K. Publicly. Kim returns home. Kim is contacted by South K. Officials letting him know that US would like to create back channel to discuss moving forward on this trade deal between China, US and South K. Kim sees the massive opportunity in front of him. Kim decides to meet with ex CIA director Pompeo. He does and follows through with his part of the deal.

Q was right

he was held hostage by the deep state as puppet
and now he and his country has been freed from their control

his nuclear test facility collapsed, probably destroying his entire program. he is playing with a bad hand and bluffing his way into negotiations for one last long-term payoff.

to gain power you have to make friends.
north korea was the Jow Forums autist of the world

Kim ran out of cash. He's looking for a golden parachute.

Because Trump is a fucking lunatic who threatened to wipe out NK with nukes, that's why. So Lil Kim said, fuck it, we unite with the south and give the USA the finger in the long run, we don't need them here.

You bitches are losing on all fronts, and that's a good thing. China and Iran are next, but they won't back down so expect your ass grilled in WW3 you assholes.

There are other possible test locations. His nuclear program is the exact same as before just has to have a break in tests before he start up again. This "peace talks" could just be him playin people like suckers.

>too gain power you have to befriend kikes
That's a good way to get Saddam'd or Gaddafi'd.

north korea doesn't need china's military support. norks have nukes and ICBM's. they're a nuclear superpower and their army is one of the most heavily trained in the world. just because china is their main ally and because kim met xi about a month ago doesn't mean china controls north korea's internal and foreign affairs

Enjoy your rape epidemic while you think of us. Just not online. You may go to jail.

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Lol stfu dicklette

He's scared of Trump and the NK regime is on it's last leg. Un can either become an icon of peace or he can be killed by Americans and immortalized in mockery in American media like his father.

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Because NK is a paper tiger, Trump called their bluff by increasing the severity of sanctions and by believably signalling he was willing to escalate the situation.

try again, retards


Got any more on that?

No Leftist, I'm not rooting for trump but he did get the ball rolling fo being a dpuce to the left

He betrayed his country. Kim Jung Un is a vapid hedonist and is will to sell his country to the bankers for a nice bribe payout.

kim is redpilled

try again, retards

>norks have nukes and ICBM
Yeah, they kinda have very wonky prototypes of both, but are decades away from meaningly combining these things together. Making a nuke that can fit in a missile and withstand the enormous strain that takes place during the process of delivering that weapon to target is not trivial.

>t. armchair nuclear scientist
you angloids are fucking pathetic at this point

what he do?


> when you realize NK was always controlled by the jews

Because the migrant crisis has enlightened him that he can conquer the south with demographics which are far more powerful than nukes.
Remember the Norks outnumber the SK's by hundreds of thousands.
As soon as the border is relaxed or comes down you will have a flood of norks heading to the south. They'll set up like african'/syrian migrants. Most unable to read or write with no cash take over streets and slums.
Nork army hit squads go around letting nork refugees know they're still in charge and not to fuck around.
Next election the new president of SK is Kim Jeong Un.

N̶o̶r̶t̶h̶ ̶K̶o̶r̶e̶a̶

Maybe he was touched by the couple's figure skating at the Olympics and realized that there are things in this world worth preserving.

>What the fuck is going on?
>Peace in Korea? What a shoah!

Only good can come of this goyim.

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peace user, peace. Spread the word. Peace through Strength works. No more wars for profit.

Yes this is a good thing. Now North Korean can be bought up by the (((capitalist))) scum. Degenerate Western values will come to them too

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Same with libya. The world doesnt need the (((west's))) freedom and culture. Its toxic and self defeating as fuck.

>im_so_ronery.mp4 intensifies

>when you have investment strategies for all eventualities
Hehehe we were always going to win goy.

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He's already won that. Everyone is Korean. The rest is a bit of a stretch too. I understand your frustration.

why are drumpftards taking credit for this

Retard. The difficulties of nuclear re-entry are easy to understand but hard to solve. You can literally look up a YouTube video that gives a great, if simple, breakdown of the difficulties of creating an ICBM.