They literally had 0 forensics audio or video evidence of Bill Cosby doing what he's accused of. All they had was women saying he did and they convicted him. This needs to go all the way to the Supreme Court to strike women down and make it clear that they can't get their way legally just because they all band together and say someone did something. And no I don't care if he did it in fact he probably did, but I have 0 sympathy for those gold digging cunts anyway, or for modern US women in general given how they act.
They had 0 actual proof to convict him
Other urls found in this thread:
Their tears are proof enough, rape apologist.
Also if you think women won't lie in the future to get actual non ironically innocent guys convicted your delusional given how often they've been proven to have lied about shit over and over
It'll never happen, f*male entitlement will only get worse
...every other time I guess?
considering many rapists do their crimes under cover of darkness, making sure there is no camera footage, no proof, and ready to deny everything five minutes later, how did you expect any of them to be convicted?
you're just butthurt because you are also a rapist and are scared you might go to prison too
if what OP says is true then yes he should be acquitted, again
It's fucked. More men are having repressed sexual experience. While their own sisters and class mates have at least 10 dicks per year. So sad. I am declining arranged marriage because fuck it feels like I am pussy to indoctrinate any girl. Indian women, too. Voting right to women was mistake.
what's the proof?
I personally believe he is being framed and the elite are out to ruin his image.If that's the case there's nothing he can really do.
>mfw niggers and feminists are turning on each other again
On every article that's up right now they all admit they had no actual evidence
He said he gave her 3 benadryl and told her they were herbal supplements. Jesus fucking christ pol
He's a father figure to millions of fatherless blacks. Of course the elites want him gone. All father figures have to go.
Beyond a shadow of a doubt, that's just him saying he gave her medicine and lied about it, unless he admitted to actually messing with her it's not enough
OMG, you're only supposed to take TWO benadryls!
he admitted to buying the drugs which apparantly in libshit land is enough to convict a man of rape
>0 actual proof
well except for his own testimony, if he had plead the fifth he would have walked.
Zero proof besides his encyclopedic knowledge of ruffies.
care to link to any good ones ?
We convict people without evidence based on witness testimony all the time. It is not ideal or without controversy, but depending on circumstances, it should be the case.
He admitted to that too, seriously I loved Cosby and all and wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt but he admitted to giving these women a bunch of benadryl and groping and fucking them while they were knocked out.
For example, a murderer should not get away with it simply because they are the ultimate hide-and-seek player and the body was never found. Circumstantial and witness testimony should be used, as long as it is weighed.
> A fucking leaf
Nigger lover
he could lead the incel revolution no?
they just remade the jury until they got what they wanted.
he confessed. he admitted guilt. there isnt anything more needed. the only reason it went to trial and he didnt just lea out was he didnt want to go to jail
A white woman. And a lesbian from the looks of it.
If you're one of the most famous black men in America, why would you risk losing it all for that woman?
Answer: you wouldn't.
Who the fuck gets knocked out cold by 3 Benadryl?
If the jury thinks youre guilty regardless of actual truth. What happens ?
> implying blacks think rationally
Niggs gonna nigg "muh dikk" comes first
You appeal and let a judge decide
Outside of hongcouver niggeronto yes canada is very white.
Ever been to a rock concert? Baseball game? Hockey arena? Fucking whiteest place on earth
>Cosby admits to giving her benadryl
>Cosby admits to having sex with her
Hurr Durr where der everderrrrnsss?!?!
Is pol retarded now?
Yep. How many does it have to happen to.
And the system basically ensures that this will happen. Prosecutors get paid to lock people up. They have to find criminals, when they can't they manufacture them.
And when it comes to man vs women, he said she said, who you think a jury is going to believe. Especially a jury hand picked to deliver a specific verdict, guilty.
The system is a fucking sham man. It's anti-male, anti-black, anti-poor person and nobody seems to give a fuck about it.
I could go down from 2, though it may take an hour and I'm usually taking them at night.
They wouldn't exactly make you beyond wakability either. But a smol girl could be a different story.
>ever been to a [stuff white people like event]
>its totally 100% white!
yeah, you sure proved canada is white, chang
>why the testimony of women is worth nothing in almost every sacred text
that was the last straw
>Jow Forums are such incels they will defend a nigger who raped 40 girls rather then admit that women do get raped and its wrong
>We will slaughter your bloodline if you dont admit to it goy
>err yis i did drug le bitch and fuck her good time
makes no difference to the fact that in order to put someone in jail, you need to know it was him
Whatever u say race traitor
I can't sleep no matter how many I take.
I think the Cosby thing is related to the jewish mafia somehow. I'm pretty sure they killed his son. Something isn't right about the whole story. Wasn't there like 100 victims at one point?
I wish I was on the jury. He'd be free right now. Actually, the jury would still be sequestered because I wouldn't roll over just so they can lock up another innocent black man. Fuck that.
welcome to the socialist agenda that ruins the legacy of a great man who touched the world and might have touched a pussy without giving them his money in return.
If there was a hell, these women would be getting gangfucked by satan's flaming spiked cock for eternity.
excuse me while i eat some goddamn pudding
Ah got it. Thanks user
He admitted it....
Ah, the old fatherless blacks myth.
www.vox. com/2015/6/21/8820537/black-fathers-day
small girl who is 6'8 and about 220 pounds.
again, one of the most famous men in america. rich as fuck. could have nearly any woman he wants. he drugs this gorilla with 3 benedryl and rapes her why?
kys incel faggot
It's also about this speech he gave to the NAACP, basically saying black people should stop blaming white and start raising their kids properly....
(((they))) never forgave him for that
Funny thing testimony is one of the worst forms of evidence
I hate blacks, but I hate women even more.
Cosby did nothing wrong.
Supreme Court will overturn this in 5 minutes
>be group of gold digging whores
>accuse an objectively great American icon of rape
>bombard him with accusations 40 years after the fact
>judge expects an 80 year old man to have the cognitive ability to recount multiple specific encounters that occurred half a century ago
>get convicted with Z E R O physical evidence
He's going to walk, because the precedent this sets would literally destroy the foundation of our country.
Please open bobs
This. Women need to be put in their place.
They need to learn that you can't just accuse someone of something with no evidence other than "muh feels."
Did he rape them? Most likely. But these dumb cunts shouldn't have waited 40 FUCKING YEARS to speak out.
>black man rapes white women
>Jow Forums defends him
Holy eternal war with women
jesus fucking christ
I thought he'd admitted it was actually consensual and gave them pills. Not the woman he went to court over.
It's the most flagrant character assassination I've ever seen. I've said this since day one. Cosby was the most hardcore advocate of education, two parent households, and the end of the victim mentality and ghetto culture of the black community.
I expect the exact same thing to happen to Kanye West in the coming weeks. (((They))) will try to nip him in the bud before he really starts making waves politically and socially.
I seriously am starting to slowly hate women.
And not in the Jow Forums supreme gentleman way, but in an almost spiritual way. A realization deep in my soul that almost their entire gender was a mistake.
I go on dates a lot and most sluts these days put out on the first date and when I'm fucking them and they all say the same vapid shit like "Oh yeah fuck me harder daddy, fuck this pussy" it just gives you disgust in the pit of your stomach and you realize that this is all these creatures live for. For physical earthly pleasures. And it just makes you get such a level of disdain for them that you wish that we can just find a way to reproduce without females somehow because they serve LITERALLY no function.
Bill took a rufie for this one.
that THING would require a fucking bear tranq to take down, holy shit. its like they could've made the chewbacca from star wars with much less costume and effects if they just used this disgusting beast of a woman. i really do want to just throw up every time i see ugly shit on Jow Forums. god.
>rape someone
>no physical proof
Fucking based
while i think hes likely guilty
a whole bunch of women saying something doesnt make it true
example: convent full of nuns claim possession and orgies brought down by a man, that man was later killed
multiple women, same story; if all it takes is many women to say the same thing, then there can be no feminist atheists, as all those nuns claimed demonic possession, so it must be true
theres better sources, but for the lazy
He didn't rape anyone. A bunch of coal burning roasties got high a fucked the most famous comedian on earth, then felt some mild regret when he never called them back.
Then the DNC put the memo out to find all the Hollywood groupies who had contact with Cosby in the 70s and 80s, and now here we are.
>fuck's vapid sluts on the first date
>is angry that they're all vapid sluts
Respectable behavior is a two way street, you realize.
>Admit there's no proof
Saying it loudly or "feeling" it doesn't matter.
My view is...if they want to be a whore, why not treat them like the whore they are? I fuck them and then never call them again.
>fake news
>cosby was actually paid to go to trial and this was all set up.
>cosby continues doing whatever he was doing out of the spotlight and nobody remembers shit.
>liberals gain power
>liberals gain more power
>liberals turn into commies
>we china now
Ok, so you're behaving like a manchild who only cares about sex and they're enabling you. Alternatively, they're behaving like sluts and you're enabling them. I don't see how you're not equally at fault for this behavior.
I don't give a shit if that nigger is innocent. Dont take drugs with lewd women and have sex outside of marriage and this won't happen.
Wanna get high?
30 years later!
Don't ever get high with women ever,
cut them off!
Pass, pass, skip!
Cosby named the jew and hip hop, that's why they're making shit up about him. See MJ and Kanye too, they went out of line and the Jews took care of them.
rape on private property needs to be decriminalized. if a girl doesn’t trust a man, don’t get in a room with. this change would immediately change the sexual dynamic for the better and bring back traditional values.
he didn’t rape anybody. he had sex with a ton of sluts, some of who grew up to be old and bitter feminists and are now escaping blame for their failure in life.
you know when like 60 women claim he ahve raped them there is probably some truth in it
yeah the truth is there’s a LOT of women who regret being whores early in their lives.
just wait until this generation of girls grows up.
there's a reason why the goatfucking arabs require 4 women witnesses to overturn one male witness
well this is like 60 vs 1
followed this closely last summer
had no idea that the retrial was on
amazing conviction
way back in 2004 i came across mgtow
i remember some post like "any interaction with a woman, no matter how benign, opens you up to impoverishment, imprisonment, or death"
seemed extreme at the time,
bros before hoes
they had to wait to see whether he helped them in their careers or not
>just wait until this generation of girls grows up
That's why this has to go to the Supreme Court and get overturned. Everything has a digital trail now
>be the year 2050
>be married with a house and kids entering college
>getting ready for retirement
>"hey user, remember that girl from tinder who you fucked 30 years ago? No? Oh well, prove you didn't rape her or liquidate your assets for a settlement"
So clearly the gap between fearful betas and alpha chads is increasing.
You said it yourself, getting pussy is easier than it ever was. Either keep blaming society or do what other men have done before and grow mentally.
You fucks are defending a drug rapist sweater wearing fucking non-funny fuck. You guys like Kevin Spacey too? Get the fuck off my internets you retard. BILL COSBY WOULD HAB RAPED YOUR MOM GIVEN THE CHANCE. fucking morons. YOURE A BUNCH OF FAGS WHO HATE WOMEM MORE THAN RAPISTS?
Bill only raped a little, not a lot, and he was generous enough to knock women out when he did the deed so they wouldn't have to feel ashamed or disgusted by getting blacked.
I don't know what everyone is so upset about, desu desu senpai.