Is the modern man worth saving?

Is the modern man worth saving?

Attached: B2AC76F2-6873-46CD-BC36-EDC25D044399.jpg (750x1198, 712K)

I would normally say no but that pic has convinced me otherwise. They are great entertainment.

Attached: 1466924119318.jpg (327x303, 47K)

Ofcourse not, we can try help them help themselves.

that one isn’t

You can only save yourself.
Become a father of the Übermensch.
Let the others perish in their nihilism.

Attached: 1280px-Nietzsche187a.jpg (1280x1736, 471K)

I'm fucking sure that's just some fetish picture and text is added there for memetic purposes. It has to be.

Yeah but HE has a gf and YOU don't

Numale and his GF.

Attached: 1524721941011.webm (480x852, 1.15M)

that's some humiliation/femdom shit

Jews have destroyed us.