Sure is /r9k in here

>muh all wimmin r sl00tz & all wh*te sl00tz luv BBC
>racemixing is ba... except when it's yellow fever
>[insert ethnicity] is wh*te
>da J00Z did it
>nogs r all subhoomin chimpouts
>[insert pic related]
>muh dick

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>NEETZ r all lazy cunts, kill all boomers
[Written from Mom's Basement]
>single mothers r the bane of society and abortion is REDRUM
>imma ride that biatch bareback and never pay child support

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neets are lazy uesless cunts unironically


fucking thank you dude. glad I'm not the only one

>muh 2nd Amendumbent
*Hides behind the bushes during rostered school shooting*
*Gets shot with own gun after pulling it on some dark gentlemen in a rough neighbourhood who were just about to warn him about the rough neighbourhood...*

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>Talking the talk not walking the walk

Ever heard the term coward?

*Posts on 4chinz*
>kill all nogs, RACE WAR NAO

*Meets abo yoofs outside rsl after footy club pissup*
>Yes,sir. Here's my wallet sir,please don't stomp me sir...

Attached: kaze_mike_37414126991_Tohru 「トール」.jpg (1367x2048, 551K)

>imma NEET incel with no social skillz who prefers to hump muh body pillow and fap to trap loli 2d than aksully talk to grillz
>gotta take the mgtow pill cause all grillz r stuck up bitches that won't drop to their knees upon seeing me and give me complimentary blowjobs

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*someone comes to /pol and points out blatant hypocrisy and dichotomy of ideas*
>REEEEEEE normie get out!!1!!!

Attached: kaze_mike_27700496338_YoRHa No.2 Type B.jpg (2048x1367, 535K)

I agree, I feel like I am babysitting a bunch of retarded kids but sadly this is the operating level of normal adults these days, no wonder the jews outsmart them.

And if you give them advice, they imediately turn it down, as if they were smart, so why ask for advice in the first place?

If I got to 8chubs Jow Forums it's actually intelligible. This place is trash now. I just come to laugh at retards who think they are secret hacker nazis, and gay fags who think stinking your dick in shit is sexy.

This place has become satire of itself. Truely remarkable.

Use 4chuns for laughs and pron
Use 8chuns for actual adult conversations.

That's the best advice I can give you I'm afraid. Jow Forums has zero moderation, and they use the excuse of free speech, well now Jow Forums is 90% spam, gg free speech.

>>REEEEEEE normie get out!!1!!!
Except nobody said that. You're the one sperging out.

He is right, the latest batch of newfags are defective. It's like they are all retarded fat bipolar soccer moms. 4chub Jow Forums is finished.


>hurr my superiority
>hurr newfags im such an oldfag lol

Oldfags aren't special, except for the fact they have been hazzed into shutting the fuck up until they have something slightly worth saying. Newfags think they know everything just like little kids, and just like little kids they suck at life lessons and can't spell. Basically Jow Forums has a counsel of secret old fags who no life here and create the board culture, usually we will berate new users with insults or bans until they conform to our rules, usually stupid threads are shot down by logic and sages. Until eventually the newfag becomes an oldfag.

Nu/pol/ is a fucking pathetic trash heap. A vacuum of oldfags was created which broke the system. Now everyone is a retarded newfag and being a gay retard here has become acceptable. Most of these factions and sub-groups are morons who belong in a looney bin. Yet here we are, entertain them with you's.

Gas yourself dumb cunt. I could recite mein kampf in my sleep, you can't even spell. Cuck plebian, try harder newfag, do it for daddy.

>better than this shithole
Good joke. That place is run and populated by the same sorts of manchildren you're fleeing from.

I agree with that as well. There comes a time when you have to stop blaming others and eat the shit sandwich. I don't understand how some people find eating and breathing hard. Yet here they are posting, telling us what to do.

old Jow Forums used to be more like lit and history combined with a sprinkling of neo nazis. Nazis used to ironically pretend to be cucks, heck I still pretend to be liberal and make bait threads. But Jow Forums changed, now it is actually full of cuck liberals and plebbit refugees who are too far left for even leftists. It's a looney bin.

Women are sluts, and tend to prefer big white dick
Racemixing is usually bad
It's the fucking Jews
88% of niggers are subhuman
Your pic has big tits but otherwise looks foul

>daddy didn't luv me: The Post.

Protip: The reflection of your suggestion of muh superiority might be your inferiority.

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/g akshully has some remarkably interdasting /pol-tier breads.

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>namefagging is for poofs

>pooftas are queer but muh wanking to traps isn't a bit gay m8.

Attached: kaze_mike_35452342945_Miyu 「美遊」.jpg (1367x2048, 749K)

You are a colossal faggot and a newfag. Sage and lurk more

Ah I'd forgotten that one..

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>flat bimbo dragon
if you do not pack the D's don't play