Isn't a white ethnostate literally just a safespace for whitey?
Isn't a white ethnostate literally just a safespace for whitey?
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A white safespace would be the result of whites running away to increasingly colder parts of the world hoping that niggers don't follow.
A white ethnostate would be the result of whites rising up and killing all nonwhites in their nation, thus taking back what they see as rightfully theirs in a truly righteous way.
The difference is warfare.
Are you acknowledging that they're not safe around blacks?
Pretty much, but it's more about separating us for the sake of civilization more than anything else
The blacks will have plenty of coal burners to rape because the liberal white men will be killed and the liberal women will just stay, and the ethnostate will have a good ole time without em
There’s nothing safe about it
don't you have a dog to suck off?
So the difference between an ethnostate and a safespace is whether or not you use violence to acquire it?
No. Blacks are useless and fuck up everything we create. Even when we're trying to be patient and generous, you niggers think we're supposed to just give the shit to you.
We don't need your shitty entertaining and football kneeling. We are doing just fine without you.
Is not about harm is about integrity and armony
>not knowing the difference from being sheltering yourself from niggers and sheltering yourself from ideas
No. Next question.
If by safespace you mean "a way to get away from a race that commit 1/2 of all murders and cost $750,000 per nig per lifetime such that four white men have to have their life's contribution in taxes taken to pay for every one nigger, and who despite having their gibs paid for and their children subsidized and their jobs unfairly given to them, hate the white men who give them what is in fact everything they have ever had", then yeah, sure. Safespace it is.
So is this a gibsme thread?
Well, it would be a lot safer without blacks, tbqh.
To be true we dont need anyone nor niggers nor kikes .. they are leeches that destroy the social cohesion history tradition general behaviour of our society
There is nothing good about this dystopia
Not a real Canadian. I just like LARPing for the bantz
I do have a delicious burger to eat though
>truly righteous way
what a white dindu says before he murders you
You fuckin’ tell em, burger me
Nah nigger, it's the greatest place on earth! Think peak America. MAGA!
Yes. Look at africa, its a voilent cesspool that has bever produced anything good. Why would any sane person want that instead of a civilized country? There's a reason the crime rate in Europe is way lower than the United States. There's a reason they have good culture despite America slowly ruining it.
so what you're saying is that Africa is a nigger natural reserve
In all honesty, I don't even know what the left defines as a safe space or what is used for, if you define it, maybe I'll answer, fucking nigger
Yes. We call these civilizations.
>Isn't a white ethnostate literally just a safespace for whitey?
Are you implying that safety is undesirable?
It's a place that was built by westerns for westerns. I don't call Africa a safespace for Africans since nobody is safe there.
They aren't able to build a nation and flee like cowards
>It's a place that was built by westerns for westerns.
>are lion-free villages just a safe space for humans?
humancucks btfo
"We must secure the existence of our people & the future of white children,"- 1488
"For the beauty of the white Aryan woman must not perish from the earth,"- 1488
See link provided for more understanding.
Isn't rope a great way to display to all the other niggers how much nigger really matter to everyone else?
No, a safe space is suppose to 100% safe from the elements as well as from everyone else, think of it like a daycare for SJW's. An ethnostate is just a mono racial area that is still like your average place but with one race and a different rate of crime, economy, etc.
Yes, because every human needs safety, it's a basic necessity. Nonwhites shit up the safety of our environment so they need to fuck off. Let them form their own communities outside of ours and just leave us in peace.
Well just remember they are essentially contrarian jew golems.
>bad for whites = good
>good for whites = bad
Only in the literal sense, it's a safe space from the physical violence of niggers. Not a safespace from being offended.
Exactly the point. It would be a safe space in the most literal sense. Without niggers you won't have to worry about getting murdered for your sneakers, having your door kicked in, getting mugged, etc. It would quite literally be a space that is safe.
I don’t understand why would anyone want an ethnostate. Wouldn’t you get tired of everyone around looking the same?
Nigg logic:
Whites have created a system were literally everything is done to keep us back and everything is racist. BUT they can't have a separate country and leave us to our own accords.
Also, what whites would be allowed to live there? Would Italians, Irish and Slavs be allowed to live alongside Anglos and Germans?
A safespace from actual violence is not a "pansy" thing to wish for. The word safe space is derogatory in the first place because it assumes you need a safespace from different ideas from yours, not literal violence.
>how much nigger really matter
user, they already know.
Considering that most whites believe in freedom of speech, a white ethno-state would be a free speech haven where all things could be discussed. Only a minority of non-whites believe in absolute freedom of speech
You should probably go.
You see these guys:
They're white ethnostates. It's no big deal to them. They exist
The african continent is pretty much all made up of ethnostates.
I think the whites posting under US flags who like to harp on about this need to hang themselves from a tree
It depends on how you define the two terms desu
How would you define them, OP? If you give me something to work with then maybe we can have a conversation.
Is this what the Romans said about the Anglo-Saxons and other Germanic tribes 2000 years ago?
>we gonna be kangz 2000 years from now trust us
A safe space for white people to arm themselves and protect themselves from genocide. Yes it is.
we aren't locked in with you, you are locked in with us.
Yes and what of it you build your own safe space for blacks we can still play call of duty together just don't come in my safe space
HI Canada friend death to Toronto am I right
Took a while but this is it. OP BTFO.
An ethnostate doesn't mean that foreigners can't come. They simply have to go home at the end of their trip.
Did you just agreed that being around blacks is absolutely unsafe?
Do Le 56% make you feel unsafe? Asking as a burger
Who wouldn't feel unsafe with them lurking in the shadows.