Champion wedding drinker from a couple threads ago here. I feel like I should point out that at the time I was a serious competitive weightlifter and weighed 350 pounds.
just pretend it's about """us""" like, the /ptg/ family. cause we're gonna die someday. we wont' have photos so just enjoy what you can see cause we'll all disappear. >this is family businesss
>AHAHAHAHA I'M IN CALIFORNIA AND I'M FREER THAN YOU That's a sad commentary on New Zealand desu. California is pretty much Soviet Russia at this point.
Brody Cook
Soon the exports of Best Korea will be available to the world. Here's their knockoff SKS, of which only a few dozen have been recovered so far. >Type-63 carbine
Meanwhile Sac is debating background checks for "firearms precursor parts" including shit like gun barrels. Fuck it all. And I can hold twice as much ammo as you and your Leaf buddies.
Juan Roberts
I don't know where you're getting this >californians can't own AR-15s meme from. AR clones and derivatives are likely the most popular longarm in California/
Life is moving so fast that I'll miss you. You should know that. I have to visit graves this month and I WISH that I don't have to visit yours (and James' grave) :-/
I love everyone in /ptg/
so I don't break rule 1, I'll ask: are we doing good on the Korean war?? >mfw im feeling all this love
No Moon, it is too early to show him how to use the stargate. The talks have just begun.
Austin Nguyen
Nah the license system is just really faggy
>There are some new offences relating to the possession for illegal purposes of body armour designed for protection against firearm projectiles. There are increases to some of the maximum penalties under the Arms Act, and a new order of the court is established, applicable to many of the offences in the Arms Act, which is the suspension of a firearms licence, a dealer’s licence, or an endorsement on a firearms licence.
>are we doing good on the Korean war?? I'm skeptical. I have a feeling the Norks are going to try to pull something. It's not the first time they've played the denuke card only to just keep on going not unlike Iran.
Nicholas Brown
James, stay safe. I know you hate me but I love you. I do. You're so young but you stay in my mind. You're so cute. I love you so much. Stay safe damnit
I remember some Jow Forums Kiwi saying he got rejected on his firearms license application because his dad told them about his mental disorders. Poor guy just wanted to hunt boars.
Brody Peterson
>ywn have a phalanx of physically fit handsome kung fu sharpshooters guard your vehicle by running with it why even live
They're literally starving, their infrastructure is crumbling, and an unfortunate bunker collapse claimed the lives of most of their nuclear scientists. KJU has no choice, and possibly WANTS an excuse to reunite with the world anyway.
I'm still pissed at my dad for pussing out and not buying a Mosin or a Yugo Mauser back when they were dirt cheap. He used to talk about getting one all the time back when we got Big 5 sporting good catalogs. I miss those old Big 5 ads...
Christopher Watson
you got it, I just didn't notice because Jow Forums isn't giving me the (you) for past thread for som reasone
Alexander Sanders
Stay clean. Not for me, but for everyone, including your best friend: YOURSELF >pic related
Let's see one of the poorest countries pull a fake trump card. w e w
It trips me out hearing you guys' stories. I don't remember an age where I didn't have guns hanging on a gun rack in my room. I'm sure they weren't there when I was a toddler, but I can't ever remember them not being there. Everyone at my school was the same way. I would get home from school, grab my gun, and go find some shit to shoot. Or hunt during fall and winter.
I can't imagine the horror of growing up with antigun parents. Oddly enough my grandparents were the ones who were freaked out when I bought my first rifle.
Lucas Sullivan
>implying either Korea is dumb enough to import peaceful truck drivers
Why would you buy one? They're just there in the open if you look in the right spots
Robert King
Wonder what happened to them after he died. I hate how there's never many fly-on-the-wall accounts for people like him or Saddam, even though many of them got out and now live in Gulf states.
>They're literally starving, their infrastructure is crumbling, and an unfortunate bunker collapse claimed the lives of most of their nuclear scientists. KJU has no choice, and possibly WANTS an excuse to reunite with the world anyway. Way to bite into the propaganda. What do we actually know about the country?
A nuke card is a Trump card no matter who holds it.
Jaxon Moore
True, but he would have died either way. By that same logic Kim doesn't need to pick handsome guards. He'd probably be better with some horse faced ones to make himself look better by comparison.