How with the MSM spin this?
What Timeline is This?
Other urls found in this thread:
>Why a Republican win is still good for Democrats
>tfw you live in a timeline where Donald fucking Trump ended the Korean crisis
I dont even know what to think at this point. Shits getting too weird. I feel like we split from the main timeline some time ago and have been riding the proverbial rollercoaster through consecutively stranger timelines ever since.
>actually president obama laid the groundwork trump simply followed through with the equivalent of a layup.
>Steps to Korean reunification could lead to peace in the Far East region
And that's a bad thing
It's mine. The world is becoming exactly as I want it to be. Righteous. Polite. Unified in nationalism.
Join me in living the dream and it'll happen faster.
>Donald fucking Trump ended the Korean crisis
he didn't
Kim's nukes did
Just reaffirms my belief that someone finally built a time machine and put it to good use.
You think? With our countries continuing to trend downward in general intelligence as we are niggerified by nigger culture, and pajeets come to replace us intellectually? This is clearly a doomed timeline.
They can't.
What Trump did behind the scenes:
>North Korea has survived because China has backed them, Russia has backed them, Europe wants a peaceful solution and in the end, America has sent foreign aid to North Korea in exchange for a treaty.
>Kim Jong Un declares he has nuclear capacity and over the last year he has been testing a hydrogen bomb.
>Six months ago Donald Trump went to China and inked a coal deal. This helped China out. They had publicly vowed to block trade with North Korea but were too dependent on coal to actually block it.
>Only a month after the American coal began arriving into China, China banned all imports from North Korea.
>With China out, North Korea only had Russia to back them while they suffered through the global sanctions.
>North Korea attempted to use black market transactions in order to get materials they need. The international community began stopping and detaining their ships as they tried to make trades in Russia and Syria.
>In previous engagements European leaders were very anti-American. New leadership since then (especially France) were much younger and were willing to take a new approach. All parties began contacting the world and giving them an ultimatum... don't deal with North Korea or else. Sweden is basically the most pro-North Korea country in Europe. It's one of the few with an embassy there. They also came out against North Korea and at one point were threatening to abandon their embassy if North Korea wouldn't sit at the table.
>A month ago Donald Trump publicly announced that he was willing to sit down with North Korea to discuss peace, but nuclear disarmament was a condition of these talks.
>The timing of these talks was critical. North Korea could collapse this year.
>Of course North Korea knows this and the sort of terms they would normally demand are no longer on the table for them. They just want a long term peace treaty... because stability is valuable.
creddit to some plebbit
Never said it wasnt doomed, but it is definitely getting weirder every damn day, especially this year
This was all planned long ago
It doesn't matter. The masses of bluepilled normies will believe whatever they put out.
So, im completely unaware of Teslas work, but does it have to do with "modern" Electric universe theories?
At some point they have to hit a wall though. How long can one act in bad faith?
As long as the majority of people are idiots and keep believing the shit they put out.
You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time. But you can't fool all the people all the time.
The jig has to end eventually; it takes a lot more work to maintain a lie than it does to reveal the truth. Eventually the idiots will figure it out, but be to embarrassed to admit it and say they were "supporters" all along.
>ching chow tawain numba 2
His nuclear program when he killed 200 of his own people, many of whom were the only nuclear scientists in the country
US and China know this and stepped in to encourage peace so north korea wouldn't lose face
The US was never willing to sit down and talk with the Norks because that would legitimize the Kim regime... until fatty Kim demonstrated that he had nukes and wasn't afraid to use them. Now you can't bully NK anymore so the only option left is negotiate.
Kim is following Mao's playbook in the 60s-70s - First develop nukes, then cash them in for a deal with the US.
Kim wants to develop his country, but in order to do that he must cut military funding. In order to cut military funding without getting invaded like Iraq and Libya, he needed nukes.
>Not have a corrupt, child-trafficking, deep state controlled president
>North Korea sees no reason to fear us and thus declares peace
It's not fucking hard to see.
your geopolitical view is literally normie-tier
The big breakthrough came from China shutting the tap for good. The added potential that their nuclear testing facility might be out of action for a few years means Kim has no other option than dance along for the moment at the very least.
>being this desperate
Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night. North korea fucked up and no one backed them, its doubtful their weapons even work now after the accident
Lmao and you have no idea what your talking about.
>inb4 great firewall of china
We know the nukes were a logical decision for him. But this war has gone on for too long. What he fears isn't invasion. He fears losing control of his country once global ties return and he can abuse it some more like they've always done. There's nothing you can give him that will satisfy his dynasty and his insatiable life of luxury and greed.
The Russians hacked the emus
>he thinks I'm desperate to support NK
lol I'm from Idaho, in China for work
but it's pretty obvious you're some underage T_D magapede who knows fuck all
>South Korea credits Trump for opening door to talks with North
and this is
a very good thing
10 reasons why this hurts gay rights
10 reasons why this is sexist
This would have happened without the orange clown.
And lets wait a bit and see if it's even a good thing before we argue about credit, okay?
Shinsuke Nakamura won the Royal Rumble
>There's nothing you can give him that will satisfy his dynasty and his insatiable life of luxury and greed.
We don't know this outside out what western propaganda paints.
From what I see Kim has been playing a pretty tight game geopolitically, especially for someone so young and inexperienced. Aggressive, decisive, I like it.
Lmao so you're really just a retard? Stop drinking the onions there i think its turning you into a commie
No. This was orchestrated and managed well despite Democrats and neocon warhawk efforts to sabotage the peace by obstructing Pompeo's nomination to Secretary of State.
Kim's face is saying "Who's laughing now, kikes?"
Giving Trump credit for things is a tactic based on fear used to manipulate my free thought.
>How with the MSM spin this?
they just wont report it. or will quietly mention it once and move on.
If pol and the new right acted like it was a bad thing, the MSM would probably focus on that. I don't know if pol has the coordination or discipline not to celebrate, but it might be useful if pol could larp being upset about these developments, and kanye too, with a racist angle. Maybe pol turns on Trump. Wants race and international conflict, while trump delivers peace and jobs for nogs.
how stupid are americans?
trump was the evil guy oh nooo! they are going to spend the next 3 years rehabilitating his image and making it seem like he's the second coming.
>2018 unifies koreas
>2019 ends syrian crisis, open elections, meets assad
>2020 together with putin declares end of nuclear weapon stockpile, the choose 2 locations, 1 in siberia and 1 in montana where they bury the entire world arsenal a few km's underground
>2020 wins in a landslide against some paper candidate
>2021 opens border relations with mexico, schengen agreement for the latin american countries and canada
>2022 co-economic region for the american continent, russia joins the EU, china and india disarm their nuclear weapons completely, agree to bury deep underground in the gobi desert and indian mountains respectively
>2023 new mars coalition declared, 5 astronauts will be picked 1 russian, 1 american, 1 chinese, 1 african, 1 indian, 1 indonesian for a joint trillion dollar manned mission to mars
>2024 trump's daughter is elected as the first female president, droughts displacing millions in china collapse their communist party and after a few months of uncertainty, un peacekeepers assist a transition into the first chinese elections
it's all scripted morons.
No Supremacy
No Peace!
The DMC will probably sue South Korea for trying to influence the american populations view of Trump.
>the evil guy
Day of the Kangaroo when?
>Next on CNN
>We speak to a top Rabbi on why the United States needs to invade South Korea