Germany and Russia - Best Friends Forever!

Russia is the most based ally in history of Germany.

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-27 at 9.27.01 AM.png (1530x1050, 1.42M)

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Yeah...based. So tell me Hans, how is East Prussia looking these days?

germany and russia should have united 100 years ago, instead they mutually hurt one another.

>how is East Prussia looking these days?
I am pretty sure that Russia is making good use of it. Here is a picture of Kaliningrad. Looks very well, very white.

Attached: kaliningrad.png (798x545, 277K)

Some cherry picked photos of the rebuilding of the Cathedral aren't going to hide the commie blocks behind it. Face it, the Russians turn everything they touch into shit and the former Jewel of the Baltic is lost to the pages of history. Russia is not a good ally.

>Russia is the most based ally in history of Germany.

Attached: german pussy.jpg (1212x1600, 212K)

>Russia is the most based ally in history of Germany.

Attached: heaps of dead germs.jpg (1024x576, 145K)

Why are you autists so triggered by commieblocks?
It was a cheap and effective way to provide housing for the people. It's ugly, but functional.

>>Russia is the most based ally in history of Germany.

Attached: germans are niggers.webm (616x480, 2.8M)

Attached: german popsickles.jpg (500x396, 117K)