>patriarchal society where women have minimum rights >anti-communist >anti-secular >hate homosexuals >gender politics doesnt even exist
So why do western sjws invite them? Is it just to show they will always be against western right wingers and conservatives? even thought they are inviting their worst enemies
>maybe Islam is not so bad after all >enemy of my Enemy is my friend No
Logan Nguyen
>So why do western sjws invite them?
Because all they really care about is getting people to vote against conservatives. They get the Muslims to vote for liberal parties on the promise that they'll import more of their people and that achieves their short term objective of winning the next election. What happens to the country in the long term doesn't really enter their mind since ultimately they think they can brainwash anyone to be homogenized into their neo liberal multi culture.
They don't care that Islam is antithetical to pretty much everything they are. Literally all they see is brown people being discriminated because they're brown and they have a funny religion so they wholeheartedly support them and the dung ages religion they're a part of.
Just wait a few decades. When gays start getting hunted down and slaughtered all across Europe, and when people start getting forced to convert at knifepoint, they'll wake up and see how fucking stupid they were.
Lucas White
Because most mudslimes are brown and hate the west. Also because the idea of the Ummah is diametrically opposed to nationalism, and the taxes of jizya and zakat are very socialist in nature.
Brody Cooper
Beta orbiters and white knights are the real enablers of female solipsism. Like a bunch of chimps on heat. I don't like the Muslim method. All you really have to do to fix the female problem is to constantly mock them, and treat them like children. They will shut up eventually, or start crying.
Grayson Anderson
This. Typically the commies and faggots are the enemy within the gate, while the muzz are outside... At least historically.
Jacob Hernandez
They share the same goals in bringing down the West/capitalism, and yet the left are too stupid to realise they're inviting their own demise in the process.
But in the end; whats so wrong about Islam besides that its not my culture? Why should they be my enemy when we have similar/same views?
The west is indeed degenerate and needs to be hated on
>Also because the idea of the Ummah is diametrically opposed to nationalism, and the taxes of jizya and zakat are very socialist in nature Implying they have any knowledge of their culture and beliefs..I dont think so