Low-IQ, embarrassing, no tact, no shame, poor, illiterate etc. Their petulant screeching and neo-nazi gesturing sets us back years at a time. These inbreds are a menace to any genuine alternative right movement, and they have to go.
It's clear that no rational and intelligent person of worth would ever publicy associate with Nazism. Why? Because the social stigmas are so severe that if you do, you will lose friends, education prospects, job prospects etc when you're inevitably doxxed. Therefore, those with a life to lose won't attend these rallies. Therefore, the scum of the Earth are the only people who show up (pic related)
Wow, what a smart response! Please keep showing up at random parks wielding tiki torches and chanting random stupid shit. That's the winning ticket!
Brody Baker
Aren't they still your white brothers? Show them the way.
Benjamin Richardson
First you would have to get rid of the stigma around Nazism in order to make successful people more publicly pro white.
Levi Reed
William Wright
It's true, there's a reason the media always parades around these skinhead meth heads and country bumpkins as representing white nationalism. they want to silence anybody with a remotely pro white identity stance by associating it with unstable rednecks and genocide.
Samuel Morris
We can worry about getting rid of the low IQ rednecks after we get rid of the blacks and spics.