Name one good thing about conmunism

Aside from "muh feels"

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Being brutally honest, the historical theory of dialectical materialism is extremely tempting to believe.

Prevents/Destroys oligarchy

its the one ideology that killed the most communists

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It IS oligarchy retard.
Kills communists and capitalists.

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It's a self-defeating system, which means it (more or less) cleans up its own mess.
I'd say that's a pretty good thing

How about equality? That seems like a pretty good thing to me. Maybe helping your fellow man?

On 2nd thought, the ones that come after Communism always have to clean up the mess, so nvm.

The positive thing about Communism being self-defeating is that it's always temporary

Its a useful tool to swiftly determine whether or not you should bother to talk to someone

Adds bonus for raw materials extraction and military power

Was meant to refer to:

No... white Christians were primary victims of Soviet union

>destroys oligarchy

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>muh feels

What was it the wolyn or katyn massacre that killed thousands of Polish intellectuals and high ranked soldiers, shit was fucked man erasing Polish identity.

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peak communism is cuckoldry, so you'll be able to use other men's wives for sexual purposes

Biggest killer of Communists is other communists.

Thanks communists.

Dialectical materialism is a legitimate analysis of history, it's just that Marxists have a habit of thinking it's the be-all end-all and can be used independently of other forms of historical analysis, which it really cannot. Struggle for control of resources within ethnic groups with a focus on class is a factor in politics throughout all of history in every major country.

People get to vote to choose the leader in communism unlike oligarchy

Communists dont have any principles that they use to steer the proletariat movement.

why they fight nazi's ? Hmmmmm
nsdap Nazi german worker party

>Dialectical materialism is a legitimate analysis of history, it's just that Marxists have a habit of thinking it's the be-all end-all
Because it is a be all and end all! It's fucking utopian and that's why it's dangerous, a stateless society that runs without consequences due to the purity and decency of the average human is so inviting that it infects the minds of even the most intelligent.

I hate being told what to do, I hate so much more the people who want to tell me what to do are idiots and I'm arrogant enough to think everyone is an idiot. Of course I want a stateless society.

Made this shithole a superpower.
Also sent a man into space
Proved that planned economy is better for industry, but very bad for consumerism

It's a great excuse to mass-murder entitled rich people who failed to protect their country from degeneracy.

No they do fucking not, the Party decides on leadership, which in practice leads to an oligarchy, a purge resulting in one leader, and an eventual slide back into Oligarchy.

Name me a counter-example. Every attempted implementation of Marxist-Leninism, Stalinism and Maoism has thusfar resulted in this outcome.

Name one good thing about capitalism....

Aside from "muh bank account"

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>Molotov–Ribbentrop route
The only true way to destroy capitalism, once and for all comrades/kammeratten.

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Capitalism as in government with a strong degree of force and big business working hand-in-hand or a free market where government is weaker, restrained, and neutral in terms of the business environment/free expression/association?

>destroys oligarchy

yeah, this one is retarded

1-Equality doesn't exist
2-Fuck my fellow man, that guy's a dick. I fuckin' hate that guy.

>Name one good thing about conmunism
They age killed far more communists than capitalists ever have.