What does Jow Forums think of green parties in general? How is the green party in your country?
What does Jow Forums think of green parties in general? How is the green party in your country?
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mentally insane retarded communist assholes that act like nazis
A joke. Even far right parties do better.
On paper a party of far-left loonies. In reality they're an annoying voice to poke real parties about environmental issues. I actually care about the environment, but I hate all the other far-left stuff they stand for.
Why cant someone just kill Roth.
just another flavor of commies
They don't really care about the environment they are all pro mass immigration which does the most harm to the environment.
What blows my mind about greens here is they protest against housing for immigrants yet want more immigrants.
>What does Jow Forums think of green parties in general?
Can't speak for pol but most here probably hate them because either they don't believe in stuff like climate change and caring for the environment or because most of them are leftard hippies. I fall in the latter category, however i do care about the environment and would love that more right wing parties adopted green policies.
>How is the green party in your country?
Leftard retards who join other minuscule left wing parties to gain at least a seat in the congress.
They're basically the Left arm of the Communists here.
I don't disagree with the principle of a political party who advocates for careful planning around large developments and holding corporations to account over their actions.
That said they always make themselves completely unelectable by dovetailing 'green' policies into mass immigration and SJW identity politics nonsense with a general approach of "tax/ban/regulate everything we don't like" to everything else.
A real society under a Green party would be Jow Forumss strawman "do you have a licence for that" version of the UK, filled with endless niggers, Muslims and polyamorous, pangender vegan hipsters who all make money by selling each other 100% organic free trade coffee and receiving welfare because the tax rate is 90%.
The worst thing is that they dont even do sound enviornmental politics.
Just leftist urbanite feels bullshit.
In germany the green party ranges from literal commies in the north to literal conservatives in the south. They have different factions that hate each other. It also does not help that SUV driving soccer moms that have only seen poor brown people on TV vote for them.
Foreign politics wise they are completely pro-american and pro-intervention. Their "young" leaders come out of these trans-atlantic think tanks so they completely tossed all that pacifism talk that the green party was founded on. In fact they are probably the biggest warmongers in parliament at the moment.
Sadly there are no good parties propagating and enacting environmental policies. Due to the increasingly high number of environmental problems like the amphibian crisis, the increased pollution with glyphosate and other contaminants and the insect crisis this policy is required in order to face these problems and find a proper solution. Sadly, the green parties are subverted by communists and there are no right-wing or nationalist parties enacting these policies. In our country the only viable party (AfD) has a very anthropocentric view of the world and doesn't really care about the environment. However, I think that we should avert problems like shifting demographics at first, before trying to solve other issues.
>amphibian crisis
It is a deeper problem. Plantpathogenic fungi coevolved with plants. You have this predator/prey arms race that reaches a kind of equilibrium (the predator never "wants" to completely exterminate its prey).
That is not the case for most fungal/animal relationships. Most are the fungi are NOT specialized on their prey. E.g. for humans pathogenic fungi are opportunistic. I.e. they live somewhere else and when your immune system is weak or they get the right conditions they will live on you.
Amphibia have the problem that their immune systems are much worse than mammalians and dampness is also not helping much. Opportunistic pathogens will kill them and then do the shit they have been doing before.
There is not too much we can do about it and amphibia are fucked.
Literal meme. Glyphosate has a lowed LD50 than copper sulfate that is used in biological agriculture. It works on the shikimate synthesis pathway that is not present in animals. It is used so ubiquitously because it has virtually no downside. Its biodegradability is also high.
Combine that with the fact that we (in Germany) are using less and less herbicides every year.
>insect crisis
There is not enough data to say that there is an insect crisis. The paper does not allow to make that conclusion (which it also clearly states).
I agree though, that we need more natural spaces for insects. Stop mowing your lawn so often.
Like what?
You might not remember it, but before the 90s you had things like acidic rain and tons of trees were dying. You had CFCs (FCKW) that was killing the ozone layer. Bed sheets that were left out to dry were brought in black and brown.
We used more and more toxic shit before. If you really want to save the planet you need to reduce the human population and stop mindless consumer culture.
This. Green parties are cancer.
>amphibian crisis
It's not a monocausal phenomen and many factors contribute to each other. Environmental pollution also plays are role in amphibian declines, because amphibians are especially susceptible towards pollution because of their highly permeable skin. Also climate change plays are role in contributing to the amphibian declines all around the world. So anthropogenic factors contribute to natural factors like the chytrid fungus. Due to the increasing temperatures it can expand its range vertically, thus affecting populations in higher altitudes.
>Literal Meme
The detergents (POEA) are responsible for the acute toxicity in animal tests. However glyphosate as the active ingredient itself can have teratogenic effects by impairing retinoic acid signalling, causing craniofacial deformities in developing embryos.
>insect crisis
I agree with you on that. Here we are also facing the problem that many factors contribute to each other. Fortunately, some neonicotinoides contributing to their decline were banned today.
Greens should help Local farmers who get fucked by the market atm, but all they care about is dem refugees and transgender toiletes.
Every single green should be hospitalized
They think they own a monopoly on being environmentalists when actually right wingers can be environmentalists too.
There are antropogenic factors that favor the amphibian decline, but the main factor remains fungal.
Glyphosate is slightly toxic, but other herbicides are even more so. I don't have access to the paper, but I hope it's not one of the "we injected glyphosate into an embryo and it fucked everything up" paper.
The real question is, what are the alternatives? You don't have a herbicide that is safer than glyphosate and "ecological" agriculture has lower yield and therefore takes up more land.
My main point is, guidelines and bans are nice and we have achieved a lot with them in the past. The german enviroment is probably the healthiest it since the beginning of industrialisation. But the fundamental truth is that more humans means less nature. The same is truth for industrial growth. If you want to produce more and more and more and more you will deplete your ressources.
>in general
they all call themselves green, but they all suck so bad and are so full of shit they should call themselves brown instead
In Finland our modern Vihreät (Green League) a weird mix of cucked quasi-libertarians and leftists SJW:s. They started off as a purely environmentalist party with no other issues on table, but it was infiltrated and taken over by urban leftists.
It became a midway party for people who are not leftist enough to be in commie parties but not "right wing" enough to be neocon either. They are mostly screeching about LGTB, muh refugees and muh feminism, issues that attract educated white women and numales who live in cities. They haven't completely abandoned their environmentalist roots, but it's far from their focus in anything they stand for. They are currently in opposition but they've been to government where their role has always been to be the friendly gardeners for prime minister party.
Pic related, it's Touko Aalto, the leader of Green League.
Always black young men.
No women or families
fucking retarded...and communist, so nah, gas them
>slightly toxic
>but other herbicides are even more so
Yes, I agree with you on that issue. I also think that this herbicide has the potential to be among the most harmless.
But I am opposed to its inflationary usage, because this will only contribute to weeds developing resistances, which makes the usage of different pesticides combined necessary to fight this problem.
Furthermore it also binds minerals as a sequestrant and thereby impairs the uptake of said nutrients by the roots. Therefore greater amounts of fertilizers have to be used to achieve the same crop yield.
They are simply Communists using the cover of a different identity. The Green Party here even has "Global Government based on one vote per-person" as an official policy platform.
*as do all Green parties. Here they are voting on it at their international meetup several years ago:
>What does Jow Forums think of green parties in general?
ideologues for the greenpeace objectives with virtue signalling rather than being pragmatists: as using renewables is superior for a nations growth, development and longevity, yet "greens" prefer to virtue signal and promote communist values than work towards creating a better environment to live.
>How is the green party in your country?
as such, in the uk, they are inept, even a capitalist would blindly do more to improve the environment than they ever could if there was £ in it.
even if they existed just to reiterate the scientific evidence, they would 1000x more useful than they are now.
given how useless they are, it wouldn't surprise me if bigoil subsidies them as useful idiots
another kike subdivision