Why are we praising Trump for the N/S Korea negotiations again...

Why are we praising Trump for the N/S Korea negotiations again? Not convinced his epic tweets have anything to do with it.

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because he's /ourguy/

Sending two carrier groups is a bit more then just a tweet mate.

NK doesn't give a fuck about his tweets. He showed weakness by warning Russia and Syria twice before the missilestrikes and North Korea (aka China) is making their move to take South Korea

wasn't his tweets, you fucking moron. It was his increasing economic pressure on NK & China paired with military posturing, paired with him sending Mike Pompeo to NK a month ago.

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because we're being raided by r/t_d

Nothing ever good came from your pedovore jew nobility so fuck off toothpaste nigger


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>muh economic pressures
Like China gave a rat's ass about car tariffs. They pretended to be on the defense so we'd be greedy and take this stupid fucking deal.


Your realize China dramatically reduced aid and trade to NK after Trump's economic pressure, right?

Surely doing nothing like Obama did something


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Says who dipshit? You remember how all those Chinese ships kept going through undercover during sanctions?

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Find somewhere else to be retarded will you?

Because I've fallen in love with his face.

Another person that thinks China's economy isn't just as dependent on us as we are on them.

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NK is literally a small chit country next to China that has only acted aggressively to countries it is at war with.
The US globetrots and kills world leaders every other week that it makes no declarations on. I'm sure that everything is just as it seems, go back to sleep

They're overturning the dollar in the oil market
They're taking over all trade routes, including the Panama Canal
They're recolonizing Africa with no ragrets
They ABSOLUTELY are capable of being independent from us. It's only a matter of time.

Why you think Chinese are pushing into Africa? They want a dedicated consumer class outside the US sphere of influence.
Ppl think china is just colonizing. They couldnt be more wrong.

>Says who dipshit?


>Wallstreet Fucking Journal
Yes I'm sure they looked into this

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Because the leader of a country always gets the praise/blame for everything that happends during his tenure, regardless of if he had anything to do with it or not.

Sanctions are just a ploy by the west to subvert countries into having their civilian population revolt. Sanctions are only intended to kill civilians through starvation.
Doesnt really work with NK, they just pretend to develop nukes(china) and say they disbar them for sanction relief.
It's all a game.

His attack on Syria in the face of possible war with Russia had everything to do with it.
And it is 100% why he attacked Syria, he was making a statement, that he would risk WWIII.
And instantly Kim Jong was like, let's all get along.
700 Dimensional Battleship

>north koreas life blood is china
>trump preasures china into minimizing trade with north korea
>china listens to the US because Chinas economic success is largely dependant on the US
>china and north korea have witnessed the US military flex in recent times, they know better then to test trumps mettle

china, south korea and japan are all variables. whoever is incharge or whatever policies are enacted doesnt matter. Trump is the constant all these events transpire based on what Trump does

>China is getting a new consumer base outside of the largest economy in the world!
>What consumer base would that be?

>fucking africa

This is not an argument user.

This is dumb because we know now that Trump communicated w/ the Russians before the attack.
There was never any concern. The only thing it showed is that the US will bomb you if you are
weak and can't defend yourself for literally no reason

>>trump preasures china into minimizing trade with north korea
Nope. >china listens to the US because Chinas economic success is largely dependant on the US
Nope. >china and north korea have witnessed the US military flex in recent times
Nope. We warned Russia and Syria both times and China caught our bluff. That's why this is happening.

>Doesnt really work with NK, they just pretend to develop nukes(china) and say they disbar them for sanction relief.
It doesn't work with NK because China always bails them out. What changed is China stopped bailing them out

He told Russia that they were going to do it.
Russia was against it.
It showed the world if he tells someone they will attack, he's not messing around, he will do it.

in the past, obongo used NK as a possible target, especially since he did not really want to cuck Iran or Iran's allies. Because of this, he threatened them multiple times and put them in a position where they had to claim to be developing nukes as a deterrent against the US. in the case of Trump, this is attractive as well, the problem is that each time Trump sperged out about Chinese currency manipulation or tariffs, Kim got a call from Xi instructing him to shoot some empty missile and land it in the general vicinity of a US base, which forced Trump to switch from "tariffs pls" to "pls get nk not to threaten to nuke us even though we both know they can't and won't, because if they were to nuke us and we had to retaliate, beijing would be forced to nuke the Us upon seeing icbm's heading in its general direction, and also because NK is poor as shit and has no real ability to develop nukes and ICBMs, but anyway i look like a retard if i let a cartoon character like Kim threaten to nuke me, so please make him stop". So you can see how it became more profitable for Trump not to stop NK from declaring peace, even though he loses causus belli against NK and gives China the right hand to pressure US bases off the Korean peninsula over teh next years; it's good for him in the short term.

Under the watchful eye of the Chinese, yes, chinese controlled Africa will be improved to a consumer based economy. They'll do the work, while the chinaman sits back home. Good luck with useless spics and thirdworldism in that time

Hello Stefan. Please show me statistical proof saying China has stopped trading with North Korea or your "counterargument" based on a "week-long tour" by one of the least credible papers in the world is weak and abysmal.


Because South Korea gave him credit. Christ, lefties are insufferable children at this point. Can't admit when you were wrong, refuse to take any responsibility and still claim the moral high ground. It's time to go fuck yourselves. You've been blown the fuck out in every way imaginable. You've lost.

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Yes he told them so they knew not to retaliate, Irrelevant what they wanted. They knew it was coming, they knew it wouldnt do anything, so they knew not to respond and just use shit antiair to make the US look dumb cause majority of the missiles were shot down w/ antique antiair

I gave you proof. China reduced the aid they gave to NK which started affecting them.

Also WSJ didn't make that up retard they are reporting the news.

You are completely missing the point, they told him not to.
He told them, I'm doing it so screw off.
They backed down.
It was a message to the world, intentionally while he was dealing with Kim Jong, I will attack you.
Kim Jong backed down.

And I showed you that they CHEAT like they always do Look at the statistics the WSJ showed "China says its imports from North Korea dropped by 33%" CHINA SAYYYSS

Why didn't they count the ships entering port? oh right, because they're crooks.

There is no point! It was a stupid attack! It made the US look dumb and prone to fits of random retaliation.
Obviously, no country is going to war over 3 empty buildings. No one is scared because the US will never attack anything other than 3rd worlders who cant defend themselves

A picture of one oil tanker isn't showing anything user. Hard numbers show you things.


>North Korean exports to China, which account for more than 90 percent of the North’s external trade, plunged by one third to $1.65 billion last year, with volumes dropping by 60 to 95 percent in recent months. Its official trade deficit against China more than doubled last year to $1.68 billion.

Back to the subreddit/discord for better talking points I suppose?

literally the dumbest justification for bombing countries "well it might improve relations" what a crock of shit.

How come unhinged bush didnt sow world peace? I bet NK was super scared then lol. Fuck off neocon

It wasn't random retaliation you inbred son of a goat.
He took out empty buildings to make a statement, that they weren't trying to hurt Syrians. It wasn't about Syria at all.
It was about North Korea.

Chinas general adminstitration of customs says otherwise

us consumption is still by far the reason why the chinese economy is successful to this point. feel free to believe that china can flourish economically through fucking africa lel

your last point doesnt change anyting. china is still highly cautious of the us military

why don't you want to accept the fact that trump made this happen?

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>china trades with norks for coal
>months ago trump negotiates a trade deal for china to get coal from usa
>then makes calls for tougher sanctions and for countries that typically trade w/ norks to follow through
>w/ coal needs satisfied China follows US lead
>lack of trade + trumps military posturing leads to norks realizing they are in big trouble and need to come to the table w/ the south

"Clearly, credit goes to President Trump," Kang told CNN's Christiane Amanpour in Seoul. "He's been determined to come to grips with this from day one."

fuck you op kys

Nowww you cite the NYTimes
>North Korean exports to China, which account for more than 90 perce
So this is according to North Korea? Better take their word for it then.

>Chinas general adminstitration of customs says
They lied

>feel free to believe that china can flourish economically through fucking africa lel
>fucking lel
I guess the Europeans went into Africa 200 years ago for lels then amiright?
Fucking retarded

>why don't you want to accept the fact that trump made this happen?
I completely accept it. I'm saying this is a trap and another one of China's cheap tricks that seems to win every fucking time.

Meant the rest of that for

You can't play the source game reddit when the sources are just reporting facts not editorials. A

>So this is according to North Korea? Better take their word for it then.

No the UN's. Ouch swing and a miss.

I honestly think this is about subverting china. Trump could have gone to Kim Jong Un and created assurances that the US won’t undermine his power and will instead instigate trade that will enrich him and his nation more than China.

>Everything contrary to my narrative is a lie

US Media outlets have such a great track record and China and NK have been so honest for the past 70 years

>the WSJ according to the NYT according to the UN according to experts according to China said

>subverting china
Good luck with that.

Whatever man, there is no arguing with you if you poison the well. What even are acceptable sources to you?

user can you actually refute the articles I posted instead of source whining. I now gave you two saying the same thing, one from a right leaning source and one from a left leaning source and you have not said what was wrong and you flat out misquoted the NYT article.

Bro, the only thing keeping China afloat is the consumer commodities and rare earth elements. Of which the US is the main consumer for both. The only reason why they produce all our crap is because it's cheaper and we're lazy. And Japan just struck figurative gold by unearthing a huge rare earth deposit on their land. China's days are numbered unless they start cooperating better.

That's not what a consumer based economy is. There needs to be a strong middle class with purchasing power to buy useless shit. That'll never ever happen in Africa unless the continent fixes its food, water, and security problems. Which it won't without being conquered.

>What even are acceptable sources to you?
ZOG, China, and the MSM have survived through trickery. China is the least-trustable nation on earth next to Israel.
>What even are acceptable sources to you?
Counting the ships in port which they won't let anyone do because they are lying.
> one from a right leaning source and one from a left leaning source
I am refuting what they said because they are pulling numbers out of the air. How in the fuck does the UN keep track of anything the Asian Jew does?

>China's days are numbered unless they start cooperating better
Jesus fucking christ this is one of the most delusional things I've read all day. You could have been right 20 years ago but the time to stop China by economically starving them our has long since been over.

>I am refuting what they said because they are pulling numbers out of the air. How in the fuck does the UN keep track of anything the Asian Jew does?

user read the articles I gave you. This is literally addressed in them.

You retards are just as eluded as the neoliberal retards on r/politics

It just magically happened. right.

>The actual extent of smuggling could be far larger than estimated. Nighttime smuggling operations have become more common along the border with China, said defectors with sources inside North Korea. North Korean secret police officers collude with border guards to create a window of several hours during which smugglers are free to move goods in and out of the country, they said.
>The slowdown doesn’t capture the total picture of cross-border trade. Smuggling persists across the river that forms the border with China, and on a larger scale at sea: Since late January, Japanese military planes have spotted four instances of North Korean ships appearing to take on cargo from other vessels in international waters.
>Still, the drop-off in official trade with China, which normally accounts for 90% of North Korea’s total, is a blow to Pyongyang. China’s imports from North Korea dropped by a third in 2017, the Chinese government says
>A United Nations panel of experts tallied $200 million that North Korea earned last year through illegal trading

>the left always blaming Trump for everything he didn't do
>the right always crediting Trump for everything he didn't do

>UN Tallies
>the Chinese Government Says
>meanwhile North Korean defectors and Japanese military say there's smuggling like crazy

I dunno man. I hate Drumpf just as much as any truly tolerant and understanding human being would, who believes anyone should be given a chance.

However, I think authority figures should be unquestionably believed, not only in most situations, but all, including this one.

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OP, stop right there, you're a fag! 1 post by faggot

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>Leftypol in full blown panic mode

This is hilarious

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user what is the point of money if no country is trading with you which is the point of that article?

>if no country is trading with you
But they ARE being traded with. CHINA is smuggling in ships while ignoring sanctions. This is a fact. The US has not halted this. All the statistics you get about NK's gdp and foreign trade is controlled by China.

The whole point is they want us to think we are winning. They want us to jump ahead and remove our troops from the border. That's how Asian Jewry operates.

hmm not convinced yet fellas, seems a little larpy

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>CHINA is smuggling in ships while ignoring sanctions

and once again you misread the article. China isn't smuggling anything people are smuggling through the Chinese border akin to how shit gets smuggled through the Mexican US Border.

>China isn't smuggling anything people are smuggling through the Chinese border akin to how shit gets smuggled through the Mexican US Border
It's never one-way user. In your example Mexicans smuggle the US drugs and the US smuggles them weapons. China smuggles to the extent where they cut organs out of political prisoners and sell them overseas. You are either living in a fantasyland or have never met a mainland Chinese.

China literally can't feed its people without us. If they tried to pressure us, we could starve them out. Trump played them like fiddles.

Ok your made up stuff you are trying to pass off as proof is great. Meanwhile in reality the UN and China agreed to sanctions and reduced trade, this put the noose around NK tighter and 200 million in weapons sales that they can't even legally use isn't going to feed and keep an entire country going.

You don't even have an argument you divide and conquer shill.

>China literally can't feed its people without us
Onions green. They're already cannibals anyway
>your made up stuff
It's not made up.
>the UN and China agreed to sanctions and reduced trade
And China regularly lies and ignores the UN like every other fucking sovereign country
>200 million in weapons sales that they can't even legally use isn't going to feed
They don't just smuggle weapons

What am I dividing and conquering exactly? I am not pinning anyone against Trump, I'm saying everyone is celebrating early and letting their guard down from the real issue that China is trying to make a covert move to take over SK.

>And China regularly lies and ignores the UN like every other fucking sovereign country
Ok proof that they are lying to the UN in this case?
>They don't just smuggle weapons
What else they smuggle? Hopefully its trillions of tons of food.

>Ok proof that they are lying to the UN in this case?
See It's the tip of the iceberg

>What else they smuggle? Hopefully its trillions of tons of food.
"China provides North Korea with most of its food and energy supplies and accounts for more than 90 percent of North Korea’s total trade volume"

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And that's a bad thing

user thats just a picture with no context and I specifically said this case.

>"China provides North Korea with most of its food and energy supplies and accounts for more than 90 percent of North Korea’s total trade volume"

user that article isn't about smuggling that is about trade which has been lessened due to the UN sanctions China agreed to. Are you even reading what you post?

This echochamber needs to make up its mind.

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>user thats just a picture with no context and I specifically said this case.
In your articles it said North Korean defectors themselves claimed China was smuggling goods into NK. There is no proof of extent because China and North Korea hide it but them smuggling goods like crazy makes a helluva lot more sense than North Korea surviving this long without supplies and China (in an unnaturally humble stature given their track record) complying with international law.
>user that article isn't about smuggling that is about trade
And I argue that most of NK's food comes from China and China is ignoring sanction laws. Otherwise North Korea would not be alive.

In my article it states that goods were smuggled through the border not by the state. Again you are clinging on to this minor point and not realizing A. Guns cannot feed a population and B. China has dramatically decreased their trade with NK. You cannot keep an entire country afloat simply through $200 million dollars worth of illegal gun smuggling.

>And I argue that most of NK's food comes from China and China is ignoring sanction laws. Otherwise North Korea would not be alive.

Proof that China is ignoring it the UN sanctions cited in the article specifically I cited above? Again about smuggling not trade like you dishonestly tried to pas last time.

Trump seems rather skillful at negotiating. Almost as if he wrote the book on the art of the deal.

>not by the state
Of course it's by the state just how the US government profits off of smuggling and the drug war.
>A. Guns cannot feed a population
>B. China has dramatically decreased their trade with NK
By how much? Certainly not enough to lower their population size.

>Proof that China is ignoring it the UN sanctions cited in the article specifically I cited above?
The North Korean people are not extinct

>Of course it's by the state
Your opinion is not proof
Ok prove its not just guns then or shut the fuck up. The only thing you referenced specifically mentioned guns.
>By how much?
This was touched in the article you did not read.

>The North Korean people are not extinct
Ok so no proof?

How do you kikes at leftypol lie so blatantly and it doesn't bother you?

>prove its not just guns then or shut the fuck up
Do you know why we do sanctions? The whole point is to either starve them to death or make them revolt and overthrow Kim. Why haven't they done that yet given that communism eliminates work incentive? THEY ARE NOT BEING STARVED COMPLETELY BECAUSE THEY GET FOOD FROM SOMEWHERE
Where do they get food?
Not Japan
Not South Korea
Not Russia
Not the US


>no proof
Please tell leftypol they are not sending their best.


Nope. All wrong it was the worm, Dennis Rodman. He just gave Trump Kim's number and the dialogue was started.

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From China until recently when sanctions were placed so badly that they had to come to the peace table.