can someone translate please
Can someone translate please
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Kanye is an Uncle Tom
Snap out of it
Pass the blunt fellow subhuman
>dude weed lmfao
Kanye isn't being enough of a nigger. He needs to get back on the plantation right now.
ooga booga
bix nood
I think snoop is dissing kanye because he is wearing short shorts in public which you often see white gays do.
>richest niggerinaires in america telling us how oppressed they are
-'Mighty white of you': a compliment racist white people give each other.
- 'snap out of it': as it sounds
- 'get out part 2': get out part 1 is a movie where whites try to take the life essence of a black man to live longer. Snoop is saying something similar will happen to kanye.
Y'all kinda dumb, not playin
Send John Legend with a net and some hogties. He knows how to handle runaway slaves.
Sn00p trying to stay relevant.
He's as washed up as you get
>Mighty white of you': a compliment racist white people give each other.
No shit. That nigger is basically Steve Harvey with weed jokes now. He's got his own game show and everything.
>- 'get out part 2': get out part 1 is a movie where whites try to take the life essence of a black man to live longer. Snoop is saying something similar will happen to kanye.
kek, no. snoop and the creator of get out part 1 are saying they will make a part 2 basically about the exact opposite, blacks taking the life essence of whites for whatever reason they decide, probably for the 'white privilege' kek
Ooga booga somewhere else, nigger.
>muh based nigger
Don't fall for it yet. Niggers are naming the jew daily as of late. Let him get to that point, then we'll talk.
Martha Stewart's business partner is worried about Kanye's street cred...
FPBP. It's amazing how us Americans can speak understand ebonizulu when it's typed out. I'll admit, though, after leaving the hood for 14 years, I have a hard time discerning it audibly.
damn kanye fat as fuck now
>Ooga booga
As a black dude. I never understood this insult. I actually find it hilarious.
Good, good... the goyim doesn't know....
mup do di doo
It's simple: you niggers are monkeys, therefore the only sound you make is 'ooga booga'.
Ooga booga nigga nigga?
snoop is the literal definition of a coon. he only appeals to white stoners lol
what a retard
That's cool of Kanye but his music still fucking sucks.
He's saying Kanye is an uncle Tom and if he doesn't change, his life will be a sequel to "get out".
Black Skinhead is hype though.
I think ooga booga is what african languages sounded like to europoors when they set up shop there.
Jow Forums ported it to basketball americans for some reason.
Snoop thinks Kanye it's being manipulated for the use of the Trump administration and the three letter agencies.
The post it's actually a hidden black internal code for monarch programming.
I been around deep southern blacks, who do sound like they're speaking a different language.
"get ya mans" is pass the blunt? interdasting
Nigger calling a black man for not being a nigger. Kanye is free thinker and a dragon fighter
Kanye is actually awake now. He's not gonna give 2 shits about what media and all other cucks are gonna say.
This their constant attacking will only strengthen him
kanye got fat as fuck
Stop saying plantation to blacks... it is poor persuasion technique... sincerely, Scott adams
Kanye just came out of studio... he doesn't care what he was wearing... if somebody took a pic of what I wear when lounging around the house, I would kill myself...
Also snoop lives in a rich all white neighborhood. Very white of him.
That is niggersish comment as hell, but fuck me if it isn't funny.
That doesn't work with the 'get out' reference
>that's mighty white of you
Welcome to America. Where people call you white as an insult.
You're so WHITE! Omg! Loser!
Does fucking snoop dog think he’s still a gangster? That old fucking cunt works for the NHL now with a audience of about 95% white people
How can he call others out of being black when like 3 black players play in the nhl
>Yall kinda dumb not playing
Spotted the nigger
can someone translate please
crab mentality in effect
WE WUZ-just niggers actually. Always were, always will be.
Mighty white of you is a compliment normal people give each other you bigot
He's been faking the funk since the late nineties maybe even before then. But who really gives a shit they're just cooning for their (((masters))) approval.
>inb4 they force him into a psych ward again
Blacks perpetuating the Nigger stereotype.
Isolating themselves through their ebonic sublanguage and subculture.
Any black who attempts to climb out is pulled back down.
this is why nigger culture will always be the the dregs of society
They do?! Oh fuck, Jew here, never knew that.
What did the gentleman say again?
>Negroes still think Get Out is a documentary
Niggers think Wakonda is real.
>stop having your own opinion and calling out (((them))) because its raycis wh*tes brainwashing you just smoke weed and act like a good go- nigger
"Dearest brother Kanye, I implore you to cease the holding of opinions that I deem incorrect and only those of a lowly racist caliber would hold. Fellow brother, if you do not cease these actions, the consequences of such will resemble that of the film "Get Out," Directed by Jordan Peele, a film in which a man of African descent is taken hostage by whites via mind control.
he's publicly bullying an adult male for not conforming to his view of what a nigger "should" be.
bear in mind that snoop dogg is a completely irrelevant figure in pop culture recent years he has resorted to doing features for bollywood artists and pop artists in an attempt to try and stay relevant.
even at his peak (1990s) his talents pale in comparison to Kanye - like they're not even comparable as artists.
what i mean is, who the fuck cares what he thinks in 2018?
>let's petend I can't understand black people so I can get (You's)
epic meme, but when will it end?
To be fair he got away with murder so he gets tp hang up his gloves.
"My fellow white people" and "Mighty white of you".
I hear this a lot from (((fellow whites))) too.
>Kayne supports Trump
>Chance the Rapper says black people aren't obligated to be a democrat
When's Brockhamton and or Tyler the Creator gonna start supporting Trump?
>Fantano is practically loaing his melon over Kanye
snoop is such a dumb nig who hates white people. fuck that slimey faggot
Kanyette looks like a fat neet
I don’t speak mutt sorry
Do this one for me next?
Snoop is brainwashed as fuck
t. Alberto Barbosa
Severely & highly underrated post. This is EXACTLY what Snoop is saying and he doesn't even realize it.
Blacks have historically always gone on about how much more whites have than them.
Snoop is an example of a black that's been brainwashed by (((them))) to think that he's only entitled to a certain amount and nothing more and he should take pride in that. Kanye, in contrast, is not buying the bullshit and stepping up to challenge it all.
So yes, Snoop really is saying, "you're not being enough of a nigger; a nigger is someone who resides on plantations and you've chosen to walk away from it. That's not your place!"
>-'Mighty white of you': a compliment racist white people give each other.
yeah totally, i say this all the time. That's mighty white of you!
All these salty-azz niggas trying to collect the bounty for Kanye West's critical thinking.
But make no mistake, that photo of him with Lyor Cohen making the 666 sign - (the same sign some of you think means white power or some shit) - that photo was a like a bat symbol to the industry to let this play out.
dw i got u pham
Why are all liberals calling a black man Uncle Tom? That’s legit racism bro.
This whole Kanye situation is a perfect example of leftist plantation owners
Nigga stop acting white