When the hell has pol ever pushed dip-shit incels to rebel

Who is trying to gaslight pol? Calling someone an incel on pol is to insult that person. There is no group that I have seen that chooses rally the incel crowd to anything except go to the gym and eat better. Nothing Violent like rebellion.

Attached: When_the_fuck_has_anyone_on_pol_talked_about_an_incel_rebelion.png (954x449, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"alternative right"/start/2013-01-01/end/2015-12-31/order/asc/
archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"alt right"/start/2013-01-01/end/2015-12-31/order/asc/

brian feldman is lying

He was from r9k, not pol

pol is an alpha board, r9k is for incels

>Radicalized on Jow Forums
You're welcome.

honestly his fb had one post, one picture. Seems like a troll

no really?

Attached: 1500190239715.png (620x581, 16K)

All the same institutions that hate Trump, so the world wide churches, charities, intelligence agencies, entertainment, main stream media, leftist NGO etc

it was either a set up or a troll

oh it's the incel rebellion thing, nvm I'm not up on the news

Literally zero proof that dodgy external screenshot Facebook post about Sgt Jow Forums etc is real. Doesn’t pass the smell test

they're not saying he was radicalized on Jow Forums they're saying he was radicalized on Jow Forums where we get our cannon fodder from

I’d say it’s impossible to be a knarly radical dude and swear off sex.. apples and oranges

Facebook confirmed it's authentic. Fucker got us frozen twice.

Nobody on Jow Forums says "incel" they call themselves "robots" and always have
Incel is not a Jow Forums term.

Haha haha prove it wasn't about the Armenian genocide, go ahead do it faggot.

pic related is sgt4chan

nabbed it before he deleted his facebook

Attached: sgtfortune.png (430x478, 92K)

thoughtcrime in 2018

no they confirmed that it exists, not who made it

I never heard the term until a few days ago..

cool memeflag

Were you not here for Eliot Rodger?

The link in his incel post goes to a latin trolling group. It's been fake from the start. "Happening" fags are so goddamn loud they chimp out over any and everything,

The roasties of 2018 have become chronically prolapsed STD hostels. Despite their steady dribble of viscous snail trails, their dangly beef curtains, even their near constant harvesting of new strains of HPV and gonorhea, Chads and Betas line up to service them, to wallow and worship in beefed out body horror. It's been said the bow-legged sluts of our era are now so rotten, their eviscerated vaginas actually "spit" every time they take a step. Sometimes with an audible queef, other times quiet, these whores jettison whatever melange of fluids are sloshing within their polygamous caverns. It's not unusual to spy spotty trails and blood tinged puddles wherever the posterior of a sexually liberated woman has rested.

I’m new... showed up in 2016

>Nobody on Jow Forums says "incel"

Literally 15 results for "incel" on r9k right now

Attached: 15.png (347x49, 2K)

For total clarity , all FB said was they took down a profile. That’s it. No screenshots or mention officially of any such post. It’s another fake like the fake Hogg posts made by “Laguna Beach Antifa “ back in Feb to gaslight Jow Forumssucks who don’t independently seek to confirm things

Jow Forumsacks of course* :-)

Stop Radicalizing me Jow Forums!

Attached: 1478726182220.jpg (720x720, 56K)

> kekked so hard the person in the car next to me looked over

The real toxic incel sewer is wizardchan. Practically an incubator for mall shooters.

Jow Forums? This shit happen on Jow Forums?
They are radicalizing incels? Pushing them to terrorist levels of action, for what?
What would be the end game?
It definitely is not going to get them laid

I never go to Jow Forums, but just so we are clear, Jow Forums is a place where incels congregate and talk about violent action against [breeders]?

What is the opposite of incel? Volprom? Volact?

Jow Forums is for robots
Just a few weeks ago they were being mentally abused and turned into traps until a whistleblower called out the guy doing it.

before this all they never really used to

Attached: beta uprising-b.webm (640x360, 1.33M)

good post

Talk to them for a day and you too will want to kill people.

Incel is the Jow Forums version of "alt-right" it's a label forced upon people. Unfortunately, the robots on Jow Forums arn't smart enough to reject a label applied by others.

Healthy young child goes to Jow Forums, gets pumped with massive shot of psyops, doesn’t feel good and changes -DOMESTIC TERRORIST. Many such cases


Our guys

Attached: 1524616927239.jpg (700x1000, 543K)

I guess Canada's universal healthcare doesn't cover mental health.

>CTR meme
No. Thats on par with the JIDF red-herring. They have rival intel agencies, NGOs, PR campaigns and bots on these forums/boards.The only people who believe the CTR meme are /ptg/ brainlets who are stuck in the right left paradigm. It would make far more sense for Trumps PR people to spam CTR memes giving the illusion of us being under attack to galvanize support. They basically just falseflagged you idiots, most of you fell for it.

This sounds more like sjw Muslim sour grapes... they can’t cut the head off an anonymous internet post..

The real behemoths are CAP and MMFA. CAP was outed by Buzzfeed for harassing female employees but they want the story buried and away from Jow Forums. Happening rn. Two Podesta-founded propaganda networks

Very little shilling happening in this thread - I think they want it to die.

Why do you think they shut down 4plebs? They’re scrubbing it

>Searching for posts that contain ‘"altright"’ and posts after 2013-01-01 and posts before 2015-12-31 and in ascending order. 96 results found.

>Mon 02 Dec 2013
>Stop letting the Jews divide and conquer us. Jow Forums has always been an altright board with libertarians and natsocs.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"alternative right"/start/2013-01-01/end/2015-12-31/order/asc/
>Searching for posts that contain ‘"alternative right"’ and posts after 2013-01-01 and posts before 2015-12-31 and in ascending order. 278 results found.

>Sat 30 Nov 2013
>The media recognize this because the "alternative right" has been active in contradicting them in their own comments sections, and writing about this on their own.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"alt right"/start/2013-01-01/end/2015-12-31/order/asc/
>Searching for posts that contain ‘"alt right"’ and posts after 2013-01-01 and posts before 2015-12-31 and in ascending order. 1087 results found.

>Sat 30 Nov 2013
>How do I become an alt right vlogger like Ramzpaul and Aurini? What should I start talking about?


27 posters - almost no shilling
~ 20 real people on pol interested in who is gaslighting. Sad
Maybe they are winning.

Its down

Reddit never should have banned Jow Forumsincels.

It was the perfect containment board for them and now they're loose everywhere. It's like those vines you see of someone swatting a mother spider with a broom and then its thousands of babies scatter everywhere.

Attached: 1522976010083.gif (248x224, 163K)

It doesn't but they're trying. I was curious about when they were discussing that "no gf" should be a medical condition - but now I realize why.

It's not about state-assigned partners, but to declare every single white male as a potential terrorist

Attached: 1504549690266.png (500x666, 259K)

>Sorry this board does not have search enabled.

Is it down or is somebody trying to plead the fif?

Cant use the search engine. I wonder why?


>When Kyle Echakowitz heard the news his heart sank.
>This week’s van rampage on Yonge St. and reports the man allegedly behind the carnage has a form of autism called Asperger syndrome, sent Echakowitz’s mind racing back to 2012 when another autistic man shot 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut.
>“It feels like a bit of a repeat of Sandy Hook. And now it’s here. And very close to home,” said Echakowitz, 20, who also was also diagnosed with Asperger’s and calls himself “autistic.”
> if Minassian was involved with incel, it is more likely this community targeted him, Echakowitz said.

Attached: 63754.jpg (445x427, 62K)

Fuck off memeflaggot

That is some real multi-step thinking or completely insane. I suppose time will tell, but I would be amazed if they were organized enough to believe they could actually pull that off.
That said, idk if it is my tinfoil hat speaking, but something about what you said feels hauntingly real.

This is not a word that was used in Jow Forums, or Jow Forums.
I had to look it up a couple of days ago.

Jow Forums has been larping about this for as long as I remember, they first used Pepe and hate normies for appropriating it, in fact they refer to everyone else as normies, that is also their term. If you haven't seen the beta uprising coming then you're an r_d reject tourist who doesn't understand deep chan culture.

>these posters said "alt-right" therefore every single person on Jow Forums is part of the alt-right
Damn son, you glowing

But I am a pirate arrgh!

Reminder: "Incel Rebellion" is a leftypol term.
It's called Beta Uprising here, always has been, and always will be.


>hauntingly real.
Of course it is. If you're not "normal" according to the AI then your good boy point score will go down and you'll be forced into mandatory free treatment. It's the same thing over and over again.

We need 1000s of this guy. Maybe if we kill enough people society will listen to us

t. CIA

Robot here, we don't say "incel" it's a r*ddit word. Most likely he was one.

>Haha haha prove it wasn't about the Armenian genocide, go ahead do it faggot.
You can't prove that it wasn't, and you can't prove that he was armenian, turkish, christian, jewish, muslim, or even if he was an immigrant.
The only news source that claims that this guy is an Armenian Christian is "Gulf News", but they don't have any proof of it either.

we need to protect our robots and wizards, they are fragile

>deep chan culture

I may not understand incels or Jow Forums larping, but thanks for outing yourself as part of that crew.
What the fuck is r_d?

This. Job complete. Did he kill left wing commies or normal people? Missed the info.

Are you trying operation gladio again? This time you got a new perpetrator

pepe isn't alt right you mong, and everyone hates normalfags.

You must be new here


>Radicalized on Jow Forums
Yes because a board about right wing politics and trannnies really made a brown guy mow down white people...thaaaat makes sense.

Attached: skeptical.gif (250x250, 830K)


Prove it was because misogyny as the media claims. You fucking can't, cunt.

Attached: 9dc.png (1237x793, 406K)

Newfags get out. even shitty journalists know to index the title.

>Who is trying to gaslight pol?
who is behind or has their claws in almost every bad thing in the world?

Attached: 1518212209249.gif (441x480, 3.95M)

Newfags are welcome here.

Lets all alienate all new people that will sure aide in the proliferation of pol

they are welcome but they shouldn't be allowed to post for at least a year

Attached: catboy32.jpg (2033x2673, 944K)

I think this will backfire in their face pretty soon because this board is satirical. Nothing on this board is remotely true. Not even this post has truth in it. Because truth is what men perceive it to be.

As much as I would like this to backfire if it is indeed a ploy, you sound like you have spent too much time in philosophy class

Attached: sphinx.jpg (267x189, 9K)

Jow Forums Jow Forums cross posting is like 70%.

t. natsoc incel

it fucking Jow Forums mate , nowdays if someone farts we get blamed for it

I'm so skeptical about that post. It lacks genuine autism. It reads like we are being framed. It could easily have been manipulated by facebook employees with DB write access, or more nefariously ordered from the top down.

>farts get blamed on us
that is from all the stupid brrrrraaaap threads