More "equality" from the UK

More "equality" from the UK

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_School,_Ascot

If I was a coroner in the UK I would be stuffing bacon in the expired kebabs.

what was his reasoning behind it being discriminatory?

This is stupid, surely the policy is offering fairness to all, the complete opposite of discrimination.

>dies in prison

UK is a giant Island prison so what difference does it make. Dead anyway.

>lord justice Singh

>no death will be prioritised
>the policy was discriminatory

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Nuke the UK for orbit, it's the only way to be sure.

>Lord Justice Singh
Nuke us pls

The ruling argues that Jews and Muslims have religious stipulations that require the body to be buried as soon as possible. Therefore, these groups should be prioritised while goyim are left to wait. It's stupid af because we are now dividing up the law according to race/religion. We are sliding from a "law of the land" to a "law of the person".

Fairness for all, IS discrimination, user. How will those poor muslims get their 72 virgins if their bodies are buried after the truck victims?
Don't be such a bigot.

>what was his reasoning behind it being discriminatory?

Non-whites weren't prioritized.

Britain is a meme country
>Britain is a meme country
Britain is a meme country
>Britain is a meme country
Britain is a meme country
>Britain is a meme country
Britain is a meme country
>Britain is a meme country
Britain is a meme country
>Britain is a meme country
Britain is a meme country
>Britain is a meme country

We need to bury them before they die to ensure the swiftest possible burial

What about Christians?

absolute clown world

>Jews and Muslims live in Middle East where it's hot
>No fridges in those days
>Have sensible rule that bodies get buried right away because stinks
>Now they live in the UK
>There are fridges
>They stick to the rule anyway because reasons
>Coroner tells them to fuck off
>Is ordered by the court to kowtow to them because it's racist
Fucking hell, can't we just kick these people out?

His surname is Singh
not Smith

Not them. One thing the Jews and Muslims agree on is that white goyim/mushikreen are to be treated like shit.

>Judges said the "equality protocol" policy introduced by Mary Hassell, the senior coroner for inner north London, was "discriminatory" and "incapable of rational justification".
>The protocol said that "no death will be prioritised in any way over any other because of the religion of the deceased or family, either by the coroner’s officers or coroners."

>This meant cases were assessed and bodies released for burial by the coroner's office in order of when they were received, taking no account of any religious requirements.

>Ms Hassell introduced the policy at the end of October last year, prompting protests from Jewish and Muslim groups, whose beliefs require a funeral to take place as soon as possible after death.

>She told the court that she was concerned about the "negative impact that prioritisation of one sector of the community above others has had upon the families of those other deceased".

>She also relied on guidance issued in 2014 by the Chief Coroner which said "the law does not allow the Coroner to give priority to any one person over another".

I hope we bomb your shithole

>because everyone is on equal footing

Here we go. The spark to ignite the push for white subjugation begins with not allowing white people to bury their fucking dead fairly.

How fucking LOW can my country get?

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Nice. When you slaughter them all their bodies will be fast processed and not clumber morgues.

I actually understand the logic of the cab-rank system. The office just has to process them as they come in. Or else you are constantly pushing the queue back because oh no old Mrs Shekelburgstein passed away or Ahmed bin Rapeen got knifed. This just fucked the work flow up and for no reason.

Please, it's the only humane thing to do now.

>whose beliefs require a funeral to take place as soon as possible after death
>as soon as possible
They should wait their turn like everyone else. It will be possible once it's their turn. Who doesn't want to bury someone as soon as possible?

>no death will be prioritized
>but Lord Justice Singh said the policy was discriminatory
day of the rope can't come soon enough.

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Is this him?

>lord justice Singh

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Just London, Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester please. The rest of the country is pretty nice.


that, and the only thing this will lead to is a huge pile of white corpses that aren't getting buried, which would obviously be discriminatory

it's also as if these people would be happier in a different country where the law and citizenry already agrees with all of their ideas...

I expect it is, Rabinder Singh is a right old leftie as well as being a Sikh

When your ex-colonies colonize you and make you a second class citizen in your own third world country

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Fucking a.
>first come, first served
>literally a line in which the people at the front of the line are addressed because they were there longer
>lord justice thinks this is discrimination

Britian, WTF are you doing?

WTF I thought Sikhs were bro tier?

>not discriminating is discriminatory

It's almost like the whole point of processing bodies in the order they arrive is to bury each one as soon as possible. But if you don't let the invaders cut in line, that's racist.


Shouldn't you know better than to fall for Jow Forums memes, 56%?

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not even born in this country FFS

Sooo... mass graves anyone?

I think just London, and the message will be sent. That mayor has more of a footprint than your PM, it's sort of a problem.

What about Christians or other religious groups? Their beliefs are just as important and so the least discriminatory policy is to base it upon when one asks for the service. First come first served.

It's like the British government can't exist without oppressing someone, only now they've run out of easy targets so they're picking on their own citizens. It's going to explode at some point.

Just another day another J*wish trick

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>but lord justice singh said the policy was discriminatory and must be quashed
>lord justice singh

welcome to bizarro world

>Lord Justice Singh, sitting with Mrs Justice Whipple, ruled the policy was unlawful and in breach of the Human Rights Act and the Equality Act.
>They said: The fundamental difficulty with the defendant’s policy is that it does not strike a fair balance between the rights concerned at all.
Um, he wasn't alone.

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What a surprise it's a fucking roastie

This should eat at the heart of any Briton. A nation famed for its law and order. Where one of our national stereotypes is queueing. Now a country that rules in a high court that true, flat equality where nobody is prioritised over another... is discriminatory.

And that ruling is handed down by a fucking foreigner masquerading as a Briton.

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What a pathetic ruling.

We should react by establishing services and corporations that only serve white peop- oh wait fuck

Same thing in American Universities. State declares that race will NOT be used as a factor in Public University admissions is SUED for racial discrimination.

We should just game the system, my fellow Britons. Let's make a new religion called "Britainism", where any case of religious bullshittery like this is countered with a new religious law written into our sacred texts that allows us to be first and to quell other religions. Then when we inevitably get refused, we can sue people for religious discrimination.

Oh, you're allowing religion to dictate burials? Well my religion states that no other people can be considered before me.

What's that? You allow the inhumane slaughter of animals in halal and kosher abattoirs? Well my religion dictates that no animals within the nations borders should be slaughtered any other way than MY way.

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sounds like white genocide is fully in action in UK

>In both religions deceased people are buried as soon as possible, which may have not happened under Ms Hassell’s policy.
>This would potentially lead to ‘widespread distress’ among faith communities, according to Sam Grodzinski QC.
When will you stark CLANKING, Britain?

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Looks like she's a Roamin' Catlick, went to a Catlick school's_School,_Ascot

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>Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, whose Islington North constituency is within Ms Hassell’s jurisdiction, welcomed the decision from The High Court and said it would be a relief for Jewish and Muslim communities.
>He added families had ‘suffered significant and unnecessary anxiety’ after the new rules were implemented
>Mr Corbyn said: ‘It was completely unacceptable for the coroner to put barriers in the way of families trying to lay their loved ones to rest and this policy must now be scrapped.’
Reminder that this is the "opposition" to the status quo. The true choice when it comes to voting Labour or Conservative is whether you want a quick death, or a slow one.

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Muslims are the ultimate incels

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So between Jews and Muslims, who gets the priority? Both say 'as soon as possible' and are getting priority over non-Jews and Muslims, but now they're just in their own category, so which takes the higher precedence?

>b-b-uh muh mased corbyn
Shills BTFO

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>bro tier

Their constant lawsuits about their fucking turbans are what creates legal precedence for the erosion of secular law system.

It’s discriminatory bc it’s not discriminatory

Corbyn will never be based. Yeah he might be quietly pro-Brexit but he's a raging commie who fucks Dianne Abbott on the reg. He's mentally ill.

Brits are lower than the most docile nigger slaves, Brits have the IQ to revolt but they don't.

Brits really need to start physically revolting against their government. Pure evil is really the only word that comes to my mind.

>Just vote them out
It's a quite clear example of how democracy can fail. This man will never be in fear of losing his seat so long as he continues to agitate for discrimination which favours his constituents at the expense of the natives.

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>physically revolting against their government.
With what? Pencils and pans?

so christians are just being told to fuck off? whats the church of ENGLAND have to say about that?
just turning over and taking it up the ass from these savages?

Being Christian is by definition antisemitic.

TIL equality is discriminatory.

>Don't implement a policy which favours God's Chosen
>Oy vey! Sack the anti-semite!

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Maybe they could learn a lesson from their nearest neighbour.

The Anglicans are extremely gay, no chance of pushback.

>not only tolerate, but celebrate

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Looking at some of the Jews coming out on Twitter to celebrate this is really getting under my skin.

They still won't have a clue why they are hated when the mob breaks down their door.

Yeah, its being hailed as some civic victory. Just having it rubbed in our faces. The message is clear: we are prioritised, in life and death.

in australia muslims get priority at all hospitals, total discrimination.
they pretend to only speak arabic so the translator has to be called out.
when the (tax payer funded) translator arrives, the muslim is bumped up the queue sometimes hundreds of places because the translator doesent have time to wait around all day for their appointment time.

my grandfather was in his 80s, with serious health problems and often had to wait for 10+ hours to see a doctor while 26 year old achmed with a broken toe is in and out within 30 minutes.

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Ok fine, but can were can I sign up to help deliver new bodies to be buried?

add "not discriminating is discriminatory" to the list

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Did you see Ryan Falk's JQ video or hear it discussed on the Shoah? Polling confirms Jews support affirmative action more when they know it will hurt white people.

and we aren't supposed to complain because we supposedly have the best healthcare in the world.
meanwhile my teeth are falling out and dentists are not covered, and i have a broken hand that was never fixed because i walked out of the emergency room after waiting for 12 hours..

Haven't listened to either of those, but I'm not surprised by that poll result. Same with the majority of "British" Muslims holding true to backwards beliefs. Quite glad that I don't live in Bongistan, but watching it die like this is awful.

Can you convert the dead, if you want grandpa's funeral to be faster?

in 2016 in the US 67 white women were raped by niggers every week
Before insulting another country, look into your own. How much in taxes do you pay?

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"actually my grandpa identified as a muslim jew so he should get processed before EVERYONE else"

>all religions are equal
>some religions are more equal than other religions
>non-white religions are more equal than white religions
we're living in a fucking Onion article.

Turns out they only care about the betterment of their own group at the expense of all others, just like everyone else. Except white people of course. It is the duty of the white man to make way for the brown hordes in jolly old england-land.

I would claim that grandpa converted on his death bed... then sue them if they doubt his religious conviction... Muslim-Jewish faithful!

Why would a sihk do anything for muslims, which they hate?

Well, it's not just Muslims that get to benefit from this.

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More wrongthink corrected, thanks Ministry of Truth

>not discriminating is discriminating
>we have free speech but will throw you in jail if we don't like what you say
The UK is truly clown world.

Not sure if you need to go back or a clever troll

I think i'm about done with the UK, fuck this shit hole.

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Where will you go?

its the brits own fault. they care more about some stupid gold mines in africa they arent even using because of the lower price of gold vs its all time high than its own people

And no one was surprised at all that this happened.

>lord justice Singh

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