The real reason why you hate us

>we created capitalism (the sole reason why your life is so comfy)
>we created science (well made it significant): calculus(the basis of all), evolution theory, and much more
>we created the USA (the second best nation, to ours) while the spics created mexico (rofl!)
>we created israel and let the jews have power (the shadow government that rules over you, they're nothing without us)
>electronics, lightbulb, computer science(Turing & the programmable computer), the internet (HTTP, without us there'd be no Jow Forums)
>the suit - most sleek and professional out of all attires, your leaders wear it, anyone with a real job does as well
>created the most powerful empire - the absolute height of masculinity and leadership - The British Empire
>much, much, more.. you're probably using our inventions without notice, you ignorant cunts

Oh yeah! not to forget.. (this one really puts our big long imperial fat british cock in all of your filthy fucking bazoos)

>created the English language, the only language that matters! - well why were you forced to learn it? (there's no way out of this)

When did you realise the pinnacle of all achievements by the, "superior white man" is actually us alone(the eternal Anglos)? What did your
nation or people do in comparison to ours? That's right, absolutely fucking nothing. It's dead clear now this board reeks of jealously of the
Englishman. When you see a Union Jack flag in a thread, consciously, if not subconsciously, neurons burn up in rage with the realisation that
you'll never be British, or that your ancestors from whatever shithole you halfwits originate from can't hold a candle to ours. End fucking of.

Now you know this, I expect a full apology right now. Or I and the rest of the Brits among this board shall leave this shithole for good; leaving you in
your self-despair utterly useless, because without us, there would be no movement or uprising, you need us. So apologies right now.

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1776. Yeah, we're better. Lol, we won.

How bout this, "MCDONALD'S".. BAM!


When will this meme die? More like you kept biting on our leg autisticly screeching and we
told you, "yeah fuck it, you can have this shitland". If we actually gathered together, we would of
destroyed you.


You also started 2 World Wars, got btfo both times and the US hat to save your Paki Asses.


Y-you’re right, I am sorry Emir. Please forgive my heathen ways.

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>You also started 2 World Wars, got btfo both times
>got btfo both times

The literal fucking irony of a German saying this.

Yall still worship these inbreeds??

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Baltic here, please go on op!

There is no irony, you're the bane of Europe because you serve the jews every command.

Das hier ist jetzt ein deutscher Faden wo wir the englishe Sprache boycottieren damit diese Teetrinker Wichser aufhören sich über ihre simplistische Bauernsprache und deren Verbreitung eine runterzuholen.

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Captialism is a Marxist meme.

You're thinking free markets. Capitalism = usury, debt finance.

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>So apologies right now
I'm sorry you threw it all away in less than 2 generations. You can go back to the pub and binge drink away the feels now.

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We hate you because your country is a fucking joke that puts the needs and wants of foreign invaders above its own citizens and uses the law against anyone who dare speak up against it. And the fact that it seems like all of your kind lack any kind of spine to do anything about it is all the more reason to hate your kind. This is coming from a fucking leaf to.

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And now you import pakis to rape and murder the "Chavs" whose labor and blood made it all possible, while condemning their babies to die in a manner prescribed by the courts.

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>you need us.
Nah we'll just take your best and tell you to fuck off

Were not hating Britons.

We are hating those who are not Britons claiming to be British.

Jews, "Refugees" and everyone else hiding under your flag.

We are wondering why you haven't gotten rid of them.

>I can only post my illegal wrongthink anonymously on an American website

The absolute state of the plebians

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To be fair WW1 was shitty family issues and partly our cunt royal families fault.

Britain will no longer be English to 2030.

>when anglos JUST himselfs by 5d chess

Nah I actually hate y’all for 3 simple reasons:

No guns
No free speech
Muslim rape gangs

It’s that simple

Cucked politicians and a blind population.

You feeling well Hans? You're speaking horse shit again.

Americans need to stop letting the Brits get away with the lie that they created the USA. This is pure historic bs revisionism.

The USA was started by settled "colonials" that came together to created a country, an army, institutions of state, and so on. The US is not even the same size of what it was when it become a country. There are only two things the US adopted from Britain, and which are important of course, and that is the Common-Law system, and the English language.

Anglo abroad, teaching Germans our BASED language.

What the fuck did I just read?

>a list of shit

I wish you retards were still at it but y9ure not

No we actually hate you guys because of your current government.

>>we created capitalism
Awful system

>>we created science
That were the greeks

>>calculus(the basis of all)
Neither is calculus the basis of all, that honor goes to set theory and thus Cantor, who was very much NOT British in any way, not was calculus invented only by you.

>>we created the USA
A mistake

>>we created israel and let the jews have power
A mistake just as big

>>electronics, lightbulb, computer science
In every single thing of these there were also Germans involved.
Famously the first computer was built by a German.

>>the suit

>>created the most powerful empire
And lost it.

>>much, much, more.. you're probably using our inventions without notice, you ignorant cunts
So are you.

The truth.

It's bait, and you got your (You).

Imagine going from the birthplace of liberalism to bin that knife.

Great Britain has seen better times, but through her innate greatness she shall rise again.

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