Can I say nigger now?
Can I say nigger now?
You cannot. You can say nigga, without the 'r', but only if you are in fact black.
You must learn these rules. The 'n-word' is the nigs sole source of political power.
I'm 0% nigger and I say nigger all the time. Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger!
>tfw 0.0% ashkenazi jew and 0.0% african
>99.9% north western european
great example of race being a social construct.
no you can't say nigger.
Your great great great great great great great grandmother was a coal burning whooo-uh
I am literally .02% black
Fight me
Sup brotha.
If race was socially constructed you would not be able to reliably figure out someones race from their genetics.
Sorry. They add in tiny percentages of african dna sometimes to fuck with "white supremacists" so you probably don't actually have african dna.
My mom's family were southern slave owners.
Yes you can, also you can get jobs more easily and it takes way more to fire you. Always threaten to sue to discrimination
how long does it take for the black to be undetectable? Will is still show as 0.1% for your grandchildren?
0.2% is probably genetic noise
If my mom's family didn't run a tobacco plantation I'd probably agree
Are you me?
Don't bother with any of that .01/.02% nonsense.
My dad got .01 south east asian, I get none
My brother got .01 khazar milkers, i get none.
Instead I get this african nonsense, while no others do. They really do this to fuck with people
>tfw this stupid shit showed I was 1.1% Melanesian.
you're having the exact reaction (((they))) want you to, discard it as insignificant even if true, you know who you are
shit, you were so close to being allowed in the ethno-state, maybe in another life senpai.
No problem, i'll just wait for another timeline shift then take another test through instead of 23&me
that's a myth. Black DNA is so obvious if you have it the confidence is always very high. Noise only works for something like Ashkenazi jewish. Far more likely they are just adding it in to for a narrative if it's not really there.
same shit here
Mine had .3% sub-Saharan. I can definitely say nigger now.
This right here. I took one test on 23andMe and got less than 1% Ashkenazi Jew, then I took a test on another site and got 100% European. The margin of error is so high I’m surprised they include these trace amounts
>100% subsaharan edgy
the jew part is low confidence. they are only 50% sure it's there. because of the small gene pool of jews if you share anything they have like a gene associated with more colon cancer or some shit they put it on there.
Speaking of which, I high recommend Prometheus for a better understanding of how good your genes are.
I am italian and got 0 sub saharan.
Where's your godfather cuck scene now?
I welcome the niggers.
>giving your DNA to the government
Enjoy sitting on the sidelines
how come your french and german gets Switzerland when you have less than mine? I'm almost positive my grandmother is french and not german. How could they not tell the difference between german and french but know fucking switzerland?
thing is you have to adjust the confidence slide on your results. The face rating is 50% confident, or speculative.
When I dial it to 75% I get 50% British, 5% F&G and 40% Broaldy Northwestern European. You just have to blend it with the records you know to really get a solid idea of what you are.
I know my mom's side is:
Mom from ireland
Dad from Scotland with bits of english and possibly a touch of Norman
Dad's side:
Dad's got the Swiss and a bit of Anglo saxon
Mom's got a lot of Anglo Saxon.
I suspect there are touches of German too
Because there are specific genes that they were lucky enough to pin to one region, whereas a lot of migration has meant the same genes can wind up over a large area.
I know my Dad's Grandad left switzerland and his specific genes were easier to trace back to that one region than say broadly Franco-Germany
those company's are like fake news....pushing a narrative..send your dna to another company and you'll get a different result...
Can anyone tell me how the fuck you use/interpret GEDmatch?
>Americans are nigrafied
top kek
>Government run health-care
>Needs a private company to get DNA from citizens
If you've ever had bloodwork done through the health care system they already have your DNA.
They're just tryna turn people away from getting DNA tests so they can continue eroding ethnic solidarity.
Kill me im not sure if 1.2% is white noise
Think of all the gibs you qualify for. This is actually good news.
I mean it oculd be because its all such small percentiles the SE asian could he gypsy DNA from europe im not sure how far back 0.2% to 0.4% goes timeline wise
He is actually black. didn't you see his results? I got 0.1% black. Sup my fello niggers.
>I'm 0% nigger
and I'm 0% spic
I'm so glad i'm black because now I can't be called racist for only wanting to fuck white women
Out of curiosity. What percentage is significant enough to be able to claim ancestry? For example, mine has 6% Northern Italy.
They put African dna in the results to screw nazis
Fight me.
I'm 1% Black and apparently had a black ancestor in the 17 - 1800s
No, cutoff is 5% to us in group privileges.
this is actually sickening
If you're part black with southern family history i got some bad news for you user.. and you're side weren't the owners..
la creatura...
How did this happen?
I am only 98% European and its half Iberian.. I hope our Nordic Lords will allow us demi-whites to serve them in the Neo-Europa
>itt: self-hating niggers
My dad is like 20% white I'm sure but I'm to lazy to buy him a kit and explain it...
Sure you got enough French blood
And what about your mom?
Don't be retarded. Only two people fuck to reproduce and I already gave you half the equation.
I'm asking if she is German or immigrant as well you fucker
A coal burner
What do you look like?
Just curious.
Ah. Yea she is German.
Nothing illegal about what they did. They ran the suspects blood through the site and got a hit on who his family members were.
Not like they illegally ran everyone's dna in the base to find the killer.
I'm 100% Aryan
No, that's our word. You can say finga
No, but you can say "hi dad" and "thank you for your help, officer".
whelp there goes your dreams of being a serial killer, shame
wasnt there some news that dna testing services admitted to adding nigger dna to results "to fuck with white supremacists"?
kys nigger
Will I be allowed into the Ethno-State?
come join us on the official Jow Forums discord
Also, will I be eligible for reparations from slavery?
Girl I'm dating showed me her ancestry card and it's 4% Jewish the rest white. Smash or gas?
As long as you only say it to people who are 51%+ black. Also, you can only say it with a hard r.
What about a rolled r?
You guys know these places sell your DNA
Anything smaller than 5% is them guessing
you guys know they do that on purpose, right?
literally 56%
feels good, man
you hiding that 2 percent kike, sholomo?
You guys can make an almost-white-ethnostate.
u have to emigrate to the US
One drop rule for your fucking high yeller octaroon ass.
Hello Jow Forums do I have a negroid head?
ur a gay
T.brown hair, eyes and "normal" skin
99.9 % face
No you are white