Jow Forums is being overrun with donald redditors

civic nationalist cucks/shitskins from reddit are flooding into the site and creating threads like

how do we get these faggots to fuck off?

Attached: The_Donald.png (320x240, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You’re just shareblue
Get out of here shill Jewish man

Kill yourself shill fuck

By knocking over garbage cans:

>yes Goyim, be divided for eternity
>thou shall never unify and usurp like us
Shalom bruv!

my case in point

Attached: 1494126443291.jpg (705x652, 173K)

stop it

Attached: vlcsnap-2015-08-26-20h21m34s081.png (719x480, 416K)

A fucking bong

why do you support multiculturalism?

Attached: b7fd68_e1143cd2716a4473bec40a6711da9277-mv2.jpg (622x467, 69K)

>not subverting the political system like kikes and giving incentives for non-whites to procreate less/stay in the cities (utilizing covert sterilization/feminization programs)
>let's be blatantly fringe, unpopular and never achieve our goals
B'nai, shavitz Ben Moloch Elohim, Britani tzva gorush?