What to ban in the white/ideal state?

Ban Alcohol?
Ban gambling?
Ban Prostitution?
Ban gays?
ban porn?

what is a yes and what is a no?
i would be interested to see the the survery results with over 10,000 responses...

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Ban jews

>banning any of that shit
You're a goddamn fucking moron if you honestly think that won't back fire super badly.

>But my morals!
Not everyone is like you, fag.

No to all 5


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why do conservashits want a nanny state to control everyone


only correct answer

I'm sure of what to ban.
But traditionalism should definitely be promoted.

ban people who want to ban things


Stop being suck a cuckold

>ban gays
Only useful thing on your list.


Stop being such a stupid unrealistic fuck, you Polack.

Whats the point on banning something if there is never going to become reality.Do you guys really believe we will be mono ethnic like we were in the 20th century?

Ban nothing and let people be free. If you ban one degenerate behavior, they will just find something else. Degenerates will be degenerate no matter what. Trying to prevent that borders on communism, trying to turn people in zombies.

Ban Jews and keep the place mono-ethnic and you will never need those kind of bans in the first place.

>>banning any of that shit
>You're a goddamn fucking moron if you honestly think that won't back fire super badly.

>Ban Alcohol?
no, just disallow excessive drinking
>Ban gambling?
>Ban Prostitution?
>Ban gays?
>ban porn?

according to wikipedia, judaism is both race and religion, even though its just a religion

so, in accordance with unencyclopedic propaganda which cannot possibly be edited by anyone, this means that all non-israli jews, are actually not jewish at all, and should be castrated then banned

the american posters sure are cucks, meawhile prostitution, gambling, and alcohol are restricted way more in the usa then in europe or elsewhere...

funny how the amerimutts are all about muh freedoms yet all these things i listed are restricted heavily in the usa while in europe they are not, especially in the netherlands

Take a good fucking look in the mirror and at your country first, you fuck.

>wants to ban things
go fucking kys you subhuman nigger loving ape.

>Ban Alcohol?
No ban, but restrictions (like no alcohol before 21 and taking action against public display of drunkness)
>Ban gambling?
Don't know much about gambling
>Ban Prostitution?
>Ban gays?
>ban porn?
No, the internet should be as free as can be. Without toxic places on the internet we wouldn't have Jow Forums.

Alcohol - Permitted
Gambling - Permitted
Prostitution - Permitted with a license
Gays - Tolerated but never promoted. Socially discouraged. Gays may not adopt children or teach K-12. Public degeneracy results in jailtime or a fine. Repeated disregard for values may result in revocation of citizenship.
Porn - Banned from the supply side. Private citizens are not punished for possessing pornography.
Guns - No limits whatsoever. You can own a tank.
Military - All High schools are Military and include strict dress code, discipline, fitness requirements, and firearm training. You cannot graduate high school if you're fat.
Speech - Free
Voting - Married couples only, one vote per couple.
Marriage - Must have valid reason for divorce while children are still in home. No Alimony rape. Gays may not marry. State programs promote fertility and give greater tax breaks the larger your family is. Women are encouraged to be mothers and stay away from the workplace.
Media - Standards are enforced for quality across tv and motion picture creation. Nihilistic Modern Ugliness is banned. Chastity is once again held as the highest female virtue, without the need to pug bags over womens heads.
Food - Most pesticides are banned and the enviornment is carefully curated. Large natural space is zoned free from human development for centuries. Food is grown small to medium scale as locally as possible.
Drugs - Pot and Nicotine are legal but taxed heavily and discouraged socially. People will still smoke even if its banned. Employers may still fire people based on drug test results. Dealers/smugglers of harder drugs get death by firing squad.
Birth Control - Condoms only. The pill is banned.

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my country doesn't bring in 95% non whites like your's, economy is growing, im comfy as fuck here

Ban none of those
Ban jews
Ban niggers
Ban racemixing
Ban all anti Blonde or anti Redhead movements
Ban all forms of communism other than Nazbols
Ban mixing between whites
Make porn that enforces our state (all white couples)

>Ban Alcohol?
>Ban gambling?
>Ban Prostitution?
>Ban gays?
>ban porn?
Is that Islam actually?

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here we have a national socialist party running lithuania, we have banned selling alcohol past a certain time if it is too late, next step is to gas the alcoholics!

Ban any opposition to the state and that is all. The rest can be handled when necessary.

Man, it's fags like you that caused communism to sprout forth.

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ban income tax and welfare
should go without saying no jews, muzzies, or niggers

Actually, ban anyone who's gayer then bi curious

Kill yourself fag, if anything he is describing what kills communism.

t. mutt

Funny how ITT Americans are hated for wanting freedoms, or wanting to ban stuff. It is a lose-lose.

Instead of banning things, why not just legalize everything and instead use government propoganda to encourage moral virtuous values?

Social pressure works better than laws do- see Japan

remove alcohol unless without moderation from that list and add and onions

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If you think banning something will make it go away you're literally retarded. You will never be able to simply ban degeneracy, you have to educate against it.


Fucking degenerate. Drinking, smoking etc is for losers.

He's saying it'll lead to communism but fails to factor in Jews

Yeah I would be less of a mutt without the Italian in me you fucking wop.

He can't, he's a retarded little faggot and nobody loves him.

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it only works because japan is 99.9 percent Japanese.

>White supremacists
>Doesn't drink, smoke, and chew

In the eyes of regular people, you fags are seen as deranged degenerates. Seriously, you fucking live in a goddamn bubble where you circle jerk your stupid idiology. Niggers, spics, sandniggers won't leave just because of a bunch of fags like you.

You're worse than hardcore feminists and sjws

This. 100%


Gambling is illegal in Japan, taima is illegal in Japan, vaginal prostitution is illegal in Japan, even uncensored pornog is illegal in Japan, bitch. You don't know what you're talking about you low IQ shartlet.

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Opiates - None of any kind, even for pain.
Voting* - Active or former military regardless of marriage status are permitted to vote. (Jared Taylor youth does not count as the military.)
Architecture - Only high quality materials, built to last. Whole cities are planned to match art styles perfectly.
Schooling - Strong local control over curriculum. Possible hybridization with homeschooling.
Marriage* - Women who have their period are permitted to marry with their consent AND the consent of their father while under 18. Men may become engaged at any age, and marry 18.
Religion - Islam is banned completely. Judaism banned completely. Scientology banned completely.
Racemixing - results in revocation of citizenship of parent and the mixed child, and deportation.

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you mean the other guy who commented doesn't know what he is talking about, how fucking stupid are you? is the fluoridated water that bad for you that now amerimutts are all retards with autism? i agree and know what you are saying. I lived in Japan for 2 years you fucking moron!

That's right, be mad.

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Ban Freedom?

> being this much of a shit stained subhuman

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Why not convert to Islam whilst you're at it, fucking puritans.

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no white people

Nope, we Nazis are just going to make you watch your family get slowly cut to pieces, and then we're going to make you fuck each one of them to death at gunpoint. And we're all going to be popping morphine just like Hitler. Dumb faggot making up his own non-National Socialist policies.

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>Ban Alcohol?
>Ban gambling?
>Ban Prostitution?
>Ban gays?
>ban porn?

t.saudi arabia

Nobody here wants a white state

If you're a moralnigger then what are you doing on Jow Forums

Alcohol okay. No drunkenness tolerated.
No gambling.
No prostitution.
No homos.
No porn.

Go back to /b/ you flaming homosexual.

I'd ban women from working. Might seem cruel and inefficient but I guarantee it would fix s lit of problems we face today. Women should stay at home raising children.

Allow everything except brown people.

Allow 9% east Asian population, 1% Hispanics.

Muh Dick
Muh mouth

As much as I like the idea of an ehtnostate, every time I come here and read the ideas that some of you clowns come up with it makes me like the idea less and less.
I still want to drink, gamble, pay hookers, watch porn, and keep my gay friends. I just want to do it without any black people around. Do we really need more rules?

yeah you are right white countries are overrated! I would much prefer living in Guatemala or Niger! White countries fucking suck! USA is better off with whites projected to be like 20-30% by 2060!
#fuckwhitepeople amirite?

just blacks huh? desu blacks are the least of the usa's problem, you are going to resemble guatemala or nicaragua or some other failed 3rd world country at this rate...niggers are the least of your worries my friend...the hispanics are far more violent as well, blacks just tend to kill other blacks, the hispanics will literally chop your head off and put your body in acid...

Ban Jews and central banks, Issue our own debt-FREE currency.

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>no pesticides
Enjoy your famine
>no opioid pain killers
I see you've never had a surgery or a serious injury.

but you are right though, a white ethno state will not happen in the fragmented usa, best case scenario you can become like Colombia, a 3-2nd world country with high levels for crime and drug trade but with a couple of very rich people who live in gated communities!

I live in an area with a lot of spics and most of the time when there is a murder it is them killing each other over drug related shit so not really different from the niggers

The government's job is solely to protect our liberty and freedom, not our populace.
Nothing should be banned, it's the work of society to deal with its degenerates.

famine...right, dumbass do you know how advanced modern day agriculture/farming is? the usa and any modern country has way more fucking food then it would know what to do with, agree with you on the second part, most of these retards here don't know shit unlike me. probably didn't even finish amerimutt high school

right, dumbass do you not follow the stats, when it comes to hispanics most of them are illegal and they end up killing a ton of people, like that girl in san francisco, keep getting btfo and cucked mutt.

Fine, get rid of Hispanics too. Just don't make up a bunch of silly rules

your government is run by a pack of globalist dual citizen jews...sit down goy and accept it, you think that only 5% of the immigrants to the usa being white is a mistake? nope...the jews are actively committing genocide on you, very comfy where i am at right now, no war, safe, growing econ. western europe and usa commiting sucide on one side and on the other russia and china doing their shit, i have my popcorn ready, it's a fun show to watch.

they let the illegals stay there so they deserve it

>Against pesticides
>Huur modern technology will save us from insects
>Maybe we should ban insects

That's how fucking stupid you sound.

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Ban bans.

it's called a greenhouse dumbass...ever heard of it...netherlands produces a shit ton of food with them

stupid ass americans don't know shit about farming

This you fucking lefty parasite.

>Ohh government, please tell me what I can and can't do because I'm basically a giant baby

>To feed millions both inside and outside the US

You for real, nigger?

your ass not being over my dick

What kind of sheltered life have you been living?

Ban universal suffrage, and nothing else matters

how do you explain the majority of civilized european history?

...hey retard yes greenhouses, if you left iowa for once and actually saw technology, you would realize that the small ass netherlands is the leading tomato exporter and 2nd in the world in food exports for a reason, if the usa was a dutch nation it would be far more advanced then the anglos, the dutch founded new york, too bad the anglos were much bigger militarily, anyways, retard the stats prove me right....


it's called reality, travel, and education, you should try it some time retard.

Where's what the ideal state should ban:

>the practice of Abrahamic religions

And that's all.

>Netherlands leads in tomatoes
>Something to be proud of

I still love you user. You make me laugh

>banning shit


Have you heard of the prohibition, the war on drugs? Goddamn communism, where long haircuts for males were banned?!


>Europe isn't known for it's degeneracy
>Term Eurotrash doesn't exist

>Opiates - None of any kind, even for pain
Hope you never have surgery or toothache.

Durr hurr I'm not a farmer the post.
Shut up.
Literally one swarm of bugs and your good is gone.

Ban divorce
Ban pornography
Ban fornication
Ban sodomy
Ban Hard drugs
Require a license to buy and distribute Soft Drugs
Ban all public displays of non-Christian religion
Ban blasphemy
Ban the anti-social cults of Communism and Cultural Marxism
Ban obscenities

This is a National Socialist board, retard, none of your autism fits in with the ideology. So fuck up off the site.

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right good luck with bugs entering a greenhouse, i guess greenhouse tech has not been invented in the jewnited states!
also forgot your food production is ZOG confirmed property!

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>banning degeneracy is somehow at odds with National Socialism

Somehow I doubt this, but I could care less, I'm not a disciple of your goony ideology.

Hi sargon

Will there be a policeman in my bedroom?
Asking for a friend.

based bong
Hoppean Anarchism is the ultimate redpill. All properties are the absolute kingdom of their owners. Property owners may ban anything on their property and those that violate these rules or trespass must be allowed to remove themselves and their belongings from the premesis, non compliance allows physical removal. Every race and religion would be given equal opportunity, without outside influence, to create a prosperous community. Which of course, since whites are generaly the only ones that could understand this, means that they will soon become the most prosperous of all, while nigs, spics, and jews could never interfere without consent by property owners, and any attempt to do so would be met by recreational Apache helicopter missiles.