Thoughts on legalizing suicide? I would like the option for myself for when I’m older. I don’t have a wife or kids, I’m 34, and doubting I will. I think I’m a high functioning autist. I have a high IQ and feel like an alien. I have autoimmune health problems that make me fatigued a lot of the time.
I’m OK now, but when I’m 60 if my health isn’t doing well I don’t want to keep living alone. I don’t want to shout myself, though.
Still, I’m wondering if this is bad for society to be legalized.
Looks comfy. Somebody please try it out and report back on what it was like.
Aiden Adams
Just put a fucking bag on your head nigger
Angel Reyes
hahahahahahahaha this
Kayden Roberts
It doesn’t always work
Hunter Green
It's fucking easy. Get a rope, cut off circulation to your brain, but keep it loose so you don't panic. It won't hurt. Make sure the rope will tighten when you pass out and that whatever you've tied it to will hold your weight. You lose consciousness and then the rope chokes you to death. No pain. You just pass out.
Jordan Ortiz
Painlessly it is
Also people survive shots to the head
Luke Perez
if you consider suicide but won't do it because "it's illegal" you're the biggest cuck ever and deserve to live
Brandon Morales
This just seems like a more complex and expensive version if the helium mask with nitrogen instead This dude just wants to cash in on the suicidal, someone has to pay for his machined
Luis Cox
It works 100% of the time unless you pussy out.
Parker Mitchell
>Thoughts on legalizing suicide? I would like the option for myself for when I’m older. I don’t have a wife or kids sounds like you have it made user, what's to be so down about?
Austin Turner
It’s about letting people go painlessly. People who try suicide survive all the time, even when shooting themselves.
Mainly because I’m so fatigued all the time. I have hashimotos hypothyroidism. I exercise, lift, eat healthy. It’s hard to even do much I’m so fatigued and there’s no additional treatment yet. I am going to see if my doctor can increase my medication which may help for now
Luke Mitchell
how's that?
Julian Sullivan
What's the deal with making it aesthetic? Does he anticipate competition?
Dylan Powell
Goes to show how hopeful the populace has become Great change is coming, times like these new ideals take root
If I had a way to comment on that fake news website's comment section I would have recommended that they use it to test it out.
Leo Smith
>being fatigues sucks, I'd rather be dead I'll never understand but best of luck to you
Matthew Campbell
I think the gun can accidentally slip or it can just be a freak thing where it scrambles your brain and doesn’t kill you.
Sebastian Young
I would wait until hitting 40-45 years tho, then bail out with a cheap grill and a small airtight room. Put a warning sign on the door.
Justin Gutierrez
Bleak if true. Today us cynical anons should commit social suicide by going against the leftist group think. That's the correct course of action IMO. It might invigorate us.
Carson Adams
I'm talking about putting a bag on your head you dumb fuck
Gabriel Clark
Suicide should be legalized entirely. I discussed it with another user one day on here and we devised a pretty sweet device using helium and sensory stimulators to make you feel better. You eventually fall asleep without any fear at all because the body compares helium to oxygen. So no choking or asphyxiation ever happens. You just keep breathing and eventually just fall asleep and die soon after. To ensure death a mild paralyzer or tranquilizer will be injected at some point that speeds up the process of ensuring sleep. While these processes are happening you have your choice of favorite movies, scenes, smells, temperature, all of it maximized for your enjoyment. At random the oxygen in the container is lowered and more helium is added. You won't even know when you'll die. You'll have no fear, just enjoy your movie. Eventually the container will be more than 80% helium and the sleep process begins. Soon after you'll be above 90% and the brain is unable to function with such low oxygen levels. Shut down happens.
Cost can actually be minimal, with only two factors besides actual chemical cost and container initial cost. A technician to set up the machine to your settings and a cleaner. Could be the same person for all I care, but I can pretty much assure you the most painless death possible for what like 100 dollars an hour? Possible factors will be things like wearing a diaper since some people void themselves at death. Thoughts? I'm seriously considering getting this designed so please give any input. It's only a matter of time before legal suicide is brought up and i plan on helping implement it. I also plan on using the machine myself one day when i'm older.
see my post here there are tons of companies already trying to design their own death capsules. So yes, it is an industry already that has a lot of competition.
It works 100% of the time unless you don't actually want to die.
Jayden King
Mine will have everything yours will have, but it will have a camera so we can livestream for extra monies
Bentley Smith
It's ridiculous, you can easily kill yourself now. I tried and nearly succeeded, but I guess deep down I either didn't want to die, or was too scared. Either way I got a fat ugly scar from it.
Adam Martinez
What did you do?
Grayson Morris
This is a factor I've never considered, are you talking about aging couples who want to die together? What if I build an office that has rooms for very specific settings. A cheap option, a luxury option, a couples room for those who want to die together. Do you guys think there would be enough people to warrant an entirely new capsule in these scenarios? Or should I stick with one standard model for now.
Brody Hughes
>shooting yourself in the head while jumping off a cliff
There, solved your problem
Nathan Hughes
>south africa >having no standards for human desires I'm not surprised. My business will be as ethical as possible considering the subject we are dealing with. You'll have the chance to sign your body away to science or donations or if you wish an option for your loved ones to take your corpse away for burial or whatever religious rights you want. A lawyer and doctor will be on site and all conversations recorded to ensure it's all on the straight. No foul play at all.
Can you at least donate some of the money to an incentivised sterilisation program?
Wyatt Nguyen
underaged not allowed
Austin Morris
A teleport to where things should be! A teleport to the world we should have been born in No sin No sin
Eli White
Yeah read the rest of my post up a few notches. I have complete essays on the ethical reasons for allowing a controlled suicide in place including medical, mental health, and even prisoners that would rather die and be less of a burden to us the tax payers. I have rough schematics and drawings of possible capsule rooms. I have some cost devised, but it's hard to get exact cost of these types of things without an actual practice model to understand entirely what goes in and considering it's still illegal i'd never get the funding for it at this moment in The U.S.A. The easiest route of course is starting with the above mentioned patients and prisoners. You'd never get this to go widespread for everyones use without a legitimate test group and I found these groups to be the easiest argument for.
I have multiple citations for the exact amounts of air composition to start the process of dying and my uncle is an anesthesiologist. So dosages of any pain killers or chemicals used to induce pain or sleep are easy to understand.
I'm not even doing this to make money. If it goes off I'll be making barely more than my workers. I'm doing this because I truly believe humans have the right to end their lives if they wish and should be offered a choice to be as painless as possible.
Any extra cash for the company outside of paying employees, shareholders, myself, and maintenance of any equipment or building will be made from the customers who donate their bodies afterwords. The money made from the usage of their bodies will be half donated to science and research of helping cure the ailments that afflicted these people so badly they wished to kill themselves based off statistics of why people are killing themselves. The other portion will be used to ensure workers are paid accordingly via bonuses.
I'm 100% in this for helping the people in pain. I am one of those people in pain, i can't process most brain chemicals in my body. So my emotions are generally flat.
Sebastian Garcia
>implying suicidal people can afford a 3d printer Go get your fucking head checked.
Honestly this is tricky, because so many people freak out when you talk about taking away "muh genetics" yet. Yet, I think if enough people start using our product due to overpopulation and I mean that very specifically. We will detail every single reason someone wants to die. If in that case, yes I think we could begin to use our dollarinos to focus on making free sterilizing products and services for people. If things get so bad it becomes a forced scenario that's the government's department and I doubt I would be involved.
Ryder Diaz
Suicide machine you can make with a piece of rope.