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Tfw you realize Trump is the God Emperor and you're an enemy of humanity
Christian Williams
James Price
Unironically, I bet most of the liberal anchors, actors and comedians actually saved a lot of money in taxes unlike pedes on Jow Forums lool.
Robert Robinson
They will live for the rest of their lives knowing that they were fighting against the man who saved the world.
Robert Rivera
>God Emperor
Brandon Campbell
Will she ever recover?
Jaxson Reyes
Nolan White
school must be out early today
Camden Wood
whoa man, i never knew wind could mess up your hair!
Alexander Flores
Jordan Sanders
Wyatt Johnson
Henry Jenkins
more like cuck emperor, only after a black man is he 'emperor"
Caleb Hernandez
Stop spamming this shit you degenerate.
Adrian Harris
i dont want to live as a Hillary clinton supporter
Carson Moore
Grabbed her last pussy
Sebastian Carter
Julian Peterson
Jaxson Allen
kek true
its the pill that drumpanzees have yet to swallow
Carson Campbell
Don't you have some mudslime cock to be servicing, Sven?
Xavier Green
A thread died for this
Parker Bennett
You seem to be confused about what cucking is. Trump rode Obama's ads his entire presidency, and he is now showing Obama what a real president looks like.
Grayson Adams
*ass not ads
Anthony Wood
Trump is just means to an end. Stop pretending he's more than a pawn you fucking retards.
Juan Young
Adam Collins
SHE is the reason Trump is president
SHE gave Bernie a platform and encouraged him to run. Then she sold him out for Hillary too late after the damage was already done.
Nathan Cook
wyd his hair is majestic as fuck
Brandon Wood
Zachary Ross
Nah, they live in areas like California and New York where before they were able to write off large portions of their property tax.
No more
Jayden Johnson
Nathaniel Adams
>paid shill threads are now pro Trump
Isaiah Kelly
How is this a paid shill thread? Oh, right, it's not. You just have no idea how to spin recent events and you're still paid here to shill. Your job must be exhausting.
Jaxon Nguyen
I got paid more the last 3 months because of the taxes. get a fucking job and then kys.
Evan Gonzalez
>y-your the s-shill
Leo Murphy
>Unironically, I bet most of the liberal anchors, actors and comedians actually saved a lot of money in taxes unlike pedes on Jow Forums lool.
try reading that again, maybe you'll get it this time
Sebastian Perry
pic related.
Isaac Diaz
Jackson Flores
Who elses hair takes the shape of the mighty Aquila at will?
Connor Evans
Let's be real, these terrible people enjoy being the enemy of humanity, it's literally what they want to be
Leftists WANT to destroy the world, it's built into their ideology
John Rivera
You mean Jews?
Jayden Campbell
interesting. is this how a quarter east-african person would look like?
Evan Peterson
i wonder if the Madcow and Joy 'homo hating' Reid hang out together?
James Richardson
remember these faces and names, they are morons.
Parker Butler
Lol yah, the latest episode of Murdoch Murdoch summed it up pretty well. People have all these terms to describe jews but they are unaware of the fact that jews are totaly to blame for all this retarded bullshit from those European style socialists.
Michael Jackson
Why does that dyke always have a combination of bitch face and looking like she's going to cry?