Thailand hate thread

There arent more pathetic, sexually depraved & failed country as Thailand. Whole meaning of Thailand is one giant brothel and its dwellers life is to be "sucky-fucky 5 dorrar" hookers. As soon as you are born Thai, expect to be fucked by sweaty old aussies and brits.

Attached: sucky-fucky-old-bastard.jpg (800x600, 66K)

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Yes, my parents told me that Thailand is a cursed land, similar to a modern Sodom and Gomorrah. Something's wrong with a country that's so accepting of ladyboys and other abominations, especially because prostitution is probably Thailand's biggest economy.

> Let me throw on my best logo filled polo

modern sodom and gomorrah

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Im guessing your angry because you cant afford to go there.

>mfw it's this fucking thread again
>in all fields

Age of consent is pretty much non existent. Police dont care, trust me lol.

Add Manila to the den of degeneracy.


>ladyboys and other abominations
Ladyboys are lovely though. Would like to buy me one.


>the virgin yellow fever fag vs the Chad oil driller

I go to thailand once a year to have drug fuelled orgies with ladyboys.

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Sorry but there is just something fundamentally wrong with the Thailand thing.

Any nation that pimps its women and children out to over-the-hill foreigners is sort of fucked up. It's creepy and the very essence of degenerate.

also you are probably some poorfag unable to go there (I never see Croatians abroad)

thus being a jelly.

cool blog


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Disneyland for incels.

There is nothing "chad" about fucking a sub-human nigger.

Women from Southeast Asia are ugly as fuck. I'll never get why countries with such ugly women made sex tourism their thing.

Sorry, edgyguys, I just dont like to stick my dick into something where 1000 men were on daily basis.
you are disgrace calling yourself a man, fucking other submissive male to feel powerful and in control of weaker

even the dudes are literally better looking than any woman you've ever been with or ever will be with.

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Don't forget us Burgers.

Never colonized, strong nationalism, most successful country in Monkey Asia, and I guarantee you everyone on this board will be refugees there by the mid-2020s.

Why do you even care actually ? It's thousands of miles away from where you live.

I feel a lot of projecting to be honest.

This guy is an electrician

> you are disgrace calling yourself a man
Agreed, subhuman slavs aren't men, they are expendable labor. Now clean that toilet.

Kek i'm going to thailand in june

This is true

they're just so rock bottom it doesn't even look like an insult to them

how can you tell the ladybois from the actual ladys apart
asking for a friend

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legit question: how does it feel knowing that your girlfriend is uglier than a man from a third world country?

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they will tell you straight away.. as they just want to do business/make money and there are enough guys interested in that.

they have no time and interest for nonsense and drama..

that one on the left. kek

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Jewish lies, Asians are pure and traditional. The average Asian woman gets married a virgin at 18 and has 5 kids by the age of 25.

Sodom and Gomorrah are San Francisco and Los Angeles

The next earthquake will be God's divine retribution again the den of sinners

>implying my girlfriend is ugly than a disease ridden ayylmao

Please don't spread your degeneracy to your neighbors and if you decide to have children, please keep them confined in Thailand so you don't corrupt the rest of the world with your lifestyle.

user, I...

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Is Thailand open carry?
I want to live in a civilized nation with open-carry that isn't burgerland. Any recommendations?
Thailand minus the degeneracy sounds great, but I've never lived there before.

I don’t fuck men so it’s irrelevant

its a mutt getting his picture taken with a bunch of monkeys

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Thailand is a place where you beat (((their))) system.

We also do it in the Philippines. If those little nips are lucky I might even put on a condom.

You sure beat them by spending thousands of dollars to fuck men who look like women

Oi cunt that's formal strayan attire. Show some fuckin respect!

You might like Phuket. It is a little touristy feeling, but has the beach too. There is sex for sale there but it isn't the same as Pattaya. Chiang Mai has no beach but is also another popular area.

unless you're dating a model like Miranda Kerr, yes she is. Does your gf model and act on television and in movies like pic related? No? Then she's uglier than this dude, sorry.
see that's the rub, if you're fucking a girl who is uglier than pic related then you're basically fucking a girl who has manlier features since manly features is what makes girls less attractive and you saying that you prefer your gf over pic related means you actually prefer manlier features. You're a fag. Time to come out of the closet.

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It's obvious where these men stay for sexual tourism. Children for sale, billionaires with private islands willing to accomodate. Virgins Unite.

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A man has a penis. No matter how feminine he looks. I don’t fuck anything with a penis.

he's a white God

I want to see those pictures of that guy with the scream mask in a room full of asiatic children again
Idk what he was doing, looked like a halloween party or something

That's a man on the right isn't it?

Pretty sure Thais look at those sexpats as walking ATMs to be scammed.

Sexpats are definitely not looked up to there.

Left has a bigger skull.

Maybe he's a poker player or something and those are his sponsors. You ever think of that, dummy?

>sexpats as walking ATMs

as everywhere else to tho
then again i don't think any clear headed guy going to thailand looks at those women/ladyboys like they are more than talking fleshlight. i don't know if i should be impressed or disgusted by such honesty

I'm going to thailand and fuck so much to recoup my 14 years of NEETdom.

every politician since ever... they can whatver they want and get away with it because money rules over matter like the sine wave

Imagine being born there... must be hell on earth. Both for the men and their women.

To think there was a time I thought it was okay to fly there and take advantage of their misery... like it was some alternative to depraved western women.

Thank god I came to my senses.

There is no more pathetic, sexually depraved & failed country than Sweden. The whole meaning of Sweden is one giant brothel and sex tourist theme park for Africans, except the girls don't charge for their services and all have STDs. As soon as you are born Swedish, expect to be enriched by young Mohammeds and Tyrones.

Surely those sponsors will be thrilled for the free advertising in a red light district of a third-world country surrounded by whores. You ever think of that, dummy?

>That one on the left

Stop thinking these women are victims. I know girls that work regular jobs and make a decent living. Bar girls do it because they can make as much in a couple of nights what they would normally make in a month.

These girls aren't "slaves" or "trafficked" victims like the western media tries to portray them and they could easily get a regular job. They are having fun and partying making more money than a lot of the guys that visit there and in a country where it goes three times as far.

There is no more pathetic, sexually depraved & failed country than United States of America. The whole meaning of Muttland is one giant brothel and work tourist theme park for Mexicans, except the girls don't fit in their chairs and all are 56% white anyway. As soon as you are born Amerimutt, expect to drink onions and be enriched by young Josés and Tyrones.

>s.oy = onion word filter


>twig body
>Shoulders wider than hips
>Your GF needs to be a model to beat her!

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There is no more pathetic, sexually depraved & failed country than United States of America. The whole meaning of Muttland is one giant brothel and work tourist theme park for nignogs, except the girls don't fit in their chairs and all are 0% white anyway. As soon as you are born Amerimutt, expect to drink onions and be enriched by young Josés and Tyrones.
Fixed it for you padraig.

>sex tourist theme park
oops, we all know nogs don't work lel


im fucking tired, and it was shitty attempt but i tried
lets make one for Ireland and someone on the line will fix one for Murrica and Sweden anyway

You should check out the guy Tim Sharky he's the epitomy of everything you hate OP

Thailand has a lot of rich and interesting culture including some of the most violent interactions between Muslims and Buddhists, unfortunately the country is being sold as a sex tourist destination

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whats it like living with hiv?

Those beautiful vine-covered cliffs on the ocean though

He has (((universal healthcare))) so he's cool with it.

>tfw no Taiwanese gf (male)

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And then the logo on the bottom arranged like a tribal tattoo

creampiethais, brought to you by orix, holden, and nec

hell itself

Listen you robots.
The reason you are permavirgins no one wants is because you exist in an unnatural state. Humans are just like any other creatures on the planet, think of dogs for example. You let dogs play together and it’s just a matter of time before they fuck. It’s the natural order of things.

The unnatural order of things men who parrot feminising beliefs st other men to in essence stop them being men and going manly things like fucking women.
ANY GOD DAMN HALF FAGGOT THAT TELLS YOU TO STOP FUCKING IS EITHER A WOMEN OR A MALE FEMINIST MOUTHPIECE. This also applies to other men who tell you to stop fucking trannies or other men if that’s your thing.

Don’t be pushed into an unnatural state of being by people who genuinely fear and hate men. Men are dominant and fucking is a tool of that dominance and there’s people like half the fucking fags in this thread who want to castrate other men because they are failures of men or fat chicks.

1984 was a story about the dangers and misery of living in a forced unnatural state. Be suspicious of any posters who are concerned about what you do with your cock, their motives are sinister.

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I go sex tourism in Thailand, it's pretty great. I've got one whore I mainly use. Few years back she got pregnant and now she lets customers fuck her daughter too. Its so hot fucking her knowing all her life shes been fucked by men including her father and that i might be her father.

>would hire a whore with to spitriast and throw high fives over the lucky girls back with

You may actually be on to something...

This pic is so rancid kek

How many half-thai bastards are yours?

people who go to these sex tourist places are the failures. usually betas and ugly old white men who can't find a woman who'll take them after a messy divorce. you get the occasional chad but they're after the ladyboy manpussi.

Im not into Asians.
I fly to Africa once a year and fuck niggers for $10 a pop

Found the fat chick, the only failures on this planet are girls who are so ugly outside and inside no one will breed with them so they go out and ruin everything with their incessant complaining like you’re doing right now

That’s even worse

how is your nofap going

Even though their faces are busted, they are young and thin, which is better than most western white guys in their 50s can do at home.

Yeah well I will keep in mind a little turbovirgin from Jow Forums disapproves

Bad goyim you should be spending your hard earned money on a fat middle aged woman with a few kids. Paying for another wedding, diamond rings, mortgage, then divorce lawyer instead of spending it on yourself.

Thailand is what happens when niggers breed with asians or whites. just look at the nose and you will understand..

I'm not a woman, I just realize these degenerates who go to third world sex havens and brag about banging some bar whore in exchange for a fraction of their measly wages are just guys who suck at picking up women back home and generally being enough of a man to attract and keep themselves in a relationship. It's just another way of ignoring the bigger problem.

Stop kidding yourself, user.
that thing in the photo isn't a woman, hell, its not even human frankly.
Do you seriously, unironically think that thing is attractive? you really oughta kys

????????????????????????????????????????????????? No?????????????????????????????????

Yeah, this white knight would rather see these girls' (>girls') families in the country starve.
These good intentions are what lead to shit like FOSTA, which most prostitutes hate because it's made them less safe.

>I’m not a woman
You may as well be.
Look at your fucking post you brainwashed cunt.
What a fucking embarrassment.
You are literally the hot pockets of feminists. Out there doing their propaganda work for free.
What are ya? A man? Is that what you think? Gtfo

isn't that the dago from impractical jokers?

It’s nearly impossible to contract HIV from anal sex as long as you’re not on the receiving end