Who did this

Who did this.
Trump did this.

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leftist will downplay this

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We will unironically have world peace under Trump *with the exception of isreal v syria

nah, isreal gets the rope too.

bullshit this is still stuff trickling from obama's presidency we all know obama brought peace to the koreas

based obama

Funny how world peace = pissing off leftists.

Gib dat nigga da peace prize!

This was actually a based moment, the two of them stepping to each side and shaking hands. Absolutely based.

I'm not sure if Trump deserves ALL of the credit for this, especially in the way that right wing talkie bois are giving it to him, but he deserves more than a bit. If this goes through all three of them should get nobel peace prizes, maybe even the chinese president too.

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That will be pretty fucking difficult, though. All that Tweeting and nuclear war rhetoric from earlier this year was bullshit orchestrated by Trump. These guys already knew this was gonna happen. Leftists are abominations and gay as fuck.