God tier: Southerners

>god tier: Southerners
>good tier: Yankees
>ok tier: other Anglos
>shit tier: everyone else
>KILL IT NOW tier: israel

Attached: reab pepe6.jpg (960x606, 52K)

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Attached: confederate pepe.png (414x508, 274K)

The South was thoroughly kiked - they had Jews in their cabinet

thats why you guys lost right?

Bump for confederacy. The south will rise again!

Attached: IMG_2556.gif (90x140, 342K)

when I think of the south I think of rampant incest, meth addiction, white trash with names like Cletus and Emmy Sue, and camaros.

Attached: Dixie Bingo.png (758x795, 63K)

that's funny.
i don't think of you at all.

Attached: William T Sherman.jpg (380x370, 16K)