The boys are losing it. They are full blown alcoholics now, slurring their words as they spend 2 hours Googling fappening pics and rambling. Mike said he was going to the dentist after the show. Presumably Sven drove him there drunk, and Mike went into the office drunk. They need to get it together.
TRS Degeneracy
Charles Bailey
Brody Parker
Compulsory aliyah incoming for any jew who continues to aid and support Mike (((Encoch))) and the rest of those dirtbags. Enjoy your time on the kibbutz, schmendricks.
Ayden Anderson
Gibs plz
Logan Scott
post it
Jason Allen
Adam Walker
Kevin Walker
Fuck yeah, OP. Sven pisses me off so fucking much sometimes with his rants about his fucking workout routine and wether he does squats or not. I DON'T GIVE A SHIT YOU HOMO, SHUT THE FUCK UP AND TALK ABOUT POLITICS.
Sebastian Watson
TDS has been garbage for MONTHS now and it's only going to get worse unfortunately.
Josiah Wright
Its in the archive you fucking retards
Isaac Torres
stfu achmed
nope looked