For days, the local news has had a story about men suing "women only" events. They have all been settled out of court for an undisclosed amount.
Listen to the women cry about how unfair it is. See the evil men making them follow the law. Wave goodbye to them as they leave town.
Women Only events being sued successfully
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Every time I see that picture... I'm reminded how utterly stupid this "STEM" for women is.
You sexist pig you
Good. They take away men's rights to free assembly and then they want private assembly for themselves.
Remember how much they cheered when all the "boys clubs" were sued out of existence? Have a taste of your own fucking medicine, ladies.
It seems a good way to start making money AND chase away the businesses that would discriminate against men
Pic is Starla from /b/
gross nipples wtf why would someone do that to themselves.
We've all this image 100 times but is it real? Surely it's satirical?
>dat piercing
to show that she's a bad girl
these types of girls will fuck with reckless abandon. i've only fucked 1 girl with pierced nipples and she was basically a nympho.
Lesbo dykes owned.
>5 minutes of double standards
Bumping for men's rights
We need mens clubs again. I don't mean gay bars either, why do gay men get bars where you don't need to pay because theres a naked chick in the room