ITT: Pictures that haven't aged well

I'll start

Attached: HillaryCosby.png (736x490, 714K)

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Hillary has managed to take pictures with literally every scum bag in the world

What did they talk about Jow Forums? Do you think they joked about both having the same first name, or techniques on how to drug and rape women?

Attached: ClintonCosby.png (1035x581, 976K)

She had to know he is a scumbag. I hear she gets excellent intel on her basement server

oh wow, cosby must feel embarrassed by this

I'd be more embarrassed if my wife accompanied me to court for my rape trial dressed like this

Attached: afp_14a2jw-e1524586856283.jpg (810x607, 96K)

mr. cosby.....

Attached: samwise_gamgee_01.jpg (550x542, 47K)

Attached: MWE5NjA2YTFiMyMvMlZCWnkzN3NFWHkzckR4QWZyY3VsLVNoZEtzPS9maXQtaW4vNzYweDAvZmlsdGVyczpub191cHNjYWxlKCk6 (432x537, 26K)

Attached: aGD0sPh.jpg (1200x671, 52K)

The older Takei gets the creepier he gets

Attached: 11_113_01.jpg (270x270, 9K)