Most punchable face in politics?

Who's your pick?

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your mom

Justin mother fucking cuckdeau

FUCK YOU, for beating me to it.
100% agree.

how the fuck does a professional fighter let a guy get the angle on him like that

I wan't Justin to win. Trudeau style

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im not a nigger so i dont get urges to punch faces in random non-threatening environments

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Nick Fuentes, Richard Spencer, and David Hogg

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Any neocon.

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Gavin Newsom. Fuck this faggot.

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dishonorable mention

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he's a big guy

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this fat fuck

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Trump can only produce models or ogres.

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I'd let her beat me.... off!

Both of these.

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4 jew

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even after she took 35 yo dick?

God his sons look like such faggots.

Adam waterhead Schiff


God look at those fucking arms hahahahahahahaha

god damnit she's hot...

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I miss Jebbers. That was such a fun time.

That is just one of many things to hate about the man
Kek what ever happened to this disgusting cunt?

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I don't hate him. I just feel sorry for him.

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It's either him or Villagrosa or whatever his name is but one of them had someone killed

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I would give him a hug :)

David Hogg or Justin Trudeau, both are such unbeliavable faggots that just looking at them angers me.

Any Jew.

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He's actually kind of likable.

You sound like you have dangerously low testosterone levels.

Or you're a woman, in which case your opinion is irrelevant.

I think this means they "slept" together. Check out what socks are on which feet.

I honestly think we should be nice to leafs on this board, if the president of my country was like this I would consider suicide so that I don't have to watch the country getting even worse.

knock that fucking dishtowel off his head

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Leave /ourjeb/ the fuck alone you filthy nigger.


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Oh sure! It's easy to "kek" wen your on the outside looking in.
Happy Friday user.

Sorry bro :(
Last one I promise

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Don't feel to bad. That spic was most likely (((ritualised))) for the agenda

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>Sorry bro :(
That's alright. "it's" time is almost up. Chance of re-election is almost nil. I just hope we can find Canads's version of Trump. Just to shake things up a little.

TURDewww. Hands down.

For me, it's Adam Schiff. This motherfucker has been obstructionist prime in these investigations from day one. Tired of this weasel. He needs an ass-beating like Hillary needs handcuffs.

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False. They are all ogre-tier. She was hideous pre massive amounts of plastic surgery and the boys are fucking inbred looking.

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Okay you win. I would punch her repeatedly in the face with my dick. (fuck off, your all thinking it)

Pelosi. Definitely Pelosi.

These whores

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Al the groper Franken

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if you think you need to "prove" your testosterone, you just might have a deficiency already.

You can never trust someone with eyes like that, fucker has the creepiest eyes, the eyes of a constant compulsive liar, the kind of eyes where a person is telling you something, and both of you know it's bullshit, but the fucking look of the guy telling you the lie just screams "just fucking believe it or else"

I don't know who's better at twatter shitposting, the DPRK or Wendy's.

I still can't believe the marketing and PR of these people was so bad. It was as if the NRA stealth influenced their promotion.

Enie, meanie.

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2nd. That slimy pile of pudge is the definition of the cycle of weak men creating hard times.

Can Netanyahoo and Cuck Trudeau punch each other in the face?

that would be awesome

the last couple of days

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This faggot right here. His face is begging for a knuckle sandwich.

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basically all the pieces of shit from CA and NY

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Goddess with buttfuck ugly brothers

Search: Gustav Fridolin, MP for the greens in Sweden. Just google him and you'll see what I mean

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Reddit, where this thread belongs

To state it is not just politically incorrect but in some countries an outright crime buddy.
See british ruling on hate crimes and incidents. The latter is a crime by virtue of someone claiming a hateful motivation even if explicitly not a crime.