You know that your IQ is irrelevant when you're mother's basement. You know this man is worth more to society. You know that this man is better than you. You're trash. You're nothing. After you die you'll be forgotten in 3 years. Your descendants will likely hate you because you were just an average piece of shit, that is if you leave any descendants in this world, but this man? He is worth 13 billion. He reached the highest level. He'll leave a lot of money to his family. He mattered. You didn't.
This man doesn't have a low IQ, this isn't a good argument against the credibility of IQ. However this is an argument about responsibility. (something that a basement dweller does not have)
This is an argument about losers are losers and winners are winners no matter you race.
Jason Howard
Adrian Nguyen
Anybody who wins a Clinton Global Citizen award is obviously worth more than the average peasant.
Luis Butler
What is your point exactly? You picked out one African man out of 1.2 billion. That is beyond an extreme outlier. Had anyone here said no African could ever be wealthy or have success?
Your ideology is entirely contradictory to your stance on race. You consider people who want to preserve their own biodiversity criminals or an affront to nature.
Lucas Jenkins
ok, that's not why I'm here though, but ok
Tyler Ortiz
by the way you type I'm assuming you're a nigger. Anways congrats to that guy for being an outliner
This man is better than 99.9% of niggers at basketball
You know that your jumping and running is irrelevant when you're mother's basement. You know this man is worth more to basketball. You know that this man is better than you. You're trash. You're nothing. After you die you'll be forgotten in 3 years. Your descendants will likely hate you because you were just an average piece of nigger shit, that is if you leave any descendants in this world, but this man? He is literally a top 10 OF ALL TIME BASKETBALL PLAYER. He reached the highest level. He'll leave a lot of money to his family. He mattered. You didn't.
Winning for me is success. Firstly when it comes to money and power and second if you are an intelligent man like newton, einstein, poincare, etc.. This is the only way to matter in this world. What I'm saying is an objective fact.
Ayden Morris
a good bit of his success was based of his IQ, and that's not saying you don't also have to have drive, because you do need drive
Nathan Richardson
OP isn't about me. It's about you and what you believe. The OP shows that what you believe is ridiculous and expose you as an irrelevant man compared to the man you thought was inferior. How can you even reply to me after being embarrassed like this?
Nicholas Cruz
Damn big man tyrone is really doing well for himself
Sebastian Flores
why do niggers have so many kids? this guy is a billionaire with 15 nigger kids, he's doing more harm to the world than good. Stupid nigger should just poison the water supplies in africa instead
kek listen to yourself. You're ridiculous. This man is investing in his own country and creating jobs. Let me repeat it to you. He has 13 billion dollars. He could buy your whole family and put them to suck his dick every day. I don't get why pigskins like you don't realize that you're nothing. You're nothing, dude. You don't matter.
Samuel Peterson
>You know that your IQ is irrelevant when you're mother's basement. You know this man is worth more to society. You know that this man is better than you. You're trash. You're nothing. After you die you'll be forgotten in 3 years. Your descendants will likely hate you because you were just an average piece of shit, that is if you leave any descendants in this world, but this man? He is worth 13 billion. He reached the highest level. He'll leave a lot of money to his family. He mattered. You didn't. Stop projecting your own failures
Sebastian Bailey
yes, genes can be passed on, that is indeed how it works cumskin
Sebastian Sanchez
>muh dik
Julian Fisher
I am become mother's basement, the omega and also the omega.
Camden Ortiz
kek it's not true and you know it. You have no voice. You have no power. You have no leverage. This man has all of that. He is more important than you in all aspects. He has left a mark in this world. You're just a delusional retard.
Nathan Powell
>>muh dik nice reading comprehesion, retard. I wasn't boasting about dicks. I was talking about purchasing power.
Wyatt Clark
Good for him?
I don't get your endless projection, I'm not upset this guy is successful
Jaxson White
You should stop drinking, you dumb fagget.
Tyler Williams
Looking down at my arms and seeing that they're dark brown in colour would be seriously depressing.
Thomas Martin
It is true that he’ll be remembered for the nigger he was and I won’t be.
Carter Robinson
Ive never heard of him in my entire life and never would have if it were not posted on here, but please tell me how ‘powerful’ he is because he owns a monopoly. Doesn’t change the fact that Africa is majority shitholes.
Charles Howard
wtf I want millions of 60 IQ third worlders in my country now
Owen Collins
But most have never heard of him. And why assume his "mark" was positive? Few earn that kind of money without destroying other people's lives or the planet in the process.
Samuel Green
I bet you have never heard about a lot of people who runs shit behind the scenes, you retard. That doesn't change they're more powerful than you
Logan White
i will be always be superior because I'm white. You and him will always be inferior no matter how much money you have. Just because you put a monkey in a suit doesn't that he's not a monkey anymore.
The existence of this man destroys everything Jow Forums believes in. No matter how much you pretend it doesn't.
Ayden Hughes
This whole thread had been you waving this individual's dik round about and it's incredibly silly. That last post was you coming right out and saying it, adding to your ridiculousness.
Landon Cook
What are averages? What are outliers? What is normal distribution? What is regression to the racial mean?
Ryan Fisher
I really don’t care. You’re powerless too. What difference does it make which Jew is in charge? I despise those like them whoever they are.
Levi Hill
kek no no. You're a plebeian with a superiority complex. You don't get it, kid. This man has power and that's what matter in this world. You call him words but he is the one that can affects things in this world if he so wishes. You fantasies are just that.
People like you are actually sad. You have no self-awareness.
Nathaniel Sanchez
he's still an ugly nigger tho. selling some commodities doesnt make a nigger smart
Camden Diaz
who? is this inverse adhom cogdiss op? pls sued hoko
Jackson Morales
This whole thread has been me talking to some delusional people that say shit like >h-he is worth 13 billion dollars b-but my skin is still white
It's sad really. The existence of this man destroys Jow Forums
Sebastian Ward
>one man has a monopoly on agriculture and resources >lol dude you’re wrong, Africa is a paradise, so what Africans are fleeing en massse for European welfare, dude just forget the starvation, poverty, diseases, genocides, wars and crimes, just.. uhh..
Sebastian Walker
HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA >he can buy my whole family and rape me but at least I'm white
Kevin Cook
a nigger will always be a nigger. You have an inferiority complex nigger and you will never equal to what white man no matter how """successful""" you become at life. 1 white life is worth every nigger in the worlds life
Elijah Mitchell
>one rich African means those defending their heritage, culture and people are wrong >explain how? Lol no dude you’re just wrong Jesus Christ.
Noah Wright
yikes, and you might be a bit off, you really shouldn't be so boastful about your whiteness if you aren't actively trying to save your people from extinction, also bout Jews and East Asians have higher average IQs
Gabriel Adams
he cant dumb nigger. you are projecting
Justin Lee
A successful man will always be a successful man. A delusional pigskin will always be loser without any power. You know this, little man. You're fragile.
Owen Adams
One rich African doesn't mean race is unimportant.
Jaxson Robinson
The society of the future wont value money making ability, but morality and honor. The modern elite will be overthrown in this century.
Jason Barnes
no they don't it's been debunked, if they did then East Asians would be responsible for all innovations created today but no.. the WHITE man is responsible. Asians are soulless work horses and jews cheat their way through society and steal idea. Whites are the best. Stay mad nigger
Austin Ramirez
No its what you believe in, jackass. You obviously need confirmation bias. Because in fact you are the dumbass racist. Havent you learned anything by Kang Kanye? You fagget leftist think you control racism, and you dont and never will. Stop trying to make a difference on racism and see where it gets you. Because all you have in your pee brain to go off of is muh racist nazi. You dumb bitch.
Can you even understand that which you claim you were a part of? Have you created anything yourself. Can you even replicated that which was already created?
Owen Long
can you, nigger?
Oliver Anderson
There are several billionaires in Africa. Roughly 75% of them aren't black/multiracial.
Ryan Bailey
I asked first and I'm not the one claiming other people's achievement.
Carter Reyes
looks like everyone on this thread is projecting average IQ does matter an you can be proud of your people, however just because the average IQ of any people is a certain way doesn't mean everyone is that way (the averages only matter when the subject is about demographics or culture because average =/= all)
Dominic Murphy
>This is the only way to matter in this world. Who says that a human as to "Matter" to anybody?
>What I'm sayin gis an objective fact. For "Mattering" to the world? Maybe (there are plenty of people who have had an influence who were not filthy rich), but again, why do we have to matter? It is only an "objective fact" if your definition of "winning" is making yourself matter.
What if my definition of winning is just having a nice wife, three kids, and a middle class home with financial stability for life? Must I become a billionaire to do this?
I hope you know that the only REAL winning move that is true on a biological level is fucking and having kids. If you don't do that, you have objectively failed as a biological human. You have not carried on the human species.
Josiah Thomas
Still a nigger who will die and lose his entire fortune to offspring subhumans that will never even come close to his potential.
Offspring is what matters, and what good is being the world's smartest cockroach, when in the end you're still just a cockroach.
William Richardson
I'm not mad, and you are a bit foolish, I have the feeling that you are a bit of a brainlet. You are comfortable with claiming the accomplishments of other whites but not willing to understand that those people that change history where by no means average.
Luis Sullivan
I'm an architect and have awards. Also the nigger you picked is pretty unrecognizable like the rest billionaires. I had to google the fucker. Turned out he was born into wealthy Muslim famaly. That' mean the wealt was created litteraly by selling other niggers into slavery. Sad. At least you can pick more respectable nigger out there and not a nigger who just selling commodities . He is not inovatind any industry as well. What about your accomplishments, nigger?
Colton Nguyen
You're not saying anything. You think you are but you aren't. You words don't have any meaning in this context. They're empty.
Chase Bell
user, watch the documentary on the invention of will see how a jew tried to steal the aspirin patent from a white German who ended up having to work under Nazi Germany. This kike attempt to weasel his way in after he went to a luxury concentration camp and once the Nazi lost he thinks he can get the patent to Aspirin. KEK if you are redpilled on JQ you will def love this doc
Wait so you're saying that he comes a lineage of successful people? So you just made my arguments look even better? Thank you!!!!!
Evan Peterson
My words scare you because they summarize what is important in life. Money is no use to a dead man, and without intelligent offspring, 12 billion dollars blows into the wind like dust.
You think your rebuttal dismissed my statement, but all it did was reveal to us that you're terrified of the facts.
Robert Butler
>those people that change history where by no means average. sure thing they weren't niggers or asians as well
Jose Bell
what is 13 billions worth if you have to wake up every morning and look at a niggers face in the mirror. id kill myself
Oliver Stewart
Lol nigger
Nathaniel Moore
answer the question nigger
Isaac Myers
Try to make sense you literal subhumanoid. I can't understand the verbal diarrhea that's being jettisoned from your defiled cum orifice you call a mouth." Perhaps the surplus of nigger phalluses in your intestines has begun to deteriorate your already defunct brain, faggot, giving your insectoid ego an iota of self worth and confidence. But make no mistake; you are an insect, a mere cephalopod if you will and I will not hesitate to extinguish your miserable excuse of an existence if you keep pushing.
Julian Murphy
That's not really the point, but I know eugenics will solve the low average IQ problem. Give it time and Africa will be able to compete.
Jaxson Robinson
the only way to matter in this world is to hoard jewish currency? kek
Carson Stewart
Does he like Trump though? I need to know if he is based or not.