I got blackpilled and now i dont give a fuck about white race anymore, why should i care about a race who rejects me?

i got blackpilled and now i dont give a fuck about white race anymore, why should i care about a race who rejects me?

why should i care about white females being raped by refugees? females dont date me because i am short

Attached: feel.png (645x773, 7K)

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Elliot, my son. You have a choice to make.

Stop this incel spamming. Anyway, you can always do it for your own selfish benefit. How short are you?

broke: caring about people of your race

woke: caring about the good people of your race, as well as just good people in general

5'6, young females are taller than me, i feel like a kid everywhere

what you have inherited, YOU MUST FIRST EARN, before you can own. The greatest procession in this world is your own people.
come home ..brother

Attached: 4.jpg (1200x800, 855K)

Welcome to the truth

Are you a virgin? Also, age.

What's that? 167 cm? Could be worse

I’m 6’2” and I just had sex,100% serious, I am so cool and good looks and I’m also a national socialist. HEIL HITLER

Because deep down you want it to get better, now seriously, locking yourself isn't going to better anything, I undestand your anger but you should attack the reason the people are like this instead of the people.


Stop being a cuck. If you care about your race then go and rape every white woman you find, Manletness be damned. Spread your seed and rebirth the white race

I am 6'3" and I just had sex, twice. Shit was cash. Get on my level, manlet.

yes, 20yo in 5 months
it could be better too

You are only 5'6"
That's not manlet. If you were 5' and skinny your only hope to have anybody treat you as anything better than a nobody would be to become a trap or tranny.
But 5'6" and you are complaining. Cut it out, Elliot.

fuck off OP you're the same incel false flagger as this thread, same Catalonian flag:
what MSM outlet are you sending the screencaps to so you can falsely link Jow Forums with the Toronto attack?

>females dont date me because i am short
im guessing this is the least of your problems.

>That's not manlet
oh yes it fucking is.

aight I hear you user. Am unsuccessful loser but white, guess I'll go hit up bars n shiet and stealth bomb white womenz with muh dick and be traveling hobo so they'll never catch me. Gonna bring our numbers up bros, we gonna be at Chinese levels in a few decades.

Attached: pepe smug life.jpg (640x480, 20K)


Attached: Are you ready_.gif (280x210, 34K)

Godspeed you fuckin legend


5'6 is not manlet.
Grow some confidence there's probably millions out there, ready to breed and shorter than you.
However that being said protecting your race is a stupid concept. Live and love.

I'm 6'3 190lbs 20yo and never have had sex I'm not ugly and people (outside my family) say that i'm good looking. Doesn't bother me that much, but it bothers me enough to blog it to u 2 on this board.

Why does it bother you, it's obviously something you choose?

there really isnt any point defending disloyal white women. Just laugh at them, they are hurting themselves more than they are hurting you.

You're not even white to begin with, you dumb spic.

I literally asked a cashiers number and took her to a movie and then I just fucked her it was so easy I barely even had to speak to her

it's pretty hard for me to feel sorry for them sometimes too especially because they probably voted for it. You have to ask yourself though - do you want to be surrounded by fucking niggers and brown people in the future?

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fuck off shill

>american intelligence


>do you want to be surrounded by fucking niggers and brown people in the future?
Yes, as long as they're BASED BLACKS


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Literally just take the mgtow pill and enjoy the sexual freedom of the modern world while it lasts, it can only go downhill from here.

>implying im not gonna kms in a few years

What movie?

A quiet place


nice fantasy


Lol believe what you want but I’m the most pimpin nazi on the planet. I have no reason to make things up. Enjoying my 20s while they last

Virgin vs. chad

Just find a real short female (up to 5’5 or something) and you’re good.
Unless you’re ugly. Or stupid. Otherwise there should be some short girls. Also you’re only 20 so fuck off you idiot, continue looking for at the very least a few years

Dude, we all know you're a 5'7" skinny fat who saw a cute cashier at the movies yesterday.

>why should i care about white females being raped by refugees

Because they're the daughters of JESUS and are part of God's creation. FUCK OFF, Muslim shill.


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this nigga wildin again

>butthurt spic