We have won the culture war

Kanye did it, the absolute mad cunt.

Kanye is a rap star, and gives absolutely no fucks. His methods are autistic but make
sense to intelligent people. Other will feel more comfortable with Kanye at their back.

Trump and Kanye fucking did it! What a time to be alive.

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Isn't his wife like in the top 10 most followed people on twitter?

I always liked Kanye

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What do you people think is being accomplished? (((Right wing ideas)))?
Trump is in office and Jews still print our money, our boys and girls are dying in Yemen, our borders are open, opioid crisis is still raging.... like holy fuck “conservativism is the new counter culture” is fucking useless

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Trump does not represent Jow Forums's interests.
Shriek now if you must, but you will be forced to recognize this.

do you post this shit from your mom's basement, like literally???

Based blacks gon takeover, democrats are done son!

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Why don’t you address the content of the post. And yes

(((they have given the goyim numbers to make them glassyeyed)))