Jow Forums is an incubator of hate speech. Stop radicalizating our innocent youths before they can even grow up to bravely change their gender in the face of dying, old white culture.
Stop incubating
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Hate speech isn't a real thing. Stop being a pussy ass bitch and realize that Jews are the enemy of mankind.
Why does your neck look like it's covered in large scorpions?
You white samurais are doomed to fail. When I became Japanese I realized that it was my destiny to lead Japan into an era of embracing diversity and multiculturalism. So we can prevent what happened in Toronto from happening there.
shave that fucking cancer off your face then come back and talk to me
low effort but almost funny
lol'd at the brown kid with a gallon of milk
>he thinks this is a joke
Do you even know who I am? Imagine a world where all people are greeted and welcomed equally without regard to their race or background. Imagine a Japan where an outsider is accepted.
Milk is racist.
Educate yourself, ignoramus.
god the armies of those progbot feminazi cunts infesting the mas media promoting mass degeneracy and mass immigration from mudworld makes my zimmyzammers really zoomy zammy
Check yourself into therapy, racist. Stop loitering on an incubator of hate.
Ok now make this larp atleast funny and entertain us, why would a Japan that accepts sub-humans who have nothing to do with Japan and will go there only to get free shit be a better Japan than the one we have now?
Hell is for ever!
White liberal here. Been lurking for over a year and still white and liberal
stop being a tremendous faggot
Sorry, but you are being part of the problem.
Go rig another election.
Have you tried plugging in your incubator? You have to have power to incubate your hate eggs into hate chickens so you can harvest them and eat Kentucky fried hate chicken.
How do you like your hate egg cooked, sir?
>cuck speech
but there's no such thing as hate speech
Yes there is and you know it. Don't be daft.
>Jow Forums is an incubator of hate speech
>Stop radicalizating our innocent youths
No it's funny.
Also a white liberal here. For any other white liberals lurking, the key to not getting radicalized here is to spend twice as much time at WaPo, NYT, and The Guardian as you do here. As long as I choke down two blue pills for every red pill I remain a decent human being.
Here's a tip, instead of all the hassle with the two blue pills just use one big blue suppository.