You have established yourself as a sovereign citizen right? I mean you don't want to be some cuck subject to laws and shit?
Sovereign Citizen
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I fucking love sovereign citizens.
I wish I was a judge so I could explain to them tenderly that the law doesn't require consent to be enforced and that they have to obey it because if they don't rough men will do violence on them, not because laws should just be obeyed for their own sake because they're laws.
Alas I am a humble paralegal.
If only I could bypass the laws
Unfortunately it is just a ticket to be abused by police, since you technically revoke citizenship from all countries
I know a DA who has to prosecute them all the time. It's pretty much a guaranteed guilty verdict
Please tell me either of you have fun stories.
I think the best way I ever heard it explained was that sovereign citizens are so ignorant of the law that it appears to them like magic, and if they just say the magic phrase it will have some magic effect which means the law no longer applies.
That's partially "our" fault for the legal system being such an incomprehensible mess (even when parts of it are actually pretty simple), but you can only do so much to help retards.
No personal ones but I can link you some funny judgements I read online from sovereign citizen cases.
I'm debating if this picture is worth putting in my bumper stickers folder or not...
I swear, sovereign citizens are just like commies. Their ridiculous ideas are tried and tried again, and when they inevitably fail the others dismiss it as "well, he just wasn't doing sovereign citizenship right, but my particular brand of sovereign citizenship will totally work this time!"
If you don't save it now you'll never be able to find it again.
As an Article Four Free Inhabitant Pursuant to the Articles of Confederation you have no right to save my picture.
>cops are getting sovereign citizen training courses now
Your tax dollars.
Well thank God for that
Don't worry mate I got permission!
Actually I only just noticed this but aren't you supposed to have a license plate?
Only if you are a corporation.
>because if they don't rough men will do violence on them
You're a gay fucking faggot. And a shill like nearly everyone at this place. Kill yourself now.
My favorite argument made by sovereign citizens and conspiracy theorists is that US courts are admiralty courts because of the flag.
Here's the reality: all US federal district courts have jurisdiction over admiralty cases according to 28 USC § 1333. Logically, that would give them an excuse to have that gold trimmed flag or whatever. That doesn't make them not also have jurisdiction over regular cases of federal law.
>unable to recognise an Orwell quote
the general idea is sound but you have been sucked into a fed honeypot
the "sovereign citizen" group is controlled opposition meant to muddy the waters in regards to freemen on the land, common law vs statutes and acts and the perception of contract law between a flesh and blood human being (not person) and government
all videos showing cops walking eggshells and letting people operate a vehicle without a license (not DRIVE which requires a license and contract) are gone from (((youtube))), all you will find for the most part is videos of people that dont know what they're doing getting BTFO because they screwed up and fell into dishonour, enabling jurisdiction
the reason we're getting filled up with third world masses in the west is because first world western populations were starting to catch on to this in early 00s, and that would have led to a significant decrease in perceived and realised government power
inb4 some statist comes in gloating that all you will find is retards getting BTFO
wars have been fought over sovereignty
at any given time the majority are slothful myopic retards
keep pushing
Ever notice how you never see a sovereign citizen who is actually a lawyer?
>Alas I am a humble paralegal.
You misspelled "faggot shill." What you actually are .
Thought that said triplecucks for a second there.
Why would a free man become an agent of the government?
have a rare straya brother
I was disappointed
>not having a folder for everything
This is the dumbest shit ever. Do you think that because you declare yourself a sovereign citizen that you don't have to follow the laws of the country you're in? By that logic, every spic border hopper that kills and rapes girls shouldn't be arrested.
Sovereign citizen videos on jewtube are my porno, when they yell "I do not consent" I blow my nut.
>at my shitty government job
>open an email from the County Sheriff's Office regarding a sovereign citizen (along with his most recent mugshot)
>dude didn't pay his property tax bill so he got evicted
>email says to be on the lookout for him because he's made threats
>get a call from the receptionist saying there's a man in the lobby acting strange
>it's the guy from the email
>ask if I can help him (old lady receptionist is afraid of him)
>dude starts calling me a nazi
>I tell him if he doesn't have legitimate business he'll have to leave, as he's scaring other citizens
>he drops trou and starts shaking hands with the bishop
>I hit the panic button that calls the bailiffs in the courthouse across the street
>he squats onto the tile and drops a turd the size of a king snake
>he's groaning like he's ready to cum
>deputy who looks like he's sixteen comes running into lobby, sees what's happening, and nopes the fuck out
>bulldyke deputy comes in, demands to see his hands, then tazes him
>he's seizing in the middle of his own shit
>he gets carted off in an ambulance to the regional nuthouse
>our office lobby is a shit smeared crime scene for the rest of the day
>the sad truth is he wasn't even in the top ten of the nutjobs I had to deal with at that job
>I axed the lady...
Btw you can’t be a sovereign and a citizen, that’s the first thing wrong with OP
Hrm... A quick glance at 4 USC § 3 suggests that the law only applies within the District of Columbia. It also does not mention gold fringe explicitly.
Well I mean, neither am I. But laws are written in plain English.
The bizarre thing is if you read the original articles a sovereign citizen is nothing special it just says that a citizen of one state can not be treated any different than a states citizen as they travel or work in another state. The exceptions are if you are a wanted criminal, black (do they have their freedman papers on them) Homeless or on Any State assistance then a state can restrict your travel and business
"I'm a free inhabitant that means I get all the rights of being a US citizen without having to obey any of the laws"
We have rights in our country.
Literally just yesterday I saw a police car pulled over a private vehicle. No license plate on the pulled over car.
Maybe that would be a good way to exit a vehicle where you're over your head in debt to the car. The car is 'impounded' which is a fancy word for stolen, just tell your bank you were car-jacked and armed men stole your car, which is the truth. Never go back for the car.
Do those rights extend to non-citizens? For instance say I was on holiday in Good Ol' Murika and punched some cunt would I still get to enjoy the 6th Amendment?
How does this person even make it to their destination without getting pulled over?
Generally, yes. Including the second amendment, although that varies from state to state. You can't buy a new gun, but I could hand you one of mine if we were going hunting, or target shooting.
They don't. First time they try it the police pull them over and impound the car. Only way it "might", and I say "might" work, is if you make sure the car is worth less than the impound fee.
Lol for example, in Western states, destitute people live in campers so flee-bitten and horrible, no tow company is even willing to impound them (because the owners never show up to collect the camper, and the campers are dangerously toxic hazards full of bugs and tanks full of human excrement lol.)
you know that's basically Stalinism in a nutshell right?
>sovereign citizen
>on the cities streets
All that text would only get the cops attention quicker.
But at the same time I'm also required to obey Australia's law which take precedent over where I'm visiting. For instance I can't have sex with someone under the age of consent in Australia or do drugs. At least as far as I understand.
Because it is he technically correct. You do not need a license to drive a POV so long as you don't fuck up, speed, run a red light etc. If you do, you'll get all the other charges thrown in as well.
And you can dissolve your corporate status by filling a dissolution of corporation form. This exempts from paying taxes ( not sales taxes obviously) just federal. You also can t get any sort of aid after that either. FS unemployment, fed grants etc. And of course if you break a law, you go to jail. IDK where these idgits get their ideas from.
T. Guy who has never filed taxes (i'm 40)
But those roadblock vids are legit. You don't have to provide shit or do shit at a roadblock. Unless
you are drunk, or the person they are looking for.
>For instance I can't have sex with someone under the age of consent in Australia or do drugs. At least as far as I understand.
Well if you were a native you could.
There is a chapter about sovereign citizens in the book “patriots” by he Rawles.
They get pulled over in a traffic stop due to odd plates and he rattles on about neither of them are driving the vehicle that they are merely in it and that the other guy is a passenger or some weirdly worded crap. This means that they don’t need a license and the whole shebang. There is a bit in great detail about the crap he spins off about how he doesn’t need to have papers to be a gun trader because “3pages of legalese”. Eventually the cop gets annoyed and draws in them. I think they end up shooting back and then spend the rest of the chapter changing their identities for 6 years until the collapse of society that the book was about.
northern territory has some interesting laws and relationships between government vs the inhabitants ;)
>You have established yourself as a sovereign citizen right?
every single American citizen was established as one in 1789 when the constitution was ratified
>I am not driving, I am traveling
It's brilliant!
How does one become this delusional?
I don't know enough about you to answer that question my friend. How do you think you became delusional?
My Paralegal nigger
>Ever notice how you never see a sovereign citizen who is actually a lawyer?
Lawyers are officers of the court.
>Ever notice how you never see a civilian who is actually a military officer?
You sign up, you play by their rules.
It's not about precedent, but jurisdiction.
>Btw you can’t be a sovereign and a citizen, that’s the first thing wrong with OP
That's why:
>the "sovereign citizen" group is controlled opposition meant to muddy the waters in regards to freemen on the land
You don't have to be an American citizen or foreign citizen to live in America, this is precisely why Feds have so much trouble deporting "illegals".
The concept of "sovereign citizen" is a contradiction in terms, obviously. But anyone can come to America and be a free man on the land.
But if you start signing up for government programs or break the law and shit, then government will fuck you regardless of your status.
You seem to be confusing the practical enforcability of a law with its legal validity. If you don't get caught doing a crime, that doesn't mean that it is not a criminal offence. Bamboozling a stupid beat copper with nonsensical non-legalese does not mean you have 'won'.
The rest of your post is just ranting and racing.
Now, this is mostly practiced by retards who think it is magic. However, the roots of the matter are based in civil disobedience against unconstitutional laws by people who were aware their actions came with great risk of imprisonment.
But, we are in an almost entirely post-constitutional USA now, so it is mostly a laughingstock.
The founders of the movement were protestors, not silly children who thought they could do whatever they want.
>"I'm a free inhabitant that means I get all the rights of being a US citizen without having to obey any of the laws"
>Do those rights extend to non-citizens?
Yes, everyone has natural rights, and the American constitution mostly prevents the government from infringing on those rights, whether you are a US citizen or Australian citizen or stateless.
Human beings have rights whether they are citizens or not. But citizens have certain special privileges like Social Security, Unemployment Insurance etc.
But whoever you are, if you break the law in a jurisdiction the gov will come after you.
Also, if president thinks you are a threat to national security he can ban you from entry.
Well of course but as a visitor to the US I'm still required to obey your laws. Even if I didn't have to I still would because I'm a guest in your nation and I'm not a piece of shit.
>he cant accept that there is no legitimate government without consent
cope more
Tell me more about your degeneracy folder user
Its actually empty because I ended up memorising where all the pics are in my main Jow Forums folder and I don't want to mess them up by moving them around.
I know that feeling kek
I'm a law librarian.
Lawyers, law professor, judges and even attorney generals fear me.
They know you don't cross the librarian.
You seem to be forgetting that they don't need your consent. You don't get to personally opt in or out when you feel like it. The state's legitimacy is based on the perceptible consent of the majority of society, not on what you as an individual think about it.
All of that is just niceties anyway. The state has a monopoly on power and imposes it on you whether you like it or not. Democratic legitimacy is a myth and you will bend over and get fucked like everyone else. That's what sovereign citizens fail to understand.
No, sorry. Ive been pulled over before without breaking a law, nothing happened. Just showed my id not a license. I guess legally I didn't have to do that much. But ya know what? If you aren't an uppity dick, cops are usually cool. And, no. I don't pay taxes, period. I keep all my money. There is zero law that states of you dont pay you go to jail. Where people get fucked up is when you file, you are actually signing a contract. People go to jail for breech of contract. And only your corporate self can be taxed anyway. Some of the stuff is very real. I wish more people knew about it.
But, I do have a license plate as I drive on the roads and registration goes towards road maintanence. And I buy loto tickets every month because that goes to schools. Sales tax is impossible to avoid, but I am a vet so I try to get as much stuff as I can where a veteran discount is applied, effectively eliminating the tax for me. Can't all the time. Everything else I said I'd also legit. Sorry bong, we actually do have freedoms here. We also have a lot of good goys too tunfortunately
So what does an average day at your job entail?
And breathing too, thanks to Obongo and the NDAA
I don't think you understand how contracts work, or the difference between civil and criminal law, or how to breathe for that matter.
>we own that name
why does retardation like this only exist in muttland ? does all the mongrelization just fuck people's brains ?
Researching Westlaw & lexis.
Real work only takes about 2 hours a day.
The rest of the time I watch YouTube videos and read Jow Forums.
I don't think you understand how country and constitution works bong. I give a shit if you believe me. I'm not saying I'm above the law, or screaming i don't consent. I'm saying there actually are ways to not have to deal with federal bullshit. Ways that understandably so are not common knowledge.
1. You don't have to pay federal taxes, there is no law that states you do. Go on, find one.
2. You do not have to provide any information or documentation at road blocks
3. You do not have to get a license, for a PIC
4.You can dissolve your corporate self. This does not eliminate your requirement to follow current laws, but it does eliminate the federal government
Being able to make money off of you.
5. If you do that, it does cut you off from any and all federal aid.
Those points are true, whether you want to accept them or not. And since you are not even American, I see no reason why you give a damn.
>That's what sovereign citizens fail to understand.
They understand it fine, it's just wrong.
That's every organized state since Egypt you dumb nigger
It really is terrible what they do to places they infest. I use my strawman to buy shit all the time and now watch there'll be some retards who come in and say "nu uh you're a liar haha let's laugh at the liar"
Fucking shills I swear to god we are going to hang you all for what you do.
I refuse to believe a sovereign citizen is self-aware enough to be posting on Jow Forums. Quit larping, son.
DOTR shill fuck. D.O.T.R.
Do you really believe that the founding fathers thought you should be able to exempt yourself from taxes by "dissolving yourself as a corporation" or any of that bullshit? I mean, how the fuck do you get there?
Literally nobody did that. We have adequate records for court cases going back well prior to the founding of the country. Despite battles political and military fought over the issue, a Constitutional amendment, and all other sorts of hullabaloo, there's absolutely no precedent for an individual exempting themselves from taxes just by waving around some mumbo-jumbo legalese.
You have to have a driver's license. You have to pay taxes. You have to obey the laws of the state and locality you're in. That's HOW LAW WORKS. How stupid can you possibly be to think it is, or even should be, any other way?
How stupid of a world is it if we the people can't make a law in our own territory that people actually have to listen to?
>sovereign citizens
Meh. Ever since a couple of them murdered policemen, you are in very big trouble with cops if you drop the key words.
"I'm a souvereign citizen."
"I don't have to identify myself."
"I am not driving, I am travelling."
If you spew this bullshit, they will have a twitchier trigger finger than with a nigger. Because those retards are dangerous.
You will also not get a ticket and just be on your way, you will be held up until a police superviser arrives. He will decide what to do. If you still fail to identify yourself, cops will most likely break the windows of your car, pull you out, place you under arrest and transport you to jail.
Long story short: The souvereign citizens ceased to exist with the signing of the constitution.
Cars have VIN numbers, dummy. All of that information can be crosschecked. Without plates, the impound lot would enter the VIN into the relevant data fields, and that would pop up on any searches that an insurance company would conduct when looking into a stolen report.
Btw. we have a similar bullshit going on in this country, too. They are called "Reichsbürger", or citizens of the Reich. The theory behind this is that Adolf's Third Reich was never officially dissolved, so it never ceased to exist. It may not have a currency or official functionaries of the state any more, but here's where Reichsbürger jump in: They elect themselves to be kings, counts, sheriffs, whatever, and they print their own passports.
Now a couple of them have got into serious trouble with the police, and there was even one shootout with the police. That's why there is an initiative (which may already have been carried out, I'm not sure) to go and collect all the legaly obtained guns from these people. And of course, you can't even get a .22 plinker for sports if you are a Reichsbürger anymore.
Day of the fucking rope.
All right, I know for present day Anglos that probably sounds delicious. So here's a lesson about how our languages are related and how you'll find the same word in your names.
Bürger comes from Burg, which means fortress. (Like city -> citizen.) Americans have place names ending in -burg, like Kecksburg, Vicksburg, Pittsburg. In England, that would be -borough or -burgh, like Edinburgh, Hillsborough etc.
Burg again comes from "bergen", to keep safe. That's even in French, where "berger" is the shepherd who keeps the sheep safe.
I don't want to be a smart aleck, but I'm a scientist and I believe in passing on knowledge.
>sovereign citizen
>squatting on a sovereign country's territory
Literally filthy free loading squatters.
>The theory behind this is that Adolf's Third Reich was never officially dissolved
that's not a theory, it's a fact. The Third Reich capitulated via the signature of a Wehrmacht High Command member, not the designated Chancellor of the state, therefor the peace treaty had no legal binding. Moreover, the occupation forces (US, UK, France and the USSR) drafted new constitutions and over-imposed them on the existing German constitution, without nullifying the later. Formally, the Reich still exists to this day and the entire German constitution is technically non-binding to the citizens.
>tfw you think it's normal to still have a constitution that has been drafted by foreigners decades ago, not your own kin
We thoroughly worked through the constitution that was imposed on us in school, and I can say they've done a pretty good job. It only had to be amended a couple of times.
Anyway, I know that legally you could argue with the Reichsbürger and be completely legally justtified. However the status quo differs, and you will not find a single judge or policeman who believes there still is a Third Reich. And as they are the ones who arrest and convict you, that's the truth that counts.
Last time we had a Reich, Göring totally failed maintaining air superority and we had Anglos dropping bombs on our once beautiful towns on a daily basis. Nobody wants that back.
>However the status quo differs
That's the irony in all of this, to be completely honest with ya - the current status quo is hellbent on shoving down on your throat every single legal aspect of your existence and the environment that surrounds you, yet it turns a blind eye to the same law that they so much put on a pedestal. Sure, there might not be a Third Reich anymore, but the current Federal Republic has the same legal binding status as a Somali shithole, no offense.
>we had Anglos dropping bombs on our once beautiful towns on a daily basis
There's the real problem, not Goring. Hitler never wanted a war with the West and he made every single attempt at coming up with a peaceful resolution with the brits. Sure, you can blame the man for ignorance, but that blame usually reverts itself when you know the reason behind it all. Communism was the main enemy in that war, not the West.
The new German federal state may be built on a weak legal foundation, but it's the new laws that are enforced, and you can count on that.
It's the same as with the souvereign citizens of America: There is no such thing anymore as they now are United States citizens, with all the privileges and obligations.
For fun, I even watched some US court sessions with souvereign citizens. The judge argued that Florida law applies to every person in Florida. And said they had precendents as the superiour court had already decided the law also applies to German and Italian tourists when they travel through Florida.
In the end, it's just a matter of who is stronger: An entire country's legal system, or the convictoin of a single souvereign citizen.