How do we fix Orthodox countries , pol?

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Overthrow the corrupt politicians and replace them with true patriots who know how to do their job properly


>rejecting "progress"
>needs to be fixed


what am i reading?
is this article going to tell me it Orthodox Christians are stuck because of religious reasons, and not communism?
is this real?

Talked to plenty of religious people here who are socialist/socialist leaning, it actually seems plausible. They're not talking about progress as in multiculturalism and degeneracy, just capitalism.


People lost faith when priests told confessional secrets to secret police. The opposite happened in Poland where priests were killed left and right for refusing to work with the commies. There needs to be a reform, but not in the way the 'West' wants. Both Churches need another ecumenical council to bring us closer.

Freaking papist's shit decides who must be fixed. Top kek.
Although I don't care which jewish god's worshipping in more true, but your jewish authority was to arrogant back in a day,and with his pride and arrogance made schism with pentarchy. So obviously the fault is on your side, go and remove kebabs from Cobstantinople and give it back to greeks, then we'll see if we can forgive your pope.

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